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Everything posted by boolybooly

  1. Well I haven't tried KSP2 yet but in KSP the shape does not make much of a difference that I can tell. It would be nice if it did, one hopes it would but its not that complex an aerodynamic model. As I understand it, HarvesteR (Felipe Falanghe) had decided that KSP was focused on rocketry, which is fair enough as that is the core gameplay of KSP. So wings use a straightforward model with a lift value and an attach point in KSP and the changing shape simply changes the amount of wing area creating a lift value and maybe the attachment point location. If you see no change in the drag indicator on changing the KSP procedural wing shape then if it is not a refresh bug it means there is no difference because the two wings have the same effective function and the aerodynamics model has remained relatively simple. I dont know if that is the case but I think that is a likely explanation. Saying that HarvesteR has since started developing a game called Balsa, all about winged aircraft models, on Steam EA though it is very early days! I think the aerodynamic model in that does mean wing shapes make a difference.
  2. All you need, to learn how to use wings effectively in KSP, is to toggle on the center of mass and center of drag widgits in the VAB. Make sure drag is behind mass but not so far that the authority of control surfaces cannot counter the leverage created between the two. Gravity pulls mass down and lift surfaces hold the craft up at the drag center, ideally they should be close to each other but never allow the drag center to precede the mass center or the craft will flip and fly backwards. Its really very logical. It is simply a Goldilocks problem, drag behind mass but not too much not too little and then factor in shifting center of mass due to tank draining and you are there. Procedural wings wont make any difference in KSP2 if you understand these rules, is my guess.
  3. Phew, I can probably just about playtest it ! I think its good they released minspec before allowing any orders. I was recently thinking of going 1440p (currently 1080p) but am glad I didn't now. Saving for a card upgrade but want something more power efficient than a 2070S and I try and I try and I try and I try but I don't get no ... satisfaction!
  4. The wiki page on the Mun might help you. There is a biome map down the page. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Mun
  5. This is the point at which IMHO we should derail the hype train and play it down. If you think about it, if expectations are unreasonably high the result of reality, no matter how good it is, will be disappointment. If expectations are delusionally low then the result of reality will be happiness. Happiness will fill the internet with reports of delight whereas disappointment will cloud perceptions and make people hesitate. Which is why we should have minimal expectations for a bare bones Early Access release with half the game still a WIP. See how that works? *Grabs a shovel and adopts a workman like posture.* Nothing to see here, move along now please, we will let you know when its ready, thankyou for your interest.
  6. Steam because it will be the majority mode, so the priority portal. I am sure they will all be looked after by the devs and none left waiting for long but if there is ever a point where a priority list comes into play, I think it is likely Steam will be at the top. Plus I already repurchased KSP1 for Steam. Plus I expect to review KSP2 on Steam, which I hope will be positive but you got to keep the devs on their toes.
  7. Very interesting. What I am wondering is, if agencies can compete with human players guiding them in multiplayer, will it be possible to create a game mode where a single player can compete against AI agencies?
  8. I would guess that Private Division is the source of this and not Squad. (As the launcher has Private Division branding in the top left corner.) Thanks for the command line info, duly implemented. What I would say to PD as respectful feedback, if you want to add links to tempt the curious, don't encumber the game launch with extra clicks and interfaces, it annoys people when marketing obstructs gameplay. IMHO what would work better is a one click launch with news and links in the main menu. FYI
  9. OK, I'm in. I have been beta testing KSP since way back, EA is practically a tradition with KSP, will try to help. Money is no object for me with KSP, you could price KSP2 EA at $100 and I would pay it though I am grateful that I am probably at the far end of the bell curve as that means I won't have to! Private Division have a rep for making quality games and their prices tend to reflect that at release and tend to remain high but for those who need to save money they do seem to have steam sales after a while. I got one of those coins and a flag the other day, just to show some interest and support. Money is not the whole story but you can't make a business work without it. Its good you are publishing, bringing in some revenue, we have a date and you are committed to working on it into the future. That's a good place to start.
  10. Congratulations @Foxworthgames on successfully completing the K-Prize mission with Techno Plane flown by Techno Kerman, in tribute to the late Technoblade of Minecraft fame ( https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Technoblade ), earning the highly regarded kudos of the Kosmokerbal Commendation for entering orbit around Minmus, a Utilitarial Commendation for releasing a relay into Minmus orbit and an Advanced Pilot Precision Award for returning to land safely at KSC runway. Your successful mission kudos has been listed and linked on the roll of honour aka the K-Prize party guest list, in accord with the longstanding traditions of the K-Prize, along with a discretionary notice of your intended tribute to Technoblade. Thankyou for your mission report and welcome to the halls of K-Prize fame and glory within the heavenly mansions of the KSP universe. RIP Technoblade. EDIT - FYI - In the expectation of KSP2 in one months time the K-Prize thread will continue to be available to participants with a self service paradigm and I will no longer be curating the challenge manually. Participants are welcome to continue making mission reports and self assess their kudos achievements. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has taken part in the challenge. It has been fun for me and I hope it was fun for you. See you all at the Dog & Booster!
  11. Hi @the_wizard better late than never ... Congratulations on successfully completing the K-Prize mission with BoxWing SSTO to yourself, Podrick, Siging and Lenpond, who have earned the highly regarded Utilitarial Commendation for taking a rover as payload to Minmus orbit, along with the sought after Kosmokerbal Commendation for achieving Minmus orbit and an Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st class for both docking in Minmus orbit and returning to land safely at KSC runway. The absence of UI is perfectly OK in this situation as it is not required where a simple statement in text or other evidence attests to the completion of the K-Prize mission. There have been gatecrashers bounced due to not providing any evidence or statements at all! However your descriptions plus the screenshots of Minmus orbit demonstrate that the K-Prize mission was completed, so thanks very much for your mission report and welcome to the K-Prize roll of honour aka the K-Prize party guest list.
