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Everything posted by MR4Y

  1. Eu sei, mas como vai voltar de lá depois sem um airship ou algo assim?
  2. I'll politely pass on this mod till proper installation instructions and folder structure are provided.
  3. And SasquatchM's Pulse Detonation Engine as well.
  4. Coming from Minmus, landing and not having enough fuel to come back to Kerbin.
  5. I personally don't mind the flare color, as long as the engine work, xD I'm yet to test the Bussard Ramjet
  6. Fazer missão tipo Apollo 11? Só se alguém ensinar como fazer rendezvous e docking, XD Nesse momento, uma probe orbitando Eve e outra a caminho de Duna, já que o sr. Mechjeb ontem me fez o favor the colocar a mesma probe em rota de colisão com Duna...
  7. Mais um se apresentando aqui...Depois de 300 e poucos posts...Irk..
  8. Which mod has the radial fuel tanks?
  9. I think it goes like this: -Launch -If it goes over 140 m/s you throttle down. -When you reach 5 Km, turn 22,5 degrees. -After you reach 10 Km, turn the remaning 22,5 degrees then throttle up to the maximum your engine can. -After you leave orbit, aim towards the prograde vector.
  10. Also, on the FFR thing, I had an issue where decoupling the stage before it while activating it at the same time makes all the fuel burn out at once.
  11. I belive this could be used as a true space plane with a few more tweaks and more air. One extra compressed air tank and the ability to disable fuel crossfeed with action groups might make it able to go to moons and perhaps planets.
  12. I would ask for this buttong to be placed somehwere else. I play at 1024x600 windowed and the two left side buttons will certainly cover the subassembly loader button.
  13. The idea seems interesting and all, but just because the mod adds advanced features to the games, it doens't necessarily need to require advanced knowledge to install the thing. I'm still trying to figure out how to structure the thing so I can load it using JS Generic Mod Enabler. And yes, I've read all the posts and instructions. Would be too much asking for a properly folder structure that didn't had some things, specially the github stuff?
  14. And here's the offender thingy. The Point Blank: Orbiting... ...I mean, leaving Kerbin's SOI: A little more thrust and we can leave Kerbol's SOI as well: Reentering. Yes, the plane has enough fuel, air and thrust to return from that escape trajectory: And disaster, cause I tried to land the plane going backwards: The results:
  15. You saying it like SQUAD changed the folder structure at every single release, including the hotfix ones. Also, some big mods worked like normal in their 0.19 versions even when 0.20 was released, only requiring a few tweaks to work properly. Then the mod maker would make a fully compatible version later. So, it's not that every new version of KSP makes all mods unusable. With 0.20, at least one mod was rendered redundant (Haystack), so I believe some functionality mods suffer the risk of getting obsolete.
  16. More testing with PDEs. Using the exact same plane as before, it had enough thrust to leave Kerbol's SOI.
  17. With 0.20's new tracking station, I just delete all debris and leave only the necessary parts on, like flags and things like that.
  18. One thing I'm still not getting. The FFR uses all it's fuel in two burns at full speed while in vaccum. I'm not sure how to make it last more than that. Also, with some clever enginering, a space plane with two PDE engines can produce enough thrust to escape Kerbin's SOI. I tested yesterday and acheived a maximum speed of more than 4000 m/s.
  19. Perhaps a common scramjet engine could be added?
  20. Let's see: -Hooligan Labs Airships: Awesome airship parts that you can even use to land on planets taht have atmosphere, like Duna and Eve for example. -Kerbal Attachment System: Adds modular fuel ports, anchors and things like that. You also need to have that if you want to use the mod above it. -Deep Space Exploration Parts Pack: Adds parts made for deep space exploration, including a nuclear reactor, which is indispensable for ion engines. -Firespitter: Helicopter and propellor parts. -B9 Aerospace Pack: More plane parts. The mod now was ported to 0.20 and it's smaller in size. -Modular Multiwheels: Better wheels. -Remote Tech: Add the gameplay element of requiring a satellite network to control probes, with distance delay and everything. -Ioncross LCS: Adds life support resources to the game. I don't recall others that are 0.20 compatible.
  21. I like how people forget that Mechjeb just assists flying a mission. And I'll agree with some people that it's not perfect. I had rockets that I can bring to orbit manually but Mehchjeb can't do the same thing. Mechjeb is by no means perfect. It can even do two completely different things with the exact same ship. It's just like auto pilots like the one from the Lazor System. That thing can't land a single space plane, even the ones that come with the mod. I only use MJ for things I tried and failed many times, like docking.
  22. Subassembly Loader capabilities, but a better version than the mod, but taht would require changing the way parts are attached. Also...Scramjet engines...
  23. I stopped talking to people. Wait, that never happened before I had the game on Steam...
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