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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. false and true at the same time he is every where but no where at the same time the user below me has no idea what the bronies are talking about (post coronation TS= best pony :)though FS is cool too... and she scares me... (really I haven't seen enough to chose)
  2. I have to agree with above. that and you do not need brand name ram ether. Other than that why not go with one of amd's new cards? and for psu save some $$ and pick one of these
  3. It won't unless you want to do it all in career mode?
  4. http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=65005115621851296421
  5. so what do you guys thing of my (still a prototype) frigate?
  6. my submission. The (Crew Bus) CB XV-6V (it's clickable) Craft file: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=08971719365609136648 this craft shows that you can have different engine types to for fill different roles on a single craft... um that really all I have the rest is in the craft discription
  7. There is no story in Ba Sing Se... but there is hanland... (see company name Hl 2.0) and what is wrong with some RP?(ie. base takeovers) and prototype of the [insert name here] XX-1x(ignore the file name) was trying to give it a more organic look.
  8. um,no try http://www.tinyupload.com/ any way... missle
  9. well the bad news is that my fighters are still 25 tons the good thing is that I just made my first frigate edit: and can I have a tinyupload.com link too?
  10. well we have a problem... my fighters ar 25 tons each...
  11. though amd card should come down in price a bit if you wait
  12. becuase school block everything in existence with firewalls...
  13. zekes can you upload it useing tinyupload.com too? please
  14. False The user below me can never see rainbow dash the same after reading the rainbow factory
  15. The only other is zeke. 40tons max 5 ships pol Zekes setting up
  16. so you mean that the french got to the moon without going to the moon? Because the french national weapon is the white flag
  17. false the user blow me goes to a school
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