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Everything posted by boolybooly

  1. Here is another one. An earlier model of Long Ranger III, the Long Ranger II has a vertical landing thruster amidships, was tricky to balance but could achieve a wheels down landing without lithobraking on Minmus and safe return to Kerbin. Oxidiser was vented on final approach to lighten the landing weight.
  2. Its all been sorted out and explained to mutual satisfaction Spica, please see the latest entry in the gatecrashers list drewscriver, congratulations on your successful Utilitarial Commendation mission, duly logged, proofs scrutinised with interest, thanks for the screenies! bombo1 your word is good enough and thanks for making your craft file available, I got the bit about a 90km orbit but you didnt say if you did also land the craft intact, so I am not sure whether it was a complete K Prize mission within the OP rules or not. If it was say so and I will link your post in the guest list.
  3. Thanks ihtoit, thread looks much easier to read now. X wing linked with a suitable quip in the gate crashers list ! Hope you dont mind. Here is a mission to the Mün I ran recently. I have to point out it used concealed air intakes, inside the body of the craft, quite a lot actually (about 48), it was an effective way to get the heavy stock nuclear engines close enough to orbit that their meager 120 KN thrust could get the craft the rest of the way there. I have always taken the line that if its stock its in, and that includes concealed clipping and intake stacking and any bugs which crop up. It works both ways, where bugs destroy craft that is tough luck and where balance issues permit outlandish craft its perfectly permissable, it is up to the game's designers to consider whether they want it that way or not and is not for me to impose any kind of subjective aesthetic standard on the play of others. Part of our job here is as play testers, bringing these things to the attention of the developers. So for the record I am stacking intakes!
  4. ihtoit thanks for your entry and video, I have to agree with the others that I think you have inadvertantly used a mod nuclear engine and RCS fuel tanks, though the mod undercarriage and mechjeb are within the rules. I have linked you as a gate crasher as requested. If you try again with stock and succeed you have the option to remove the gate crasher entry or keep it in addition to joining the guest list. I only hope it doesnt confuse the bouncers Could you do me a favour and edit your craft file post above by copying the text to http://justpaste.it/ submitting it and replacing the text with the link provided, all free, no cookies. Just makes the thread a bit neater, thanks. Congratulations Poppins for completing the K Prize mission with a powerful looking and evidently effective design, Wolfbullet. I have been wondering how to get an orange tank into orbit myself and that is definitely food for thought. Thanks for the screenies and dropbox collection link. Welcome to the guest list, enjoy the party!
  5. You could but it would be a gate crasher if it started the take off vertically. HTVL is within the rules though.
  6. Yes solid boosters can be used as long as they remain part of the craft and are not jettisoned. The assumption would be that you can replace the solid core.
  7. OK, here is a VTOL space vehicle using spaceplane aero engines to make Kerbin orbit and allowing a single stage to Mün and powered landing on KSC terrain.
  8. Thanks all for your contributions, I have been updating the OP, and offer my congratulations to the K Prize winners for completing the challenge. Thanks for your screeny ihtoit, effective looking design though I cant work out what I am seeing at the wing base!? Is it all stock (tanks wings and engines)? Also are you saying it has completed a K Prize mission, ie orbit and return without refuelling in accord with the rules in the OP? Your word is good enough, its just the description you gave wasnt specific. I am trying to work out whether to link it in the roll of honour or as a gate crasher!
  9. The guy you really need to ask is pa1983. He is the big plane maestro, some of his stuff in in the K Prize thread. I gave a few spaceplane hints here but I usually do smaller craft these days. Your problem sounds like the center of gravity is shifting due to fuel use, if you load up the furthest forward tank on the craft and empty the rearward tanks it will shift the center of mass forwards. Alternatively lock the forward tank when you launch, left click, click the little triangles. The CoM will always shift towards the engines because they are the heaviest components. You can either add stuff up front or move the cockpit forwards or add engines in a forward position to the sides in the middle of the wing. You need to have lift behind mass and leverage from control surfaces just enough to overcome the laden weight on lift off so when flying with empty weight the lift is still just behind the mass.