  12. Congratulations @SkyFall2489 on completing the K-Prize mission successfully, reaching Kerbin orbit with Mini SSRT and returning to land safely, albeit sideways, on the KSC runway! For which the mission earned the highly regarded Advanced Pilot Precision Award . Thankyou for your mission report and welcome to the K-Prize party guest list, aka the K-Prize roll of honour.
  13. Sounds like that would be within the K-Prize rules. As long as the initial direction of travel on launching is horizontal, a minimum distance of one craft length would be appropriate if there is any doubt, you can then pitch up as fast as you like. Hope that helps.
  14. I like the red heat effect and the tapering tempered blue/purple/brown/yellow look of the cool engine portraying the oxidation layers that would build up on the metal when it has been very hot in the presence of oxidiser, which is any time it burns as it must use an oxidiser to burn liquid fuel! Also the kerbal's happy dance
  15. Well that is at least a minibus full by now @OJT ! Congratulations once again on completing the K-Prize with the elite looking XB70 Valkyrie SSTO, convincing replica of the mach3 nuclear bomber prototype. The mission earned an advanced pilot precision award for reaching orbit and returning to land safely at KSC runway. Thankyou for your mission report and welcome back to the K-Prize party guest list aka the roll of honour.
  16. Congratulations @OJT on successfully taking the K-Prize to the next level and earning the prestigious Expeditionary Astrokerbal Distinction for landing the sleek but controversially named PLEN GO DUN on Duna and the highly regarded Advanced Pilot Precision Award for returning to Kerbin and landing safely on the KSC runway. Thanks again for your mission report and welcome back to the K-Prize party guest list, aka the roll of honour.
  17. Congratulations once again @OJT on successfully completing the K-Prize challenge and landing the functional, effective and instructively named PLEN GO UP on Minmus before returning to land safely at KSC runway. Your mission earned the prestigious award of an Astrokerbal Distinction as well as the highly regarded Advanced Pilot Precision Award to add to your extensive trophy cabinet. Thanks for your mission report and welcome back to the K-Prize party guest list aka the K-Prize roll of honour.
  18. In which case, congratulations @OJT on completing the K-Prize mission successfully with the minimum of excess altitude. Altitude is a double edged sword and too little can be as dangerous as too much but in this case the K-Prize committee agreed that almost exactly the right amount at both ends of the orbit entitles you to a discretionary Goldilocks award in addition to the highly regarded Advanced Pilot Precision Award for landing on the runway at KSC. Thankyou for your mission report and well done on retrieving Jeb from the gizzards of the cyber dragon, welcome back to the K-Prize party guest list aka the K-Prize roll of honour.
  19. Thanks for explaining, that adds fuel to the tanks so OK definitely a gatecrasher on grounds of refuelling! I am all for regenerational braking in EVs. I think in rocketry this is not possible yet, though with a scoop you could compress atmospheric gas using energy of velocity in theory, which could give you compressed thrust mass and slow the craft down, which is the kind of thing which might even be possible for real with Reaction Engines' SABRE hypersonic ramjet heat exchange tech one day.
  20. ? What do you mean "underclocked" ? Does that mean fuel use rate (ISP) is modified? Or do you mean thruster power slider reduced via context menu? It could not count as refuelling anyway if no fuel was added to the tanks, but it could count as modded parts if you edited the engine for non-stock ISP fuel use, which would break rule #3 in the OP. If you just mean the thrust slider is adjusted down using the context menu, as part of stock gameplay it is fine. That would not change thrust/fuel ISP ratio, just alters max thrust and permits low thrust fine adjustments to velocity which is often useful to make a rendezvous etc. Does that answer your question?
  21. Congratulations @Poppa Wheelie on completing the K-Prize mission successfully with the capable career focussed orbital rescue vessel Jackie Cochran. Transferring and rescuing Johnsy earns the sought after Utilitarial Commendation and docking in orbit plus landing on the KSC runway earns the highly regarded Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st Class. Well flown, thankyou for your mission report and welcome to the K-Prize roll of honour aka the K-Prize party guest list. See you there!
  22. Thanks @Nazalassa In which case @Admiral Fluffy congratulations are in order for successfully completing the K-Prize mission with the capable looking Lurker and returning to land safely at KSC on flat terrain which earned the greatly respected kudos of a Pilot Proficiency Medal. It is the tradition of the K-Prize that those who report a successful mission and win the K-Prize after gatecrashing have the option to choose whether to keep their gatecrasher listing or have it expunged. Your call, if you say nothing I will do nothing! Thanks for your mission report and welcome to the K-Prize party guest list aka the roll of honour.
  23. Now if only Reaction Engines can do the same! Well flown @OJT and congratulations once again on completing the K-Prize mission successfully with a the Lightweight Manned SSTO, even timing reentry with enough left over to land at KSC runway for a well deserved Advanced Pilot Precision Award. However it is my duty to report that Lt_Duckweed has the minimalist record (which does not distinguish between kerballed and unkerballed missions) at 0.835t. So there is your target.
  24. So many puns & I like the interesting Pompidou vibe going on there. But there is the small matter of breaking K-Prize rules with a vertical take off and first stage separation, also the whole not landing thing, so it will have to be linked in the OP as a gatecrasher, with a well earned customary quip. @OJT consider yourself entitled but not compelled to display the gatecrasher badge of anarchic iconoclastic rebellion.
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