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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. true the user below me knows more phyicics than there teacher.
  2. ... how that is posable I don't even know...(sophomore)
  3. will withhold rating till given link (and off topic posts don't count)
  4. yes, apart from that this wait... are you talking about Zekes?... if so
  5. ...1/10 I can't really see what it is... (you seem new around these parts)
  6. what it was in a hanger? (jk)
  7. Rainbow Dash : The Rainbow Factory head supervisor. Z
  8. false The user below me dosen't really play ksp
  9. 2 things it's *brian and please follow my title thing
  10. I think he meant the ones I posted... anyways sure... I guess, just give credit where it's due(also you can take them and just reverse engineer them. That's how the MS XX-1x was born)
  11. I have no Idea... maybe becuase it's a good show? the user below me knows who Macey Dean is
  12. Yes, DE was secretly EA all along The user below me want's macey back
  13. true the user below me is doing HW
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