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Everything posted by MartGonzo

  1. sorry for the delay I uploaded two files, this one converted with DDS4KSP https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f43jolgupaku5ly/AAA-8IKL3lV6OpkQVu-fuvkVa?dl=0 This one with Paint.net https://www.dropbox.com/s/bq3mlx8dqkixw9v/GalaxyTex_NegativeY.dds?dl=0
  2. Righto, do I need to make a dropbox account and upload to there or is there another way? It occurred to me that maybe it was something to do with using CKAN to install DDSLoader?
  3. I tried the DDS4KSP 0.1.7, when that didn't work I tried converting the skybox myself in Paint.net OS is Win 7 x64 all the part textures were white and the skybox was the default I didn't keep the files but can do it again, but I'm not sure how to post it, presumably just posting it here as an image file wouldn't be any help? it's not really a big deal as obviously there's no problem with the mod as so many people are using it and I can still play KSP with just PNG's and TGA's
  4. Yeah I know what you mean, the first video they released blew me away and I've been itching to get exploring that universe ever since.
  5. kinda looks like a weld spot my theory is that it used to be welded to Mimas
  6. Do skyboxes work in DDS format? I converted mine to DXT5 w. mipmaps, interpolated alpha but they aren't showing up in game. EDIT - nevermind, just went into the game and realised that not only do the skyboxes not load but none of the games textures load
  7. An interesting point on heat shields is that ICBM's used to use uranium as both the heat shield and part of the explosive component of the weapon because uranium is extremely resistant to heat, theses were known as fission, fusion, fission devices They worked by firing two uranium slugs at each other to create a fission reaction, that in turn would create the energy needed to set of a fusion reaction in a surrounding layer of hydrogen and finally a fission reaction in the uranium of the heat shield.
  8. I was thinking, a very small surface attaching shielded fairing would be a really useful part for this mod, to put in front of vulnerable parts.
  9. I'm really impressed with that story, you seem to be a natural with orbital mechanics, it took me months to reach the level of competence you achieved in just a few days! Understanding how to orbit, transfer and rendezvous is no small feat in such a short time and then docking without RCS! wow! I would probably revert the flight even after a year of playing this game rather than attempt to dock without RCS I think the moment I fell in love with KSP was when I got my first orbit after many failed attempts and "back to the drawing board" moments
  10. There's a wealth of stunning games in the works at the moment Of course Elite Dangerous, GTA 5 PC, The Witcher 3 but also lots of interesting indie titles This looks sooo good! Just the kind of game that fires my imagination Before and I can't wait for No Man's Sky
  11. Good point As I've posted lots of drum and bass so far it seems that I should post something different for the sake of variety a classic oldie
  12. Launch clamps and engines in the same stage is not necessarily a good idea
  13. lol, the NSA knows what colour undies you're wearing
  14. now I'm feeling quite emotional too *group hug* On the other hand this ^ is a little worrying does she know yet? please tell me drugs aren't involved
  15. Wow! You're 16 and concertmaster of 2 symphonies AND a director of a chamber orchestra AND lead singer in a band! You are more than just talented, you're a musical genius! Amazing! You have a bright future in music if the Aerospace thing doesn't work out, although if that's your dream then I'm sure you will make it happen. Aerospace was what I wanted to get into too, I applied for an apprenticeship with the UK Ministry of Defense in Aerospace but there weren't enough places so I got my second choice (Electronics) Don't apologise Astropapi1, I found that fascinating and quite inspirational. Thanks
  16. This mod allows you to set Time controls for altitude http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69363-0-25-Time-Control-9-23-14-v13-2 If you don't want to mod the game you could ask on the thread about what changes the mod makes
  17. Good point, it's hard to imagine what sort of craft this chap is building that could be causing lag on a high end rig like that
  18. low FPS on that rig? holy **** That's got to be down to mod issues, how many are you running?
  19. I'd like to add my vote for a half resolution pack, the Eve + Jool clouds are a real PC killer
  20. Wooden barn VAB and Kerbal experience.......oh wait hehe sorry, couldn't resist
  21. Good to know, you may want to let the mod makers know, Just checking it seems it's already been reported on this thread but it might be a good idea to let the mod makers know anyway. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98583-0-25-KerbQuake-continued-v1-2-1-Reactive-Camera-Shakes-while-IVA-2014-10-29/page2
  22. Just to clarify, downloading the latest version of the Stock Bugfix modules fixed the problem for me, but others have reported that it didn't help them.
  23. Sorry to say that you've run into a bug that quite a few of us have experienced but doesn't seem to have a single cause. I was discussing this bug with a couple of peeps and it turned out we were all using different mods. If it's any help, in my case it was caused by an out of date version of the Stock Bugfix modules conflicting with another mod. Kerbquake and Kerbal Joint Reinforcement have also been associated with this bug but no-one has managed to figure out what's causing it.
  24. No! that can't be right! How can two people have the same birthday? we must be long lost twins.
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