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Everything posted by RocketTurtle

  1. Lol. Also, I can't seem to find the mod... anyone got a link? Thanks.
  2. NOTE! THIS CRAFT IS NOT MINE! I JUST MODIFIED IT! ALL CREDIT GOES TO THIS GUY: http://www.umluex.at/index.php/2013/07/05/ksp-recreating-spaceships-the-origin-300i/ Okay. So this is a Star Citizen 300i replica (actually 325a). I added VTOL capabilities to it. Takeoff. Missiles. Approaching VAB Der we go. Back to the runway! Approaching... Actually... not the runway... SLOW DOWN BOI! Easy... Almost... TOUCH!
  3. I was thinking about those pens... I just thought it would be something... else.
  4. I was thinking of that... if you get it right... you don't understand... I- ugh. Nevermind.
  5. Mechanical pencil? Or just a normal pencil? A colored pencil?
  6. An eraseable pen... or however it's spelled.
  7. HURDUR Crayons? Or a colored pen with plants wrapped around it?
  8. Oh uh... a marker! Or a... what're they called... those feathers that are pens... you know what I mean. Or a felt pen. But my best bet is a MARKER.
  9. I laik your avatar. (Even though you're a half brony)
  10. Alright! Gimme a stock Origin 300i from Star Citizen! STAT! Also, any other Star Citizen ships would be awesome, but the Origin would probably be easiest. (And it's my favorite )
  11. RAINBOWZ!!! Wait. I don't have that in my house... OR DO I?
  12. ROCKET+TURTLES=ROCKETTURTLE! Now is that rocket science!?!? Oh, wait... right...
  13. Pfft... have fun with your jet... (or what's left of it)
  14. I'll fight with my terrible destroyer with relatively destructive weapons and my pretty good fighter with terrible weapons!
  15. Oh man... were you battling anyone? Would they have your ships in the persistence? Also, someone needs to make a Kraken ship.
  16. Anyone have tips on making the SRB missiles fly straight?, mine always go like 500-600 meters then turn randomly.
  17. Presenting the!... [insert name I haven't yet come up with]! It's a medium fighter armed with 10 small missiles. Missiles. IN YU FAIC!
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