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Everything posted by bitbucket

  1. Way back in the good old days when landing on the dark side of a non-rotating Kerbin made your craft explode.
  2. As of the last few versions, the Armstrong memorial is right in the middle of a cluster of kilometer-sized craters. There's a decent amount of level terrain immediately around the memorial itselfâ€â€plenty of room for a substantial base, but you'll need to nail the landings to within a couple hundred meters. Also, the surrounding craters make it rather difficult to get very far with rovers going in any direction but north.
  3. "Not Going To Space Today" for the first atmospheric flights. "Maybe Going To Space" for the first suborbital missions. Then whatever I think up on the spur of the moment.
  4. I tend to plan out the whole finished station in the VAB, but as a collection of multiple modules to be assembled in orbit over multiple launches.
  5. "keosynchronous" just means a 6-hour orbital period. It doesn't say "keostationary," so what they're looking for here is a retrograde orbit.
  6. Seeing as the Kerbin system only has one big gas giant planet, if you want to pull a Voyager and not go inward before you go outward, the only reasonable slingshot is using Jool to get to Eeloo.
  7. As of the last time I saw it in 0.90, it's right in between several kilometer-sized craters, but the area immediately around the memorial is reasonably flat and there's room enough for a decent-sized base.
  8. Does completely out of fuel count? I came up 30 m/s short of intersecting Kerbin on my first return from Duna in 0.18; the boys in orange had to get out and push with RCS for the last little nudge to get home.
  9. I consider the sandbox open for business when the tech tree is done and I'm sitting on an eight-digit budget. But that's not the end. That's the beginning.
  10. I terminate the flight and classify them as "turned over to the agency that requested them."
  11. It depends on why you're going, but if you intend to land and come back, Duna has a certain advantage.
  12. If this is wrong, I don't want to be right.
  13. I suspect it to be some form of semi-sentient slime mold.
  14. Oh look, it's this thread again. Yeah, the one where someone realizes not everyone plays the game in the same way, then comes to the conclusion that they are all DOING IT WRONG and that this MUST BE STOPPED. Any game that's successful enough eventually becomes victim to a Broken Fanbase. Yes, there are options that make the game easier or harder. You don't have to use them. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to do things their way (or at least I certainly hope not). Options are good, and optional. Play it your way.
  15. So I have a 1700 ton class E asteroid sitting in Kerbin orbit. What to do with it? I brought up a refinery equipped with Asteroid Recycling Technologies equipment. Here Bill is bolting it down. And away it goes, with eight Jaw units slowly hollowing it out to make room for storage tanks. ...yeah, this is going to take a while to finish hollowing out. (about 180 hours)
  16. ...even with eight Jaws going at it, this is going to take a while.
  17. That's no moon. Stalking the rare elusive 1700 ton class E asteroid. Get back here. Packing 8000 dV thanks to those oversized jumbo nuclear engines. The whole ship plus lifter was 900 tons. Now stay put. It was going to hit Kerbin anyway; I just nudged it so it would aerobrake instead of impact, then lifted the periapsis out of the atmosphere once apoapsis was under 200 km. Jeb grabbing a chunk off the side for the eggheads back home. Now what to do with the rest of it?
  18. Why is there no monopropellant tank? While I sort of kludged one together, it seems like kind of a glaring omission when all the other stock fuel resources are in by default.
  19. I've conjectured, given the surface conditions on Eve, that the oceans are some foul brew of mercury and iodine, both of which would be liquid at 5 bars and 150° C.
  20. If two ships are trying to communicate through dish antennas in the same sphere of influence, both of them have to be set to specifically target the other. If they're orbiting, say, different planets, then you just need to target the planet, and any vessel within the cone of the antenna's range that's pointing a dish back the other way will have contact as long as it has a line of sight.
  21. what is this i don't even No, seriously. What is this, Redneck Space Program?
  22. I'm rather enjoying the challenge of setting up comm networks with RemoteTech as well. Around Kerbin I have six co-orbital communication relay satellites in a 90-minute orbit that cover everything out to slightly beyond synchronous orbital distance, a couple of SCANsat probes in polar orbits, and three ground stations 120° apart with all my long-range dishes pointing at every planet. Around Mun, I have four co-orbital relays in 6 hour orbits, polar-orbiting scanning probes, and a surface relay on the Kerbin-facing side with a dish back to the planet. They cover Mun's entire SOI and slightly beyond. Around Minmus I have a slightly different setup; there are three relays in synchronous orbit (11h 13m 20s) each with their own independent dish back to Kerbin, as well as the same scanning satellites. I eventually want to expand the network out to the Duna/Ike, Eve/Gilly, and Jool systems, which will require their own unique setups. As a first step I launched these interplanetary relays as soon as I had the tech for it. They were launched on the same day and put into solar orbits timed so they come back to Kerbin's orbital distance in 5/6 and 7/6 of Kerbin's year. When they reach that point (141 Kerbin days apart), they'll recircularize to match the planet's orbit period, placed 60° ahead and behind Kerbin in its orbit. The game doesn't simulate true L4/L5 Lagrange points, but it's pretty easy to fake it. There's a Moho-bound probe off-screen to the right.
  23. I haven't had any Kraken encounters since the ancient days of 0.17, when my ships became virtually uncontrollable traveling at 100+ km/second on a low sundive.
  24. After plundering all the science off Minmus, I sent up a rover mission to the Mun to scout out a location for a permanent base within acceptable proximity to certain resources. However, before setting off across the Munar surface, the crew paid homage to an unknown (to them) hero.
  25. Got the Minmus extension of my RemoteTech communication network going, along with resource scanning and altimetry mapping satellites in polar orbits. Now to send up a manned mission to Minmus to do science to it. Also featured, two deep space missions in the background: a telecommunications relay heading for Kerbin/Kerbol L4, and a science/mapping probe that will swing by Eve on the way to Moho. Both were launched weeks ago (game time) and are over a million kilometers away by now. As for future plans, here's the to-do list: I'll have to weigh my options about how to do that last one.
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