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Everything posted by GavinZac

  1. Looks great. I know this is marginally beyond the scope of the mod, but perhaps it would be possible to rename vessels from that list? My liberal use of probe commands means that I have a lot of unmoveable debris that the game thinks are active vessels; and sometimes I've stuck the probe in places where I can't even right click to rename. Actually, I've seen you made the mod GPL, so I'll attempt to do this myself, will share the code if I'm successful.
  2. I think you're using the word 'fork' incorrectly here. 'Forking' a project is using the existing codebase and adding to it, often in such a way that the changes are tracked and can be merged back into the 'master'. It's not legal to fork a project, just because the code is open source. Yes, often it is, but it depends on the license the OP has given. I have actually looked at and played with Insewerants' code while developing a short lived plugin that overlaid the Kethane map on the ISAMap before Majiir switched to the 3D mode. I have some ideas about how the memory footprint could be reduced while retaining the much higher resolution scans than before. However, I would not distribute the results without the permission of the person who instigated and did 99% of the work.
  3. Do the sides, as well as detaching from the upper stage, also fall off the now separated bottom stage? I'm thinking I can finally make some really cool, complex 'dropped' rovers without needing to stick them on the side or the top of a stage, 'upside down'.
  4. Unlockable items, measurable progress events... so when are we getting Steam achievements? Sorry!
  5. Exciting looking forward to my second monitor being genuinely useful for KSP
  6. No such rule exists in the Modding Rules. In fact, it expressly says the opposite. Show us a screenshot of the directory, and copy/paste in the contents of one of the parts. Most likely based on many, many instances of the same problem, you've installed an out of date version.
  7. Copyright law is imposed by the country of the end user, not the product producer. The USA can't simply say "All Elvis songs are now copyrighted for a billion years" and act huffy when everyone ignores them - like The Seychelles, where due to their 25 year copyright laws, all Elvis songs are now Public domain since last year.
  8. ; and ' are next to each other on my keyboard, are directly beneath [ and ] which already 'sort of' switch cameras (between active vessels) and I cant think of anything that uses them. I'm not sure if my keyboard is typical, though.
  9. Is there a way to modify the default IoncrossCrewSupport.cfg file to add a ION_SUPPORT_KERBAL_RESOURCE *without* editing it directly? i.e. I was hoping to add a third resource that Kerbals can consume that *doesn't* kill them if they don't have it. I'm not sure if ModuleManager can target Ioncross's config file?
  10. Sometimes this happens with the Docking Struts mod, are you using that?
  11. It's not a bug; the mod uses a lot of memory to load a detailed color rendering of the surface of every planetary body in the system right as you launch your first ship.
  12. Procedural isn't just related to scale - just that the parts are dynamically created, not using fixed values. A detailed procedural engine generator could allow textual input; a more kerbal-ish one could just implement little sliders for the Project Management Triangle - fast/good/cheap, or rather thrusty/overheaty/ISPy
  13. Wait, so you can magnetise without it being attached to a winch?!
  14. You can't give a solid definition of 'when'; Copyright expiration varies from place to place; for instance some micronations don't have any copyright at all. However, it probably would be against the spirit of these forums to upload derivative works to a web host in The Marshall Islands.
  15. One of these? Good idea! http://image.made-in-china.com/2f0j00vREQpHtyorfz/Stationary-Hydraulic-Lift-Table-SJG-Double-Forks-SJG-.jpg I hope you guys are taking these suggestions as a compliment, people clearly have a lot of confidence in you!
  16. Cool, I think I'll wait it out, currently concentrating on Laythe anyway so no problem with oxygen. Looking forward to the usual excitement of a new Kethane major release!
  17. Hi majiir, not really a support request, more of a general question so I'll stick it here but tell me where to stick it if it's better elsewhere I would like to make a custom part for my own use; a drill that *always* produces a different resource to Kethane, but isn't a simple generator, i.e. it needs power and surface contact to work its 'magic'. It would be essentially an encapsulated electrolysis unit that can 'drill', consume a lot of electricity, and then produce Oxygen for use in either of the lifesupport mods (to simulate how a Mars mission could get water from Martian dirt, and use electrolysis to extract oxygen from that water; an expensive process, hence the high electical usage). So my question is, is this a modification that can be created by the end user? I bet I could configure the Kethane drill to output oxygen instead, but I'm not so sure that it can be set to do this regardless of whether a resource is underneath it or not (it seems a bit silly to entirely cover a planet in a particular resource)?
  18. If you mean the original DamnedRobotics pack, you need to download that pack from the original source, make a slight ammendment to each part (add "PART {" to the first line, and "}" to the bottom), place them in GameData, and then they should work. This has been stated several times; however, the guys have come out with a new version recently with replacement parts for all of the DamnedRobotics pack that work great and don't require any manual modification. The latest download should have them (0.7)
  19. The magnetic clamp is exactly that, magnetic. You need to activate the magnet, catch the object (rover), and then reel it back in. The rover, then, has to be small enough to not cause a collision between itself and the spacecraft, so that the magnet can be winched all the way back in, flush to the the winch base, where it will lock. I think you probably still need to power the magnet at this point, even when it is locked, but I'm not sure. The best way to transport rovers in this fashion is to have the rover have an actual port for connection, but that requires a kerbal to connect it. The hook works but not very safely, the magnet works but requires electricity (it should be properly called an electromagnet).
  20. Quick idea, that I'm throwing out there since sirkut was awesome enough to make the docking washers when I suggested something similar last time. I've seen an implementation of impact absorption airbags as landing legs previously but I think controllable ones would be super. To be honest, as plugin developers you guys are far better placed to make them actually work more realistically too - in the previous parts, the airbags simply had high impact tolerance so the airbags often survived crashes while the payload inside smashed.
  21. You can use HyperEdit to place satellites into orbit. Yes, it's "cheating" but no more so than editing ships like that.
  22. RemoteControl is aerobraking with dish due to open in 6 minutes MC: Turn off the engines, and call home! RC ... MC: Turn off the engines, and call home! RC ... MC: Turn off the engines, and call home! RC ... MC: Turn off the engines, and call home! RC ... MC: Turn off the engines, and call home! RC ... dish opens MC: Turn off the engines, and call home! RC : TURNING ENGINES OFF, CALLING HOME MC: Turn off the engines, and call home! RC : ENGINE ALREADY OFF, CALLING HOME MC: Turn off the engines, and call home! RC : ENGINE ALREADY OFF, CALLING HOME MC: Turn off the engines, and call home! RC : ENGINE ALREADY OFF, CALLING HOME MC: Turn off the engines, and call home! RC : ENGINE ALREADY OFF, CALLING HOME MC: Turn off the engines, and call home! RC : ENGINE ALREADY OFF, CALLING HOME Mission control receives confirmation MC: confirmation received, over. RC : ENGINE ALREADY OFF, CALLING HOME MC: confirmation received, over. RC : ENGINE ALREADY OFF, CALLING HOME MC: confirmation received, over. RC : ENGINE ALREADY OFF, CALLING HOME MC: confirmation received, over. RC : ENGINE ALREADY OFF, CALLING HOME MC: confirmation received, over. RC : ENGINE ALREADY OFF, CALLING HOME MC: confirmation received, over. RC : ENGINE ALREADY OFF, CALLING HOME MC: confirmation received, over. RC receives end of transmission footer RC : ... MC: confirmation received, over. RC : ... MC: confirmation received, over. RC : ... MC: confirmation received, over. RC : ... MC: confirmation received, over. RC : ... MC: confirmation received, over. RC : ... MC recognises RC has stopped transmission MC: ... RC : ...
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