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Everything posted by Proply

  1. Its a bug, you can mitigate it by immediately hitting space after your kerbal exits the craft to have them let go of the integrated pod ladder, which prevents them from transferring offset phantom thrust onto the side of the lander
  2. Have played 1000's of hours of KSP1, and wanted to share my experience of trying to get to the Mun for the first time in KSP2. Seems like there is a lot of thread spam at the moment so just gonna put it here. First attempt was an apollo-style Mun mission, except I overbuilt the rocket and didn't have to drop the second stage until in low Mun orbit. However, after decoupling the lander the SAS did the opposite of what it should (increased spin instead of decrease), resulting in an uncontrollable tumble. Attempts to fix this manually with SAS off were unsuccessful as pressing W or A to pitch when in the chase camera results in the camera moving round by 90 degrees, making control impossible (nowhere in the controls do I see why W/A would control the camera...). I did eventually manage to dock to the transfer stage after time warping to cancel the spin, but now the ships explode every time I try to undock (or at least that is what the pop-up says, in the space tracker the ship is still there but the docking ports are now disabled). Oh well, is early access, so I will try again... Next attempt I docked in LKO, then transferred to Mun. However, the KSC then made an unwelcome appearance in space and I ended up colliding with it and destroying the ship. Space-KSC persisted through save/load, so I gave up and tried again... Final time, maneuver nodes just gave up. I could still make them, but the projected flight path was not shown. Eyeballed it and got all the way to the Mun only to discover that the entire fuel tank of my lander was drained during launch despite having a decoupler (with fuel transfer disabled according to the VAB) between the lander and the main rocket. Additionally, while undocking the lander did not destroy my craft, it did add several hundred m/s in delta V to it and it is now on the way into deep space. At this point I gave up in disgust. I may try a direct ascent Mun mission later if I can work up the enthusiasm for it, but the number of bugs are just overwhelming, very much more frustrating than fun.
  3. Hi all, I am having a problem where throttle control is not being returned to the user after the program has ended. It stays stuck at 0 no matter what I try (shift, ctrl, z, x, "unlock throttle."). Any idea what I might be doing wrong or how to force kOS to return throttle control to the user?
  4. Ah never mind, just had one leak now so I guess I just had a long run of luck . Sorry to bother you!
  5. Are resource tanks still support to fail (leak)? They were failing last week for me, but after updating it does not seem to happen any more (option is on in difficulty settings).
  6. Ah, so it is not just me. Seems that all of the cryogenic engine shrouds appear just fine in the editor, but disappear on the launch pad.
  7. As the title suggests, I am wondering which KSP mods are known to have a significant impact on performance. I ask because I have a large number of mods installed, and they are causing a clear reduction in performance in the tracking station and on vessels with a large number of parts (eg: 20 FPS vs 150 for the same craft in a stock install). Through systematic removal of several mods at a time I was able to track down that Audio Muffler Redux was causing serious issues (half of the observed frame rate drop vs. no mods), but there are clearly other CPU hogs in the mix too, and I am having a harder time tracking those down (as they may only happen when relevant parts are on a vessel, for example). I would also be interested in hearing if there are any tools/methods for identifying processes/mods causing significant increases to the update delta.
  8. I can't get the 2.5 m basic port to join, and reading back through this thread I see several people with the same issue and no mention from anyone confirming that they do work. Has anyone managed to dock using the up-scaled parts?
  9. Just posting to say that I am also having this issue with the delta wing colliding with launch pad so it seems to have made it into 1.0.2. In may case it has happened to the same craft while coming in to land on the T2 runway. On approach and slowing down nearly at touchdown then BANG right wing gone and crash - F3 says it hit launch pad. Reload and try landing from the opposite direction, same thing happens except this time I'm still a couple km from the runway and both left and right delta wings are destroyed by a "collision with the launch pad". Going to try a few more times then will post the save file here if it is consistently happening. - - - Updated - - - Ok thats 3 from 3 - this time while 15km above the runway passing over it!!! Can someone else try out this save file and see if it happens to them too please. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2umfj22lazs85ht/quicksave.sfs?dl=0 The ship is called "Orbital Taxi 1", its in a ~72k orbit with both intakes switched off and both turbojets and the 45 turned on. I find a deorbital burn to a periapsis of 20km over the peninsula to the east of the KSC gets it down in the right area, but it has plenty of liquid fuel left if you are a bit off. I have a few mods installed, but all stock parts on the spaceplane. For the record these mods are: AntennaRange Collision FX CrowdSourcedScience EditorExtensions KerbalEngineer KerbalJointReinforcement PlanetShine PrecisseNode Kerbal Alarm Clock I may try with these uninstalled when I get the time.
