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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. banned for only 20 "quality" posts.
  2. granted but since there are non here right now we only get 1/2 of a person. I wish that more people understood "20% cooler"
  3. 7/10 ...nope (I think maybe I should change my avatar...) edit:ninja'd
  4. it's with just the s any you can also click on reply with quote to see how they did it hanland 2.0
  5. 10/10 it's a play on the intel slogan "intel inside" that and.... KILL THE BLASPHEMER... (jk you just need to be 60% cooler to be in the club )
  6. it's fine. it's just that maybe the Op could have put some links up or given a tl;dr version.
  7. Have you tried this? @ op try tinyupload.com
  8. *slow clap* flag: (should say [strikethrough]hanland[/strikethrough] 2.0)
  9. banned for not being here for a long time
  10. banned for not being informative(yes I get the concept thank you very much ol wise one )
  11. banned for not making that person that started this come back so we can ban him
  12. banned for "hitting" on another guy.... (sorry not like that)
  13. when you can explain orbital dynamics(or whatever they are called know) to you physics teacher and have then stare at you like you's not speaking english.
  14. that plus it says in the end user agreement for thing that the game is provided as is and may or may not be improved or supported after the current update or something to that nature so yes asking too much.
  15. you know you can just test your landers with hyperedit right?(and how do you think NASA got started?)
  16. you mean the orange tanks? and all you have to do is throttle down 1 ish %(look at how mechjeb dose it if you need to)
  17. banned for not saying something about the refrence.
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