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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. the front is the "top" and it's a unmanned missile boat
  2. ok... any way's the first iteration of my new ship the Morningstar (MS) XX-1x craft file (it's clickable)
  3. 10/10 hey look someone that you know READS
  4. true and false.... why must you avoid you destiny? the user below me is someone
  5. banned for not knowing what "the rainbow factory" is other than the wiki entry
  6. 10/10 yes embrace it... in comic sans
  7. is it just clouds right now? because I can't seem to see any lights
  8. [insert some mlp reference that starts with L]... z
  9. 10/10 not yet but I have read about it(1/2 through season 1) and the second part... NO JUST NO
  10. that won't work... or will it ... the "fighter" is basicly a striped down version of my 3.5x with 2 of my srb missles
  11. 10/10 I think he did (I finally figured out where your pic comes from btw) and why does no one read my subtitle thing
  12. only problem is that I con't make a fighter lighter than about 25 tons
  13. I'm not trying to vote for myself repeatedly if that's what you're worried about
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