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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. true the user below me understands the pony thing going on
  2. granted instead "the rainbow factory becomes cannon...(and I just watch the cupcakes thing to...) I wish for pie
  3. what's wrong with sand-force? @ above looks fine
  4. the thread is for what we would say to each other so :shrug: think of it has around the water cooler conversations. or I would be screaming heresy and die every time I posted
  5. wait as in end of the week/ middle of next (ssd's are worth the price IMHO)
  6. Ahh, done. Here is the final list: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/1PVwy 4 things....ok fine a few No ssd? Do you really need a"gaming" keyboard? For the cooler I would go with a 212 evo from cooler master. I would go with a 7970 for Gpu(just wait a bit and they should become really cheap) No tim?
  7. but I though you said you wanted a hdd (if you are getting 2 hdd's buy the same one)
  8. then just go with win 8.1 wish start is gone and a start button replacer. other than that your gpu really is very underpowerd and I don't think you need 2 hdds
  9. would the teacher flip out at the lack of really physics in this game ?
  10. yea there all there but it just keeps saying that the the R and D place is closed. They were all fired when everything was discovered
  11. the only thin reall that changed was the mk1 landing leg
  12. i wish that the subassemblies were common to all saves, and not save based. Is there a reason for this?
  13. I just drag the the whole thing and it works... root part and all. Now I wish that they had just made the sub assembly folder common to all saves and not save based
  14. you do know that 2 hdds right ? that and mx4 tim is fine. also don't get an AIO water cooler
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