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Everything posted by MR4Y

  1. Ou você pode baixar direto do site deles: http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/download.html
  2. If we go by all mods allowed, I have a plane that can go over 4 Km/s, look:
  3. Apparently the control surfaces don't want to work well with pWings. Trying to make either a replica of a North American X15 or a Bell X1 with no sucess.
  4. Keep in mind that I use the JS Generic Mod Enabler. Trying to do a North American X-15 without any sucess, XD
  5. Although you have to balance the number of control surfaces. If you have too many of them, you won't have any infiniglide effects. Also, both of my entries were piloted manually. Even Mechjeb can't pilot my crafts sometimes.
  6. I sorta wonder why parts from multiple plugins can't be mutually exclusive. So which mod I install first. Firespitter or B9?
  7. Center of Lift atrás de Center of Mass é um começo. Mais struts segurando partes, incluindo asas se estiver usando Ferram Aerospace Research.
  8. I was never able to use TT Wheels past 500 m/s without the axle almost touching the ground and the wheels clipping the fenders. I'm gonna look at those girders later.
  9. Ainda tentando fazer aviões hipersônicos só usando partes stock.
  10. One strange thing I noticed. The stock planes don't have all action groups set up, which makes the info box thingy pointless.
  11. I don't think you even need to use them at 100% throttle. I can easily go past 4 Km/s with just two.
  12. After a few hours thinkering with wheels and debris and crashes, I was able to at least come up with two working(sorta) designs: Here's the Rolling Thunder: And here's the other:
  13. Rovers... Como vou utilizá-los sem o Subassembly Loader? XD
  14. So far, the only usable choices without thrust are TT Wheels or Taverio's Rovemax Turbo wheels.
  15. I wonder if there is a better wheel for that. Those wheels have too much suspension travel.
  16. The only thing that comes close to that is SasquatchM's Pulse Detonation Engine.
  17. I'm trying and trying, but so far, all vehicles want to steer to one side.
  18. C vai ter que montar um paylod violento, considerando que Eve tem 6 vezes mais gravidade.
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