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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. How do I insert a web link in a message like a mediafire link it refuses to let me copy any kind of link into the body of message its saying it has no access to my clipboard. I am rapidly discovering it takes twice as long to do anything with this (insert expletive) than what i could achieve under the old forum
  2. We the end user need a product that's user friendly pleasing on the eye and most of all functional and easy to use if the community stops using the forum what was the point of upgrading
  3. But there isnt any reason they couldnt stand the old forums back up as locked active archive for a small period of time to allow us to grab missing subscriptions and content
  4. I dont think they would agree to forever but we maybe able to get a limited time period to extract any missing data
  5. I would formally like to request that the VBulletin Forums be stood back up for a period of 6 months as an active archive, lock them so nobody can post, but allow us to search and gather the stuff that is missing or broken, rename them but allow us to gather our subscription lists and any blogs or posts that didn't make it across. I don't think this is an unreasonable request and would go a long way in quelling the dislike for the new Forum Software please consider this. VG
  6. I guess we can call this the great forum derp of 2015
  7. The old forum I Vote for a return, my subscribed threads I visited daily to stay in touch with the posts I was interested in now gone, 4 pages worth not overly happy about that. I cant find a damn thing to personalize things, I have chat bubbles for threads that i follow, my inbox is filling up with email notifications, for us old buggers over 50 with eyesight issues its horrible. So on that note not overly impressed Kasper worked damn hard and I dont wish to knock his work but I dont like IPS at all
  8. Thankyou for all your help guys I am rapidly losing my patience with this (insert expletive) what happened to the KISS approach (keep it simple stupid) vbulletin i could use this i cannot
  9. How do you you turn the threads i follow into something similar like vBulletin 1 line with the name of the person who last added to it these ridicoulous convo bubbles are anoying
  10. Will we get our subscription list back seeing as you have managed to fix a few things with workarounds there is also a spelling mistake in Threads I Follow Threasds I Follow
  11. How am I supposed to find 3 pages of subscriptions when i have nothing to reference for the threads i was following Is it possible you can produce a list for each member so we can find those threads and resub
  12. I hate to be Mr Negativity but i have no forum subscriptions I had 3 pages or more of subs all disappeared, lots of complaints about threads that are broken, 502 errors constantly killing me, would it have been better to run the old forums and the new ones in parallel maybe lock off creating new posts in the old forums and create a test link for the new ones. Because from where i sit there are lots of unhappy campers, is there a possibilty of rolling back to the old forums.
  13. Followed your instructions all my subscribed threads are now gone I cannot find any of them is this due to the post numbers being changed therefore they wouldnt link properly I appreciate all the hard work you have invested Kasper and its early days but I am over the 502 errors is there any eta on when they will be resolved also jumping on the bandwagon with not a fan of this style of forum any chance we can have the the old Vbulletin ones back till the bugs are worked out of this one
  14. Lots of 502 errors can't find the link to my subscribed threads is that feature not available anymore
  15. You mean like this [url]https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/153/Radial%20Engine%20Mounts%20by%20PanaTee%20Parts%20International[/url]
  16. Any chance of just getting the jet wing with out the rest of the packaged parts no disrespect intended its all i am really interested in
  17. Anyone else have landing issues find its really nose heavy
  18. i LOVE THIS just finding its a little nose heavy can seem to land it
  19. You can switch to opengl its always lowered the memory for me and not hampered performance at all
  20. Is there a craft file cant seem to put the energia together the dropbox download says energia 1.2
  21. Having issues putting this together is there a craft file i cant seem to get the nodes to connect
  22. Bobcat your stuff is the best please come back to KSP and update all your awesome mods
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