  10. featherwinglove I do believe that G4Virus is our very own pa1983. Great videos and awesome craft as ever. Sean Mirrsen, ayhc, carazvan, kushi thanks for you mission reports and congratulations on completing the demanding K Prize mission with flying colours. I am particularly glad that Ant and Bee made it to space as I was a big fan of theirs when I was about 5 years old. zekes I take it you dont mind being linked from the gate crashers list
  11. Decided to try my hand with some of the new stock components and made the Tern II, a lightweight craft which can make an 80Km+ orbit and back in time for tea. The side scoops seem to be a bit more user friendly than they were and 4 of those plus two ramscoops worked almost as well as a battery of 16 ramscoops. Was cruising at over 30Km and making 1800m/s+.
  12. Sorry for the delay re honours list updates, someone Kerballed my (parked) car for real, so I have been preoccupied. Some great entries and videos which I want to thank everyone for. Awesome construction instruction video from pa1983 to go with another successful, dare I say elegant, utilitarial mission video and Cupcake what can I say, funky music, artfully shot and edited and a pleasure to watch, also broke many K Prize rules but definitely deserves to be seen which is why I linked it in the gatecrashers list. Other linked gate crashers include Rosarium (regrettably due to the plumbing bug) PotatoOverdose (great mission but refuelled) and japa (interesting craft worth linking but no mission report). carazvan I could not find your mission album at all, also the Flea Fly Mosquito link in that thread linked back to this one fyi. Tryptophan and kahlzun, congratulations on winning the K Prize and welcome (back) to the K Prize guest list of honour. Thanks for your mission reports. The honours list for v0.21 will begin with the next entry. Thanks all
  13. I just want to add that the two test craft I have just made have all turned when SAS was off and under power in space, when SAS was on they fly straight and true, so that shows SAS is working for that purpose. One of these was a very simple single engine ion craft which was perfectly symmetrical, the other a test vehicle with minimal inline components which flew straight up before testing in free fall, and in orbit, even after stilling the craft with x5 these two symmetrical craft would turn heading noticebly under acceleration from the ion engine and a T30. Where this gets complicated is in atmosphere were atmospheric effects cause SAS heading to slip when it suspends all corrections during manual input.
  14. I know C7 has worked hard on this and I have full confidence in his skills, the following is intended as positive FYI type player feedback, not a grumble! But you need to know how it plays and I want to tell you [Operating System]: Windows 7 x64 [Memory]: 8GB [ASAS Trouble (Y/N)]: Yes [Mods installed, pre-patch]: None [Mods installed, post-patch]: None [Description of problem (keeping it to the point)]: Steam updated 2.1 instal with fresh new sandbox game started and fresh built 2.1 spaceplane craft. If I attempt to adjust roll or yaw using Q-E or A-D keys, an Inline Advanced Stabilizer on a spaceplane fails to maintain pitch attitude when engaged : eg at 45° pitch up the space plane loses pitch attitude control when adjusting roll or yaw manually and pitches down to horizon without using the small ailerons on the craft to pitch up to their maximum potential. If I set trim to pitch up and disable SAS the plane will pitch up fine so pitching up is well within capability. After a series of adjustments when SAS is engaged expert (fine) control is on and trim is adjusted away from zero in any axis, pitch tends to drift and sink without any manual input with SAS on and SAS seems to lose any traction at all. The SAS becomes more able to hold a heading again if I AltX to zero pitch and exit expert mode but heading is not one chosen by me, it is not set to craft attitude when I cease manual input and seems to be set to craft vector, which I dont want. Also the drifting of SAS set pitch heading during yaw or roll adjustment remains. As a player I would expect SAS to grab the heading from craft attitude (and not vector) when I cease manual input and correct to that with the full power of the attitude control systems on the craft if necessary. I also would expect it not to adjust other axese set heading if I am adding manual input on one or two axese. TLDR Craft cannot maintain a heading using its full potential. SAS heading drifts and is not set by player. I also tested a rocket and when correcting roll I observed the SAS correction applied was not done the way I would correct and seemed to be proportional to angle of deviation rather than to rate of deviation which would make more sense IMHO. 2c
  15. First thing I made when seats arrived. Didnt work too well but it helped to develope this.
  16. Dont take away peoples toys without giving them a better one or they wont appreciate the "improvement" eg a hypersonic ramjet which starts to work when you are at 3 times the speed of sound and has an optimum speed of about Mach5.
