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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. 8/10 seen you a lot recently also mrrpamplemousse is a rull brony due to the fact that only 1/2 of his brain is working the other is in lala land
  2. true but not really more like a hill.... there's a "hill" in my schools yard place thing... it's about idk 2/3 yard high...(live in spring ,TX) the user below me want use to post more ponies.
  3. 10/10 reall non of you have read eragon ?
  4. Zecora (not pony but still cool...maybe even 20% cooler ) L
  5. 10/10 "but I didn't say what kind of doom... how every clever of me"
  6. 10/10 https://www.google.com/search?q=ksp+mlp+crossover&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=43xoUrWxJo7U9QTm6YCADA&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=713#q=derpy+ksp&tbm=isch&imgdii=_
  7. very well you know what I give up....
  8. we would need mods to really do that... but since some people here a purists ....
  9. 10/10 there's still time you know what I give up....
  10. F5 a lot also make sure before you leave that you have all the stuff you need ie. power(RTGs and batteries and solar panels), parachutes, science stuff,ETC. and make sure that the parachute and engine stage are correct. most important make sure that you have enough D/v and TWR (all very standard but you do not want to know how many times it has happened to me )
  11. See war eagle we are now talking about random things and waiting for someone to post a pic/craft file....
  12. ...hypocrite much anyway I think the title should be changed to "The sit around and talk about random things until someone post a craft or a pic or a battle then we talk about it for a page and then go back to talking about random stuff Club"
  13. ... that migh work... (also you said something about weapon tech? )
  14. banned because I can... and becuase of Octavia +vinyl ...
  15. 1/10 I don't like Dr.who due to the fact that my friend shoves references in my face (never did get the robot thing)
  16. granted we now have a JEB alike called Joe I wish for cheesy fanfic link
  17. granted but paradoxes happen I wish for nothing therefore I am nothing
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