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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. ... now that is a problem... (easily fixed with more struts though) also ... hyperedit is your friend...
  2. ...IDK are you ?... are you really
  3. and the power of scootaloo compels you ... celestia too ... and Obama (click it )
  4. only the 1/2 brony thing (finally got the other 1/2) the user below me doesn't really play ksp but just posts on the forums
  5. I don't know if my ship would count as a cruiser...(the one you helped name)
  6. the mod seems to take away the pathing(ie the blue line of travel of your craft except for all of the stuff in orbit ) pic
  7. banned for not saying you miss him(it is him right?)
  8. false though isn't the internet 4chan? and isn't 4chan the internet? the user below me want's r34.2/r34p/r85 ksp
  9. banned for being on here alot with the rest of us also because M. wolfy hasn't been here for a long time
  10. true the user below me wants the next BSC NOW
  11. banned for not under standing what real spam is
  12. banned for this happening again I have no idea what happened...
  13. ... I still have no idea what happened..(I mean nothing was deleted from the thread so I have no idea...)
  14. true see Xeldrak sig the user below me want's the next BSC NOW
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