  17. Lazer Cut, nice ship, interesting use of aerospike NERVA combo, is giving me ideas. Thanks for your mission report, which is properly and mercifully linked in the gate crashers list Thanks for sharing your ship coolpantskyle.
  18. Awesome space delivery pa1983. Welcome to the K Prize Cranium and congratulations on completing the mission with your carefully crafted craft. Likewise giggleplex with your beautifully balanced bird, very elegant VTOL capability. Congratulations on completing the K Prize mission successfully. Sorry about the horizontal stipulation its just to differentiate spaceplanes from turbojet rockets. Thanks for your pictorial report though your word does suffice for the K Prize. No apologies necessary bsalis, nice to see you having fun with your VTOL (capable) space vehicle. Thanks for your report. Welcome back that1guy and thanks for your video report of your new ships flight, congratulations on completing another K Prize mission.
  19. Tell your friend he has a nice window and interesting furniture, also the F1 key gets a screenshot in the screenshots folder in the game folder by the way.
  20. Not a problem, I like building new ships. I always build from scratch each version, cant give proper beta test feedback if you are loading from older versions.
  21. Some interesting design work there iDan122, thanks for the link, if you point me to a K Prize mission I will link it and add you to the roll. Giggleplex777, I like compact style but need to verify that the craft began its flight with a horizontal vector, made orbit with PE>70km and whether you made the runway, vicinity of KSC or just a green bit when landing, before classifying it as a K Prize winner.
  22. Nice neat mission with an effective looking spaceplane in the HS-210 Photon nerdboy64, with all the relevant details to hand, thanks. Welcome back and congratulations on your K Prize and skillfully earned Advanced Pilot Proficiency Award 1st Class. Clipping is fine IMHO. pa1983 the Falcon XI Hercules is a megaship, though you didn't beat your previous maximalist record, nevertheless a stylish way to get a lot of fuel into orbit. Looks good, amazed it flies so well! Must have taken quite a bit of R&D to get right. Your Advanced Pilot Proficiency Award and Utilitarial Commendation and place on the invite list for the K Prize party were well earned! Thanks for your contributions.
  23. I do believe you Cupcake, as I said earlier to Cinocal the question is not whether it can but whether it did and then landed safely, its flying the mission which earns the prize rather than being able to or doing parts of it in different missions. So I am assuming that the mission to full orbit and back was in fact flown, let me know if I am mistaken and misreading your previous post.
  24. That's OK Cupcake, its very innovative, and take off begins with horizontal movement... albeit backwards, if there is a back on the Scythe and presuming you actually did the mission the K Prize committee will take your word for it that you reached orbit and then landed safely as the video is a little ambiguous about that, since the PE is never clearly shown above 70km even though it is implied and the craft is evidently capable. I am guessing the video is out of sequence as the shot leaving atmosphere precedes the shot approaching the atmosphere boundary, though it could be two different missions the time index suggests they are probably just out of sequence so it appears as though the orbit circularises while the craft is just inside the atmosphere but the time index suggests that probably was not the case. Thanks Cinocal, cool rover dropship combo btw.
  25. Cinocal, great looking ship and clearly K Prize capable, but to get the K Prize you have to actually do the mission and its not clear from the post you linked whether you had done that . (FYI if you want to fly a mission inside the K Prize mission rules they include lift off with horizontal start, though it only needs to be a few of meters, to distinguish it from a launchpad SSTO, the mission can still be flown using VTOL engines for the lift and can land any which way you please as long as it stays on one piece). Tiron I tend not to link partial missions from K Prize winners on the assumption that they will be finished one day, but if you particularly want a partial mission to be added to the gate crashers list just say so and I can do that np. WafflesToo, its not too late, well flown with the Aurora and Piper. Technically the Piper mission using Ferram Aerospace Research (FAR) mod is outside the K Prize rules but is still a worthy if not an even worthier accomplishment because flying with FAR looks a lot harder! So congratulations on winning the K Prize with Utilitarial Commendation and Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Aurora.
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