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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. ok few things get a haswell cpu (ie 4xxx) gor Psu gow with something like these for cpu cooler if you really want one get a 212 evo from cooler master. also for your GPU get one of the new nvidia or amd cards (ie 7xx or RX 2XX) and do you really need a "gaming' keyboard? why windows 7 not 8.1 ? also you do know that matx motherboards are smaller right ? do you really need a 512gb ssd?(they are stupid expensive) also on ssd get a 840 evo or pro from samsung.you can also get cheaper ram from samsung.
  2. 10/10 okay then how was your day....
  3. true hyper edit is such a wonderful tool the user below me is [insert some witty thing here]
  4. 10/10 oh yes so we can just but a rating bow and say we did rate the avatar and still talk about stuff right....
  5. 10/10... um ok? saw it some where in one of the links on the first page of this...
  6. true YOU SHALL BE CORRUPTED the user above me is not a thing
  7. the rainbow factory in 1 sentenceedit; oh your wireframe dragon guy
  8. 10/10 winking fluttershy from some fan pic
  9. 10/10 I don't see how it's disturbing though...
  10. false, it's a tech tree and decouplers are some pretty advanced stuff(1/2 though it btw ) the user below me know the song something
  11. true the user below me is someone
  12. true the user below me is also a brony
  13. true the user above me is a brony
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