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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Heat Death gives me the Hebbjeebees.... I much prefer the Big Crunch. Therefore, no more clicks.
  2. No, I unsubbed from him yesterday, and it popped up on my feed after posting this. It was literally a passing thought to build a single piston pogo stick.
  3. I want to build a Diesel powered pogo stick. BANG boiiiing BANG boiiiiing
  4. You know..... back in the day, I was happy when KSP played at less than 2 spf. Yeah... spf. 35 minutes to load the game, took me 4 years to realize the clock did have a green setting. Gargamel Remembers. So if you get the game to load at all, be happy.
  5. Why would you need to have a pattern of higher thrust and lower thrust for long periods of time? If your ship needs to be somewhere right now, then you run high acceleration the whole time, and the crew just deals with it. But why run it on a schedule? Unless I'm missing something completely fundamental in the math here, why not just run slightly increased thrust for the entire time? 2g for 8hrs a day is the same as 1 1/3 g for 24 hours, no? A healthy crew would just get a workout at the slightly increased g's. Secondly, why only 8 hours? You either have an autonomous ship that doesn't require crew, or you require a constant watch. With an autonomous ship, you could run at high thrust for 20 some hours a day, with regular breaks for the crew to arise for human needs. Otherwise they are in their racks the rest of the time. If you need a constant watch.... why do people think it's ok to disrespect third shift?! We're people too ya know! Within the Solar system, the time gained for just about any distance journey is pretty much negligible in practical terms. 6 weeks to someplace? OK, why does it matter then if you arrive a week earlier. It really doesn't, and as mentioned, if it does, then the crew just deals with it. But for interstellar travel you say! I say it would not have nearly the impact you think it would. Turns out... we have this speed limit, in terms of both literal speed and energy required. At 1g constant acceleration, it takes a ship roughly a year to accelerate to the speed of light. You then flip over and take another year to return to... whatever normal is. So the rule of thumb, for constant 1g acceleration, is that to travel a distance of X light years, it requires X+1 years to do it, when observed from the Earth. From the ship's point of view, the entire trip takes even less time. You would approach the speed of light within a short time frame at 1g, but for the next however long you are near the speed of light, you'd want to maintain that 1g acceleration to keep stuff from floating around inside the ship, but due to Mr Einstein et al, you really wouldn't gain any speed. Basically this would be the cruise phase. Because you'd reach this cruise phase relatively quickly in the scheme of things, there's no reason to do pulsed acceleration as you describe. So, for really short distances, Earth to the Moon, or even Earth to Mars let's say, there's no benefit, as the tiny amount of time saved would really not have practical benefit. For interstellar distances, there would be no noticeable time gained, and just a whole lot of fuel wasted. For longer interplanetary distances, the amount of time saved might be appreciable, but at what cost to the crew? So honestly, short of tactical situations, there isn't a real reason to accelerate faster than 1g.
  6. As the version being asked about, MJ1, has not been relevant for the better part of a decade, this thread can fall back to the depths where it came from.
  7. Kennedy would never have approved Orion. Mercury had just finished when he was assassinated. Anything beyond the moon was off the table till we landed there. The tech nor the procedures weren't even available at the time, in comparison to Orion, Apollo was practically flinging men into space in ships held together with duct tape and hot glue. If the time came that Orion was a feasible project, and that's a huge if given the massive cost of Apollo (2.5% of the US GDP vs 0.4% for the Manhattan project for scale of these wartime projects), the nuclear test ban treaty was in place. Enacting Orion would be a violation of this treaty, and it would not have been a viable option to withdraw from or revise the treaty until the 1990's. So no matter the scenario you envision, there is zero chance (not even a non-zero chance) that Kennedy would have been even able to green light Orion even if he had wanted to.
  8. There's no solid metric for it, but since there have been semi recent posts in each sub forum in each section, they're not dead. It was discussed many moons ago, but it was decreed from above they want the DLC's to have their own section. Given the current outlook for the franchise, there has been more talk of how to smoothly expand the forums rather than downsize. That includes perhaps expanding some of the sub forums for KSP1, along with the general roadmap for the KSP2 sections. And to answer your next question before you ask, the KSP2 sections will most likely resemble the KSP1 sections, but that's still to be determined.
  9. Very Often, it's usually more than a few a day. That's why new members are required to have their first 5 posts approved. We have other methods of detecting them too, but we don't talk about that in public, lest we tip them off to them.
  10. My unofficial recommendation would be to get permission from anybody that you want to publish their real names. While doxing is a concern, there is also branding. It’s called Galileo’s Planet Pack and not John Doe’s Planet Pack for a reason. They might prefer to stay with a certain pseudonym.
  11. Gargamel


    I read the series by Asimov 15, 20? years ago, and remember enjoying it then, even if it seemed like a tedious drag at times. I remember some people talking in some sort of library over and over, and some space battles, maybe. Beyond that I don't recall a thing, other than the general premise of an empire falling and rebuilding. So I don't come into this with any expectations tied to a book that is obviously hard to adapt to the screen. The casting seems great. I love Jared Harris in just about everything he's done, and Lee Pace plays characters that are really nice guys you love to hate, but does them well. So far though, 2 episodes in, the plot seems to jump around a bit, be rushed at times, and overly dragged out others. But overall the story seems ok. It's good enough that I'm looking forward to the next episode.
  12. Sorry to hear that @The Primordial Wanderer. I've split your stream related posts into their own thread, as they weren't really applicable for the thread they were in. Perhaps with this new thread you might get more viewers next time.
  13. Sadly... the following statement is actually on topic. Topologically we're just walking donuts. We then place actual donuts on our surfaces and just absorb them. Weird.
  14. One hour. Go. Last one to click wins a like.
  15. As one of the leaders that took us off topic... here's a gentle nudge back onto the point of the thread.
  16. Since Potassium is half of the Sodium/Potassium Pump that enables your muscles to work, eating enough K to attempt to get radiation poisoning would cause heart failure long before you reach that point. Hence why high dose Intravenous injections of Potassium used to be one of the main drugs used in lethal injections. Lower doses are still used for therapeutic cardiac treatments. So yes, K poisoning is a thing.... just not in the awesome gain super powers while doing it kind of way.
  17. Well, everything aside from the launch path is done using manuever nodes, it just makes it easier.
  18. We'll nip this argument in the bud right now. We're not getting into this discussion again. It's a single player game, there is no such thing as cheating. So let's consider that aspect of the discussion closed. Now, taking off the moderator hat and putting the player hat back on. But I do myself use MJ quite extensively, but because I have done everything by hand. When I manually go to minmus, I try to launch into the same plane as the moon, and then once reaching orbit, I'll adjust the plane again, cause getting that ascent path correct flying by hand is tough, but it saves a lot of dV heading in the right direction to start with. I'll then Hohmann over to Minmus, and make smaller adjustments on the way.
  19. The Benny Hill theme should have been playing in the background during the Battle of Jutland. Would have been a bit better if you have posted that 242 days, 23 hours, 36 minutes and 39 seconds sooner.
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