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Everything posted by Redjoker

  1. Kethane is found on all planets and you won't need kethane for Eve, since you just convert it into normal fuel and it isn't stock.
  2. Ioncross now supports resource usage for passive vessels. I prefer it because it only deals with electricity, oxygen and co2.
  3. On another note you could leave the graphics card out since the A10 is an APU which has a GPU built on to the processor. I have an A8-4500m and it can play Skyrim and SR3 on high and play crisis 2.
  4. I would put it at least 100km, so that ships trying to do a rendezvous with the station will have plenty of room under the station to catch up with it while staying out of the atmosphere.
  5. Its the equivalent to a very high velocity rail gun fire a tungsten bar at about Mach 25 for reentry. http://www.engadget.com/2012/02/29/railgun-test-fire-video/ That was the BAE railgun test firing a 40 pound aluminum payload but zues would probably have a much larger payload and hit 5 times as fast.
  6. You guys are going on about the centrifuge, but you forgot about the radiator fins that Clarke and Kubrick left off because people might mistake them for wings. "This spaceship is founded on solidly conceived, yet unrealized science. One major concession was made in her appearance for the purpose of reducing confusion, and this was to eliminate the huge cooling "wings" which would be needed to radiate the heat produced by her hypothetical thermonuclear propulsion system. The producer and director Stanley Kubrick thought that the audiences might interpret the wings as meaning that the spacecraft was intended to fly through an atmosphere." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discovery_One
  7. I have experience using solidworks and have decided to try modeling for ksp with 3ds max. I am going to start with the Titan IIIE but, to not recreate the wheel I want to use the stock nose cones and engines with some .cfg modifications for the second and third stages. The problem is that I need the height of the parts so I can adjust the models I will make accordingly. So does anyone know where I can find the height of various parts?
  8. For many rockets it can be foam insulation. For example this was a common occurrence for the space shuttle, where it would return with small pieces of its heat tiles damaged from foam and the Columbia accident was caused by an abnormally large piece of this foam hitting the wing at 530mph.
  9. yes and no. Watch this Some of the water turns to gas due to the vacuum but, it has to get energy from some where to break the bonds keeping it a liquid so it takes kinetic energy away from the rest of the water causing the remaining water to solidify.
  10. These make the game more difficult in some respects but not horribly so. Ioncross life support adds oxygen requirement but you have plenty in every pod to go to the moon and back. Remotetech makes all probes with its cores require a connection to KSC either directly or through a satellite network.
  11. the exact number is 3.54GB which is the limit that a 32-bit application or OS. So if I am right and the 3.1GB is the apps current usage then you can load some more mods but you only use 450MB and if you only have 4GB of ram then the OS is probably using it. If that is the case then you are at the limit of mods that you can use.
  12. Smaller bases you could do in one go but, it will require a more complex rocket. Most large stations are built by docking segment either in orbit or on the ground from multiple launches. This is because the delta-v to launch an object into orbit increases exponentially.
  13. This sounds a lot like evochron mercenary with just combat.
  14. The kethane deposits are randomized. Yes, the number is the number of units of kethane. It does regenerate but most deposits are large enough that you would have a hard time using it up and in the vent you some how use up all the kethane in the universe you can just uninstall and reinstall the mod to make more kethane.
  15. If you are going to do remotetech, you might also want to use its manned pod equivalent which is ioncross life support. As it suggests, it adds an oxygen requirement, co2 limit, and that all command pods use electricity to stay functional. Your shorter flights won't have to worry about oxygen since each command pod carries 4 days per kerbal.
  16. The warp drive does not actually break the speed of light. The distance it travels is simply compressed so that to an observer it appears to have broken the speed of light, similar If a laser beam is swept quickly across a distant object, the spot of light can move faster than c, although the initial movement of the spot is delayed because of the time it takes light to get to the distant object at the speed c. However, the only physical entities that are moving are the laser and its emitted light, which travels at the speed c from the laser to the various positions of the spot.
  17. But it wouldn't really be silicon based life. Silicon has almost the same bonding properties as carbon which allows it to form carbon-like chains and in theory life.
  18. Struts are also not counted as mass in flight. I believe its to reduce to load on computers when you have 200 struts to hold your rocket together.
  19. After setting up a network around kerbin of satellites that have a dipole antenna with a range of 5Mm and the probododyne remotetech satellite dish with a range of 50Mm. All of the dishes are activated. The ones in kerbin orbit are set to the moon sat and the moon sat is set to kerbin. Everything works fine until 10Mm where it loses connection. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
  20. Thanks for all your help, Im thinking im going to need more than 5 nervas for a 500 ton ship since with one nerva and an 80 ton ship took 15 min to do a 800m/s maneuver
  21. Since multiplayer with time warp would be next to impossible, ksp is unlikely to have multiplayer in the near future
  22. I don't know about a sled but I know people of used combinations of structural parts to create a "cushion" that would slow down their lander on impact.
  23. I am about to begin sending the pieces of my interplanetary ship into orbit for assembly and wanted some input. First I know that TWR isn't as important in space as it is on the ground but this is a 480 ton ship and I am trying to decide on skipper vs nerva. With 5 Nervas the ship only has a TWR of 0.05 which I am worried that burns may take to long do accurately while the skippers would have a TWR of 0.29. Secondly I have the question of how to assemble it. I can dock so the linear parts are no problem but the dock on the side while being coplanar with the engine as in the pictures below. I was wondering how in the world would you dock it since all your nav ball markers would be showing as if your were docking with the front of it? this is where the engines and the main body connect and here is the whole ship. note: its not going in one piece this is just to show how it will look.
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