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    Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. quick question, the RCS ports on the Soyuz engine module don't seem to work? am I missing something?
  2. I need this mod in Ksp2 any plans?
  3. I've gone ahead and got some blender models done of the Lazarus pod... https://github.com/CMDRPhaedra/LazarusPod can't get unity to work on my setup so if someone wants to take the blender files and convert them into a part for this mod feel free.
  4. Had the exact same problem... had this happen in the past as well when i had OPT installed... I’ll dig around and see how i fixed it the last time,
  5. I've managed to get the trusses to load if I edit the part database.cfg and replace the drag_cube info with a part that does load...
  6. I can get approx 55tons onto a 100k orbit if I fill all 3 tanks with LH2 and Oxidizer... using stock scale.
  7. Can i ask what scale this is designed for? It seems to be absolute massive, even when compared to a shuttle..
  8. Found the issue.... i had cryo tanks installed but not cryo engines.. Doh!
  9. Awesome mod but I could use some help.... I'm confused.... the main engines run Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer and the RCS runs LH2? or do I have some mod messing things up?
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