  10. Hey RoverDude, I have just found out that having additional scientists on the same ship as an MPL (that already has two scientists manning it) further increase the data->science conversion rate. Is this intentional? Should be able to reproduce it easily, in case it matters I only noticed it when I docked a ship containing two replacement scientists (lvl 1 and lvl 2) to the MPL containing station. When I EVA one of the non-MPL scientists the MPL conversion rate drops (proving that it is the extra scientists causing this).
  11. Hi, does the body the lab is orbiting have an effect on the data to science conversion rate, or only the amount of data you get from a given experiment?
  12. I just added a liquid rocket to my jet and flew straight up to get the high objectives, but I do get the point people are making. Surveys are the only kind of contract that give planes (not spaceplanes) any love and it would be nice if the low reputation missions would keep them within range of the normal jets (these missions are already have a poor [time investment/return] ratio).
  13. Hi all, just a quick question. I remember reading a bit about how squad was adding an aerodynamic stability overlay to aid construction of planes with the new aerodynamics model, but I can't figure out where to turn it on. Does anyone know?
  14. Any chance of implementing space tourism contracts? Eg: transport a specific paying kerbal "tourist" to a specific orbit/planet/biome then return them to Kerbin. Alternatively does anyone know of a mod that has something similar?
  15. Hi, having a weird bug and I'm not sure whether it is tweakscale at fault or a problem with KSP itself, hopefully someone can help. Basically I docked a spaceplane to an orbiting station, quicksaved, then when I later reloaded this quicksave the command module had magnified in size from a 2.5 meter part to something more like a 25 m part. All other parts remain as normal (but many have been enveloped by the expanded command module, including the space plane cockpit containing several days worth of science gathering!!). See pic below. The following is the tweakscale module for this command pod in the save file. I can't see anything obviously wrong. This bug is going to cause many hours of wasted time if I can't find a fix, so any help is much appreciated!
  16. I am having this problem as well, can zoom back in but if it zooms too far out it just becomes a black screen and is stuck that way, including on the space center screen, which requires a full game restart to fix. It has only become a problem today, I installed DMagic orbital science, EVE (+Astronomers visual pack) and Texture replacer (+Oinkers skybox replacement) and updated Deadly reentry, custom biomes and engineer redux a couple of days ago but only problematic today. It also seems to do it when I throttle up quickly. Has anyone else that has just started having this problem recently installed or updated any of those mods?
  17. Hey I just wanted to say thanks for making this great mod! Really nice to have a purpose for probes now, and the US integration is slick. One request I do have is for a US antenna, since the big stock antenna fits into US storage bays... poorly.
  18. I am having a problem with the engines on my spaceplanes overheating and exploding. Has the addition of an air intake to the stock precooler "broken" it's function? Specifically, the precooler is still "active", but is the air being sucked in by the precooler itself actually being cooled? On the same topic, this requirement for precoolers is something that has always put me off this mod. KSPI expands on stock in several cool ways, but I dislike it when mods mess with the stock mechanics themselves. Is there an easy way to disable this without ruining the rest of this mod?
  19. Neat mod! A suggestion for a mission type I have been thinking about is space tourism. I envisage this mission being offered after you have planted your first flag on a particular body, something along the lines of: -"Bigwig Kerman wants to take a nice relaxing holiday to Duna" -Transport Bigwig Kerman to the surface of Duna and go EVA on the surface -Full payment on recovery on Kerbin Ideally I would make it so that Bigwig cannot control any vessel he is in (so that you have to bring a pilot - this is tourism after all!). Perhaps this could be more easily achieved by having a requirement Bigwig be transported in a "luxury" hitchhiker canister. This would thus require a larger lander than the usual 1-man (kerbal) lander can jobs, making it a more challenging objective!
  20. Just to confirm, I am also using hardcore mode and this sounds like exactly the problem I have. I can even go into the list of previously purchased ships and see my $25k vessels only actually cost me 1.3k.
  21. Am I doing something wrong with this mod? I took a mission, completed it, got the reward, but it does not seem to be charging me for the ship that I used (or at least charging me far less than the stated value)? Also I can't get any of the buttons to show up in the VAB for things such as ship cost breakdown etc.
  22. Quick question: I can't seem to figure out how to attach a grappling hook to a winch while eva. I select the attach option, but the grappling hook is facing the wrong direction to connect it to the winch, and b/n do not rotate the part in the correct plane to enable this.
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