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Everything posted by blizzy78

  1. Right. I use KER, too, and in the "Configure Visible Buttons" window, I can see the button there. But when I enable it, nothing happens, the button is still not added to the toolbar. It works perfectly in the editor, though. To be honest, I think it's a bug in Engineer. I'm also seeing a NullReferenceException in my log from its toolbar support DLL. I haven't checked if that exception is related to the invisible button here.
  2. While you're at it - I found that the current integration seems to retain references to old buttons, calling IButton.Visible on them, but those buttons have been destroyed before (or replaced by newer buttons with the same IDs.) I tried to figure out what's going on in your code, but eventually gave up. Here's to hoping there will be a debuggable KSP version some day To reproduce, I just had to start with an empty editor, then place the MechJeb pod with the eye. That alone triggered it.
  3. Please elaborate what you are talking about?
  4. Does it work for you? When I play KSP, it's usually for hours at a time, so even if I would do sit-ups, they won't have much of an effect.
  5. You may not be aware how fast some people are with Rubik's cubes.
  6. Did you add one of the Engineer parts to your craft? Engineer does not add its button to the toolbar unless you do that. After adding the part to your craft, you need to open the Toolbar button configuration and activate the checkbox next to Engineer's icon. Edit: If that does not help, please post your GameData\toolbar-settings.dat file.
  7. I was playing for hours at a time yesterday, it worked just fine for me. I didn't notice any unusual freeze or lag. Will do.
  8. That's basically what I was trying to say, yes. Moving faster does not magically make your use of fuel more effective; the fuel requirement stays the same for a given amount of delta-v. Instead, the delta-v required to achieve a final velocity magically goes down when moving faster because of the Oberth effect.
  9. Essentially, the Oberth effect and fuel requirements for specific delta-v requirements have nothing to do with each other. The Oberth effect is simply that you will need less delta-v (and hence, less fuel) to perform your maneuver, but for a given delta-v requirement the fuel requirement will always stay the same, regardless of current velocity. (As I explained earlier, the vessel's current velocity does not affect the vessel in any way, so as a consequence, the fuel requirement must stay the same.)
  10. It does not matter if you're near to a planet (going fast) or far from it (going slow.) It does not affect your vessel itself, especially not your engine's Isp. Therefore, the fuel requirement is the same for the same change in velocity.
  11. Actually, they don't, because there is nothing to account for. A maneuver node is nothing more than a direction and a change in velocity in that direction. The Oberth effect comes naturally because of your current velocity right before executing the node.
  12. Not sure if that is directed at me, because I always do. The plugin works fine with 0.22, I just haven't updated it yet for 0.23.
  13. You should see the admin at my company. Every time he decides to update our ticketing system, he downloads it and installs it, only to discover the next day that they've released an update. This has happened for 6 or 7 times in a row now. And he only updates it every few months or so.
  14. Ferram, it looks like in the editor the plugin is still adding an input lock if the mouse pointer is hovering where the old window button was. This is also true if the window is currently hidden - the input lock is added regardless.
  15. As I said, it does not. Click on the download link in the OP, then refresh your browser by pressing F5.
  16. Nereid, please remove the toolbar-settings.dat file from the download. Players might overwrite their toolbar settings if they just copy the file.
  17. Toolbar Plugin 1.6.0 is now available for download, adding support for multiple toolbars per game scene. There have been no changes to the API.
  18. Toolbar Plugin 1.6.0 is now available for download, adding support for multiple toolbars per game scene. Please see the FAQ in the OP for details.
  19. Because some plugins do have a hard dependency on the Toolbar Plugin instead of only optional support. In those cases, I think it's better to just bundle the Toolbar Plugin with the third-party plugin.
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