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Everything posted by flywlyx

  1. Could you specified your question? If it is your 1st time with GN MOD, I would suggest you start with GN drive, instal 1 on a small craft. Then you launch the vessel, right click the drive and press activate. Then it should start generate thrust. Change your throttle, and feed back any problem you have.
  2. Don't forget "ModuleSurfaceFX" It create the ashes blow up by the engine.
  3. Not at all, I am very happy that someone want to help me improve my MOD Your description feels more like a beta drive to me. I will try to work something out after I finish the shield, thank you for your suggestion!
  4. You can do what ever you want! I think this is the awesomeness of KSP Just a little hint, since KSP ModuleEngine/ModuleEngineFX doesn't provide any torque during the rotary, we could consider they are using a NOTAR system to counter the torque, which make the " ModuleReactionWheel" quite reasonable. Also, you can add gimbal at the same time, they could be considered as the hinge on the rotor. Wish you best luck.
  5. I got a Shield in 1.05, just waiting for BDA update and check if it will keep working
  6. Feels like The Sims. This is really a cool idea!
  7. MJ has spaceplane autopilot. Do I make a mistake?
  8. Looks like you are not the 1st one Check this Edited: Also this Simple search the forum, it happens a lot after 1.0, not your problem at all.
  9. Awesome, we finally can deal with those submarines!
  10. You can find some VTOL support MOD like "Throttle Controlled Avionics", "Vertical Velocity control" and "Landing Aid". Check this Thread for more details.
  11. I have the MOD at home "maybe", where you would prefer the deliver? Dropbox?
  12. I think KOS is the one your are looking for?
  13. Are you looking for a simple docking solution? Or you want to remove the momentum entirely? If only for docking or orbit manipulate, HyperEdit is a good solution. If you want to achieve the second option, you need to manipulate your vessel's velocity directly. It is not recommended to do so in KSP. You can check how "Alcubierre Warp Drive" works for more details.
  14. You should consider add "Kerbal Mechanics" into this idea. I cant wait to see it
  15. How boring the physic is really depends on how less you know about it.
  16. That which does not break us makes us stronger It Never Hurts to Try.
  17. So, I still have to consider the negative mass if I want to have a "mass-modifier"? Or I could play with the part.resourceMass at the same time?
  18. Since we cant get the force applied on the vessel, we are always one frame late(at least). This might not be a big issue. But the worse one is, all the mass indicators are going to indicate the "true" mass of your ship. And none of the MJ staff will work. This sounds really weirdd to me. Sounds like official "solution" to Mass effect drive http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/133285-devnote-tuesday-super-tuesday/ Something related here.
  19. I change the part.mass and rigidbody.mass at the same time, but cant eliminate the resources mass, so I think it is updated every fix update. I will update it every frame, so it will be safe in some way. Not really, since I have change all the part.mass and rigidbody.mass, I am looking for a way to get the original mass of the part. I try to avoid this situation, so I put them on rail and fly faster than light. I trying to make a fix for the problem the heavy boats take off during the load, obviously, this is a failure. What I am trying to make is a equipment called "mass effect drive", so I have to mass up parts' masses. Until now, most of the function works as I expected, unity physics looks pretty tolerate to small amount changes on mass, but there are 2 problems really hard to solve. 1, resource mass cant be removed, this is why I come up with a negative mass idea and wonder if it can be fix this way. 2, get the part original mass the return it back to part," protoPartSnapshot" would be my solution, but I don't really know how to use it.
  20. Trying to make a plugin to modify the part mass. Find out that there are 2 mass we can play with. part.mass VS rigidbody.mass. Which one is consider as the "main" diameter when KSP doing physical calculation? Is it possible we make a part negative mass and plus the resource mass, it will come to positive mass? What is the best way when I want to return its mass? What would happen if I set a part zero mass and doesn't turn off PhysicsSignificance? I try to reduce a part mass when it is floating on the sea, it fly to the sky as soon as I press the button, what is the best way to do this?
  21. I just do several test, the lower buoyancy I set, better result I get. It feels like they apply buoyancy before they apply anything else on to the boat. When I go 0.00001, it stop jumping and sink down all the way, I will try an add-on counter most of its gravity today, hope it will work. Thank you for your replies, it makes me feel warm inside when somebody answer my hallucination questions so seriously.
  22. I make a single boat part weight around 20000t, it can float on the water normally. But if I try to reload it, it will explode everything around it and jump out of space immediately, is there anyway to stop this happen? Or at least how it is happen...
  23. Want to make a rover with wheels, is it possible I can have a chassis with wheels, is it possible?
  24. This is a cannon turret I made for 1.0. and when I try to use them this version, they can rotate/aim correctly, but can't fire. The debug is filled with Null Reference Exception. Do you have an idea what is happening? And I am try to make a MBT turret with a Gatling on it, do you think I can achieve that? Thanks for your reply.
  25. Just notice the Hierarchy may be changed. How to fix this?
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