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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. false the user below me wish people would stop forgeting the second part
  2. when he died/left at the very end
  3. true and false I like pre Steve Jobs leaving apple but hate post Steve Jobs leaving apple
  4. so anyone have any idea what the mas of fuel is (both parts)
  5. false (fixed) the user below me is 4chan
  6. ... and true the user below me knows why this turned into a wish thread
  7. granted there all bronies I wish the user above me would stop hating on the fandom
  8. banned for not seeing that I was only calling him what he called himself
  9. false the user below me has not seen "real" spam
  10. Spam? What that? We don't eat so i have no idea how spam would taste.(though maybe I could post less ponies....)
  11. Because thAt is what I got from the rule suggestion on the previous page
  12. ...looks like a large bomb...(which isn't necessarily a bad thing)
  13. yes and also to kill it you have to kill the probe core... which if you do that they ship is lost anyway( I did the same thing with my BSC heavy lander)
  14. oh but there is RCS... it's just hidden just like all the RTG's
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