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Everything posted by Redjoker

  1. Since I have also have been thinking about building one, I kept looking at the thread and this mod appears to be the best way to do the software side of custom controllers if you are using an arduino. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66393-Hardware-Plugin-Arduino-based-physical-display-serial-port-io-tutorial-%2817-Dec%29
  2. I'm 90% sure that the throttle on a joystick can be used, so your sliding potentiometer should work if you map it to the throttle axis. Edit: Just checked and it is there. Go to settings, input, staging ui, and the second to last option on the right panel will be throttle axis. Edit 2: This thread might help: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66763-Custom-hardware-simpit-repository-For-people-who-take-KSP-a-little-too-far It is a thread full of people who built custom controllers for KSP and many have their own threads showing how they built them. This would be a good place to go ask questions or PM a couple of the posters.
  3. There are already mods like this. GovFunding: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95865-CaelumIre-Technologies-%28CIT%29-General-Thread?p=1460619&viewfull=1#post1460619 maintenance costs, time scale for funds and amounts are all configurable by the user There is at least one other mod, but I can't find it at the moment.
  4. Don't immediately deorbit them! Most of the contracts require a science tool to be on the satellite, this means that later they can be a free science from space around kerbin contract,
  5. According to Wikipedia, they were testing them to be used in later flights. Basically they were testing whether or not they could ignite a rocket engine in space on a suborbital mission, where failure meant nothing instead of an orbital mission where failure could mean the loss of the astronaut. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury-Redstone_3 look at paragraph 3
  6. NASA doesn't like to waste money. After the urging of a Mississippi Congressman, congress forced NASA to complete the test tower. Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/national/2014/12/15/nasas-349-million-monument-to-its-drift/
  7. Just a few tips: If you are using the stock cooler, I would not recommend overclocking. A highly recommended cheap cooler is the hyper 212 evo for $30, but if you are using prebuilt case it may not fit. Also do not use prime 95 for stress testing your overclock. Currently if you forget to lock the cpu voltage in the prime 95 settings, it can draw much higher voltage and possibly fry your cpu. The programs I see many recommend are aida 64 or intel burn test.
  8. From http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Science/Rosetta/Long-distance_communication, "During the mission, the rate at which data can be sent from Rosetta to Earth will vary from 10 to 22 000 bits per second." The usual convention is that b is bits and B is bytes.
  9. On the first post, there is a link to a karbonite adaptation to EPL. Here's the link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/89774
  10. This article may help: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound_barrier#Early_claims
  11. Games don't have to use Steam Drm to use the workshop. Examples: Prison Architect, Skyrim, Goat Simulator, EUIV, CKII, space engineers. I'm 90% sure about these, but I may be wrong about a few. Also, the Devs have said previously that they will not do features specific to one version.
  12. Blockade Runner and StarMade are the only ones that I can think of off the top of my head. Both are in development, blockade runner currently cost $10 and you can buy starmade for the same price. They both also have free demos. Here a the respective websites and videos done on each although both videos are at least a year old. http://blockaderunnergame.com/ Nerd^3 did a video on this: www.starmade.org HOCgaming and Enter Elysium did a series on this:
  13. For number 1, https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110831143528AARLuvg For number 2, https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090903155233AAjQcJS Since I was rusty on my calculus, I just put the word problems in to Google and found a similar problem. The answers will be different, but it is the same type of problem and can be solved the same way.
  14. You mean like this: http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2013/09/08/cadillac-super-cruise/2775495/ I also remember seeing in a video a while back about a 60's Ford or Chevy project using radar to do something similar.
  15. It would probably help to know in what scientific journals you hope to get published in, since that would provide a large amount of examples to show you how your paper should be formatted and how technical it needs to be.
  16. A physician is someone who holds a medical degree of some kind: MD, DDS, DVM,... A MD is someone who has a doctorate in human medicine. It's like a square is always a rectangle , but a rectangle is not always a square. A MD is a physician, but not all physicians are MD's.
  17. The problem is that you are assuming that because one USD equals more than one GBP means that the economy is stronger. This becomes a larger problem when you compare USD to the Yen. You tell how strong a currency is by looking at it's past history compared to other currencies. As for why, currencies change value for various reasons, among them: each country having different levels of inflation, countries increasing the amount of currency available, and how the country is doing economically among other things.
  18. It was made by Bobcat, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24724-0-22-X-BobCat-ind-Historical-spacecraft-thread, he has a new thread at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81754-Release-BobCat-Ind-Space-Planet-products and appears to be redoing it all with Dragon1 doing the American pack on the same thread. He hasn't released it yet, but he seems to be close to finished.
  19. This should answer your question and any other you might have on delta-v requirements in our solar system. http://i.imgur.com/SqdzxzF.png
  20. Yes, you can add new companies and have them offer certain types of contracts. You can also create new types of contracts, the one that I have seen added docking as a contract.
  21. If you want to be able to follow the same method but launch separately, you would simply launch the first sat. The second sat you would launch to rendezvous, then adjust your orbital period and wait one orbit. For the third and fourt your would do the same but wait two and three orbits respectively.
  22. If you are a student in college or high school, you can get any of autodesk's software for free.
  23. If you are asking why it is CPU intensive: Basically the video has to be converted frame by frame to possibly a different resolution/size and encoded into a different format. While this is going on, it also has to convert audio. If you are asking why it can be parallelized easily: The order that it converts the frames does not matter and each is not dependent on another to be converted. So go frames 1,2,3,4... or going frame 1,22,34,12,67... gives the video in the end.
  24. 64-bit does not mean you can use more cores/threads, it simply allows you to access over 3.42GB of ram. KSP can currently only use 2 cores(I believe) with one for physics and one for everything else. However, the next update for Unity(5) is going to allow for physics to be run on multiple threads, which if it is stable enough may be used in KSP. PSA: You should really use the term thread rather than core, because while each AMD CPU can run one thread, Intel's can run two.
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