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Everything posted by ymir9

  1. Ever since the update I find most of my smaller rockets are impossible to control in the transonic region. I'd love to see some sort of tutorial or simple diagnostic tooltip that could help indicate stability. It seems the margins of error have gotten very, very small.
  2. It does both of those things. - - - Updated - - - Reloading the vessel seems to solve that problem for me.
  3. Thanks for your reply. From my testing it seems that drogue chutes are treated like normal parachutes and have the same levels of drag and temperature tolerances. Also in all chutes, realchute seems to ignore what deployment settings I use in the right-click context menu.
  4. Drogue chutes don't seem to work with the new RealChuteLite implementation. Is there some way to disable realchute and revert to the stock chute system?
  5. I can't seem to click or interact with the spherical mono-propellant tank in OpenGL.
  6. If pizzaoverhead is up to it, I'd love to eventually see a more realistic high-pass filter option to replace the current low-pass filter while in vacuum or low pressure areas... with the low-pass filter reapplied when in high pressure atmospheres like Eve.
  7. It's not too hard it's just not any fun.
  8. I know there's a politically incorrect joke in there somewhere waiting for someone wittier than me to find it.
  9. Am I right to assume this does not apply to Kerbals on EVA?
  10. I think I may have become a naysayer, regrettably. I think many of us were hoping that 1.0 would bring all the planned features that were listed in the wiki for one thing. No ÃŽâ€v readouts and no tier 0 buildings make this update seem like every other update so far and not a release. I would like to know when to expect KSP to be "complete" so I can look forward to future updates as content expansion, rather than fundamental parts of career mode being introduced or completely overhauled. (like tier 0 buildings and tech tree overhauls), breaking my mods in the process. In short, I have a hard time seeing this update as 1.0. Because for me so much of the fun of KSP comes from modding, I just want a simple, highly stable and functional build of KSP to be finished, released as "done" and the updates to stop. Every time an update to KSP gets released, a mod somewhere dies and is never updated to work with the new version. It's a real shame. As it is now, the only new features that KSP 1.0 will bring to the table that haven't been already covered more extensively in mods is: thumbnails next to the load craft buttons - clamber - ablative shader - female kerbal mesh (but only one texture). I honestly can't think of any others. KSP is a great game, but it's features are so outstripped by its mods that I wish it would take a bow and let the community take over at this point.
  11. Any of the myriad things that can go wrong to a probe during a mission: - power failures - staging errors - signal loss - part failures (if you're using the awesome dang it! mod) Scanning for me has always been a stressful affair. Once I'm finally in place I want to finish scanning as quickly as possible and move on to my next objective before something inevitably goes wrong. Honestly, between this and the still absent tier 0 buildings, I find myself just wishing Squad would finish KSP so mods would stop breaking, and I would stop having to worry about restarting my career game. I struggle to think of any features that KSP 1.0 is introducing that haven't already been covered by mods in a more extensive way. I can only think of the thumbnails on the load craft buttons and the ablative shader, are there any others?
  12. So what are the chances of this working out of the box when 1.0 drops? One can always be hopeful, right?
  13. Very cool idea. I think the brain scan giving more science for insane Kerbals would be a fantastic touch as well.
  14. Seconded, a randomize direction/speed button is seriously needed to be a proper wind mod.
  15. The lens flare asset file moved to sharedassets9 if I'm not mistaken. The only way to get this working before the next update is to use a unity assets extractor and manually replace the dds file using the tool.
  16. I love this mod. What's the word on 0.90 compatibility?
  17. That policy was massively unbalanced anyway if I remember correctly. Some kind of strategy policy overhaul is probably in order for this mod though. Whatever mechanism you use, though, I really do feel like the game needs to respond to the objectives YOU set for yourself, and not the other way around though.
  18. Combined with a mod like station science and dmagic, science should be virtually unlimited. This mod really brings us back closer to the sandboxy fun of the earlier game.
  19. Am I the only one who misses how small rocket parts used to wobble when un-strutted? Ever since the new joint system was released I hardly ever have to use struts, except for reinforcing radial decouplers. It seems the only reason to unlock the larger fuel tanks now is to reduce part count and aesthetics, since a stack of small tanks only wobbles a little bit more than two large tanks stacked. Am I crazy?
  20. Would it be possible for future versions to automatically detect body rotation speeds and compensate accordingly? That seems to be what isn't working in RSS.
  21. This is a very cool plug-in. I like the fact that the N-body calculations only affect the active vessel. Having to maintain the orbits of a dozen communication satellites would be a nightmare, with Mun's orbit being so low compared to the Earth-Moon system. But this system still lets me play around with loopy orbits, and worry about degrading orbits when flying low over the Mun.
  22. That sounds like the Kraken to end all Krakens. I still want to see it, though. Alternatively what would happen if on collision the smaller object were just deleted and its mass added to the larger? A bunch of asteroids spawning would be a nice touch as well.
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