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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. false (explain please) the user below me can tell me why scootaloo is both dead and alive at the same time
  2. granted you get nothing because of the 20% cooler rule I wish that warframe DE had not because the $hit star trek game DE
  3. false (have one though) the user below me is in the 20% cooler club
  4. true (explain) the user below me will explain his long absence from the tread and RL
  5. false I use cash/check for everything the user below me is on the other side of the 4th wall
  6. false (never did get why that was said) the user below me is on the other side of the 4th wall
  7. granted but "chiken" is not a real word/ instead more people call ember a chicken. I wish that DE would not become a EA clone
  8. true the user below me knows the start date of season 4 of mlp:fim
  9. hey it's what the community's here for my "creative" solution just let the thing try and crash into the base with it's super secret rade/location jamming thing (ie it doesn't hit the planet)(ok fine I just had to try
  10. 10/10 so what the next computer melting thing you're going to build
  11. one thing would make it a lot better... a search function.
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