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Everything posted by briansun1

  2. true amd is the red team and nvidia is the green team (becuase of there logos) the user below me unterstands the impartance of compition in the market
  3. false the user below me wishs for me to explain the Great Gpu war and the Red and Green teams
  4. Pinkie Pie (I wounder why some names have a space in them and some do not) ASDF ninjaing ninja's...
  5. Butterscotch the genderswaped fluttershy T (yes I just answered my own post)
  6. true the user below me under stands the Great Gpu war false same question
  7. False the user below me understands the Great Gpu war between the Red team and the Green team
  8. Portal (the thing in at the bottom gave it away) (still not convinced about the furry thing) the user below me understands " the user below me is anti red team and pro green team"
  9. well the only land thing I have is this the MML (mobile missile launcher) VV-1x 1-4 fires the missile groups 10 toggles larders and solar panes. to fire first brake. then press g then ether space to fire all or 1-4 range is 14.7 km in"smart mode"( ie with sas on) craft file: http://www./folder/ln9ang56crb0b/KSP?
  10. FTW ( I don't really care derpy is still best pony) T ninjaing ninja's...
  11. if the above was suggested anymore you would think that it would be in there already do to pure want
  12. false and it's not true the user below me understands " the user below me is anti red team and pro green team"
  13. True I just hate the game and the company the user below me is anti red team and pro green team
  14. true the user below me is anti red team and pro green team
  15. so can some on please tell me why you cna make a 1/2 a computer float and work?
  16. "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to MarkusA380 again." ksp why u no let me +rep
  17. ... true and false (what kind of things) the user below me will tell me the kind of "things that he should not know"
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