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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. 9/10 I can't really read it but it has TS over that meme thing so ...
  2. 10/10 “....avoid roasted cabbage, do not eat earwax, and look on the bright side of life!" -Angela†"the tools do not the artist make" -Saphira (guessing that your avater was an imatation of Saphira ?)
  3. granted you think of unspeakable horrers I wish I could watch more mlp
  4. true at blowing up things the user below me is a non not scott
  5. oh that thing...(so why did that other guy think I would not understand?)
  6. I have no idea what that is so... false (explan) the user below me is pony
  7. false (not bad from what I can remeber but do you have linkys?) the user below me wants more/less ponies
  8. trueish(read 1 of the comics) the user below me has no idea what NLR Vs Solar empire is edit: ninja'd any way true
  9. should be So, sir have you done something today or So, have you done anything today or So, sir did you do somthing today
  10. banned for not knowing posts in off topic do not count for post count
  11. 8/10 seem to be one of the only mods I always see
  12. true The user below me is pro NLR
  13. false the user below me calls all soda coke
  14. false?(don't really know what that is the user below me dose not know that I have updated my sig
  15. never heard of it more of a root beer or ginger ale kind of guy.
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