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Everything posted by GavinZac

  1. That guide I linked to explains that, or at least it did when I used it a long time ago. If not, then yes, you're correct, you need to do that also. - - - Updated - - - Telemachus tells you the details you need in the KSP log.
  2. I think (hope?) that he's joking. Kind of like how we used to joke about Kerbals inventing the rocket before the wheel. While this is bumped, I will point out that Lack has made perfectly functional and very awesome airbags in his Stock eXpansion Thingy which do not require messing around with module manager and part.cfg. I thoroughly recommend, if anyone is thinking about trying CP Airbags, to give it a miss and use Lack's instead. I will keep this thread around purely for supporting people who have put these in their save games and are now stuck with them and their many NullReferenceExceptions (like, well, me).
  3. Right, but I don't understand how the thing you want could be achieved or is even necessary. The point of the multispectral scan is that it's quite detailed. How would a less detailed multispectral scan look? Wouldn't it just be reporting incorrectly in some areas? If you want a less detailed scan, there's the low res altimetry, from which biomes can be inferred anyway. You could make a version with a higher altitude, wider FOV and higher energy consumption? Unfortunately it seems history has repeated itself and ScanSat is, for the moment at least, 'finished', and we're unlikely to get new features any time soon. At least it's in a much more stable condition than ISAMapSat was left in. Fingers crossed we see a stock implementation at some point.
  4. Each time the devs have 'threatened' to break savegames in the last while, they've managed to include 'upgrading' code near release to prevent it from happening. 0.24 will almost certainly break saves (techtree and economic situations being different) but I don't think 0.23.5 will. The last thing to break my save games was KAS.
  5. It would be very easy to make that happen if you exclude the 'low resolution' part. Make a new copy of the part folder, edit part.cfg to change the name and title the high, low and 'best' altitudes FOV (field of vision). You can't make it less accurate, but you can leave the FOW low to restrict the usefulness, or have a large power requirement to simulate very active scanning. Note that 0.23 (and, I assume, 0.23.5) only have biomes on Kerbin, Mun and Minus so flybys aren't particularly useful for biome scanning yet.
  6. They're quite important when you've disabled reloading/reverting.
  7. It's easiest to use something DynDNS. Here's a general guide to DNS, but it can work fine to use Telemachus anywhere. http://lifehacker.com/124804/geek-to-live--how-to-assign-a-domain-name-to-your-home-web-server/all
  8. The keyboard shortcuts work as a workaround to the GUI not showing up. Also, try enabling and disabling the key control on the right click menu, that fixed the GUI for me.
  9. They all do different things and unlock at different science levels. An additional part exists outside of the base mod called the Calypso scanner that can do all types of scans.
  10. Thanks, I'll add it the next time I work on it, I've been procrastinating from doing the rest of the million or so other RLA parts by doing actual work, which is a good thing I guess!
  11. 10 posts before yours: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53134-Kerbal-Attachment-System-%28KAS%29-0-4-6-Smarter-part-containers-fewer-explosions%21?p=1034281&viewfull=1#post1034281
  12. Well, I do! Just makes me slightly nervous that the two may not correctly sync up when messing around with different deployment criteria
  13. Could you implement the "stop warp before depolyment" function of SafeChute, as an option maybe?
  14. You have no idea what you're talking about. If I gave away truckloads of plastic bricks for free and called them LEGO, do you think that'd be fine with LEGO? Patent yes. Copyright, no. Note that Megablocks did not make a LEGO movie. nor LEGO computer games. The brand is protected. I'm sure no-one really cares, but yes, calling this LEGO BrickMod would be an infringement on trademark. Calling it "interconnecting plastic construction brick oy mod" wouldn't.
  15. Yes there is. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]]{ %MODULE[KASModuleContainer] { maxSize = 20 } } This module manager config would add the functionality you desire. You may notice the amount is quite small. Well, with all the technology and life support systems and reaction wheels and snack storage in the pods, there wouldn't realistically be much room for carrying big things. Certainly enough to carry a few struts and pipes and lights and solar panels in case of emergencies. Not enough to resupply a station. If you want more capacity, change the 20 to something else.
  16. I had them, but they seem to have disappeared. Thanks, will replace them and see if that gets it running correctly.
  17. Perhaps this should be in the RPM thread, but since most people here would be using them: I'm having trouble using the monitors - I'm getting "No satellite connection" on one screen that I presume is meant to be ScanSat maps, and "No Autopilot installed" on another, which I think is a reference to MechJeb. However, the ship has both. However, they are added by ModuleManager, rather than having the parts themselvse. Is that an issue?
  18. Well, that would be cool, but the ideal usecase for that is making a "little and large" version of parts. Unfortunately we still won't be able to define a new part, right?
  19. The Toolbar doesn't contain the buttons. The Toolbar just exists. The mods themselves put buttons on the Toolbar by themselves.
  20. No need for a change. If you're hopping out of a lowflying spacecraft to land on Minmus with a jetpack, I think that counts as landing. The game might not technically allow for that to be detected, but I think you still get credit for it if you manage to plant a flag without a spaceship
  21. To me, it appears not, or at least not out-of-the-box. Probably should be unlinked from the OP until they are ready.
  22. How long ago? Jesus man, look up. You've completely swamped the thread. Link to the channel and be done with it.
  23. If it could be applied to a single craft it would be quite useful. You're right that I don't need every piece of debris in orbit around me loaded though.
  24. Looks like a very exciting expansion! Looking forward to learning some new skills.
  25. In spaceflight, sometimes the ground is very far away?
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