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Everything posted by DisarmingBaton5

  1. Don't. You. Speak. Of. That. The Minecraft forums were a really good place before they got flooded. (Beta 1.8 or so) Anyway, if pewdie did visit KSP, and if his viewers lasted around here more than a month or so before mass ragequit, I'd leave. That's too much bad to have happen a second time. Felix is okay, the comments are unbearable. This thread might get a lock, I would prepare.
  2. Kpring? How about: Oxidizer Season Explosion Season Trashcan Exhaust Season Wheeeee! Season
  3. Then nothing is all that means. EDIT: Ninja'd! Ignore this post.
  4. That looks amazing. Tips: -Shading to give it more depth -Small parts flying off along with the reentry effects (as if the reentry tiles and servos are coming apart, etc.)
  5. Well yeah, he's Jeb. Now strap him to an SRB and watch the fireworks. (I meant that figuratively, but oh well )
  6. Inverted y-axis. It comes from airplanes originally IIRC; the stick was easier to manipulate that way than it was otherwise, and weight was everything at the dawn of the 20th century. The inverted y is now standard in airplanes (yoke towards pilot to go up and vice versa) and thus flight simulators, that's why it is so in KSP. Most flight simulator veterans and pilots in KSP use the default controls. That said, use whatever controls you like. It is, after all, a single player game, and I don't think anyone will flip a spelunker if you do so. EDIT: Additionally, keep using the navball for steering. Using the 3d view for steering is only really useful during launch, docking and landing.
  7. [type][X if prototype]-[number][subdivision, usually a letter] Examples: L-001A (Lifter) T-001A (Tug) S-001A (Station) CV-001A (crew vehicle) P-001A (Atmospheric Plane) SP-001A (Spaceplane) LM-001A (Landing Module) (change this if you think it is too close to apollo LEM/LM) CS-001A (Comm Sat) PP-001A (Planetary Probe) DP-001A (Deep Space Probe) RU-001A (Rover Unmanned) RM-001A (Rover Manned) (a rover with seats or likewise) BS-001A (Base Surface) BF-001A (Base Floating) JEB-001A (Crazy Contraption) I do not use these in my save, but maybe they will help you.
  8. 6/10 Well known for someone with under 50 posts
  9. this is a mere exploit of the infiniglide bug. It looks kind of nice, though!
  10. I have read all of the posts on this thread to my knowledge. It's quite the shuttle!
  11. Will the shuttle be released prior to the payloads? I am eager.
  12. That's one shmexy sat. I like the solar array, might be a bit of overkill with the RTGs.
  13. I'd... I'd forgotten about that plane. The Luftwaffe had some pretty crazy stuff as well, let's not forget! EX: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messerschmitt_Me_609 yeah...
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