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Everything posted by RocketTurtle

  1. He's said multiple times he's not taking requests. He will ask for people to give him ships, but he does it on his own manner. Still a cool shuttle.
  2. I think it was like 5/10.0001? Plez dun't let yur bloo dragun eet mai tuurtel.
  3. I think the first one needs like a little smiley face on the front.
  4. I think his underwear should have little rockets or stars on it.
  5. 4.98184717/11 Y u speel assassin laik dat??
  6. 10/10 I wait for the right moment...
  7. 7.4/10 ish. Got any maple in that vending machine? I'm mean I'd prefer that over the so stereotypical 'Murican beer and burger.
  8. LOL. That thing needs a Nic Cage face on it. ... O, rite. Mods. EDIT: Now put the ball on a tee in a lush golfy environment with a beautiful waterfall flowing in the backround...
  9. A butterfly knife shouldn't be used for combat. A nice classic fixed blade knife is always the way to go. And instead of throwing knives, airsoft, etc. Just, if you can, get a gun. If that's not possible, a taser or pepper spray are effective as well.
  10. Aw. This defeats the purpose of the 10 character thing.
  11. Yeah, you may want to catch up on news...
  12. That's amazing... shame you're using crap-22's... Sorry. I'm an F-15 fanboy... I think the F-22's were a total letdown, so many problems, can't fly in multiweather conditions... It is a great plane other then that. If you're gonna have a relfection you should also be able to see his HUD, it'd add a cool-factor. Also, he should have some cool paint on his helmet.
  13. Rareden! You owe me $32598324364235 from all the hospital bills for making my jaw break through my floor, the Earth, then come out the other side at escape velocity and end up in the Kerbol system in a Mo-hole! ... Yup. I wish real life looked like that. 120 km orbit and back with enough for another orbit. I got it to Duna but I forgot the parachutes... needless to say landing a 47 ton SSTO with just wings doesn't work out well... it did have enough for a return though!...
  14. Edit: Oh, it got scrubbed. Old post- Missed it. How'd it go?
  15. I can tomorrow... can't access a computer now... sorry. :3
  16. Well, remembering a heatshield would have helped... then aerobraking to bring your velocity down, then make a final entry.
  17. I don't use DR, but I can assume it was sheer speed that killed you. No altitude could help coming in at 8 km/s with no heatshield.
  18. Seems you found out. But here's a pic. If you need a better angle ask.
  19. *facepalm* Hey, go take a look at the locked threads, say... the second or third page... okay?
  20. These are good! Really good infact. You should take requests from people, I'd be interested to see my SSTO made with chalk. I'm exited to see your digital art.
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