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Everything posted by Nereid

  1. Ribbons for Jool Tour (all moons of Jool; similar to other Jool ribbons) and Deep Space (leaving Kerbin and its moons) are on my wishlist, too. If all "decorations" on the ribbons are separate pngs it would very appreciated, because I can add them in my ribbon generator.
  2. Well, the ride was enjoyable but hot. Riding in full gear in summer has some disadvantages. BTW: I'm working on a new release. I will add two new ribbons: "Grand Tour" and "First Grand Tour" (entering the sphere of influence of all celestial bodies excluding sun). I need two very well designed ribbons for that.
  3. I have already thought of this. The problem is: I have no clue yet how to add this without to add dependencies to those mods, too. I have done something like this for FinalFrontier, but I have created a wrapper dll. This solution is way to complicated for more than one plugin. I know there must be another solution but there was no time yet to get this done. EDIT: LOL, the forum hast stripped of "ana?" in "ana?og". Not only in this thread but for the SteamGauges, too.
  4. I'm not sure if had included the latest toolbar in 0.5.1. I will fix this in the next release. Until then, make sure you are using version 1.7.4 of the toolbar.
  5. NanoGauges 0.5.6 is online NanoGauges 0.5.7 is online Compatibility for KSP 0.24-0. latest version of toolbar included
  6. Final Frontier 0.5.1 is online Changes: compatibility for KSP 0.24-0 Download FinalFrontier - - - Updated - - - Try 0.5.1. I have tested it against the 64 bit and the 32 bit version and both were working.
  7. Let's hope we don't need two versions. One for 64bit and one for 32bit...
  8. Do whatever you like with it. I will hopefully upload an updated version tomorrow. EDIT: Just downloaded KSP 0.24 64bit. EDIT2: Code was compiled, testing now.
  9. Thanks. This may be helpful to get a new version running this weekend. I have expected things like this. KSP is still alpha and there is no official documentation how to use the "api" (it's not even clear if there is something like an api or what is part of it and what not). So we are all experimenting how things can be done and there is a very high chance things will break from one version to another... But bad news: weather is is fine today in Kiel and I have decided to ride my motocycle. No FF bugfixing today, sorry
  10. Try 0.4.20. The windows should reappear. They are checking their bounds in 0.4.20 and if the window locations are out of screen (and this bug causes x/y coordinates of -10000/-10000 and more), the they will ajust their positions. Ths happens too, if you manage to drag a window out of screen. As far as I remember I have implemented some kind off margin. If only 5 pixel or less are visible on the screen the window instantly moves back to screen.
  11. You are right. I haven't downloaded 0.24 right now. And I'm kinda surprised that it's already out. Maybe I will try to resolve all problems this weekend. 0.24 with 64bit unitiy? No more downstripping of mods, removing of unused parts, or texture scaling? No more memory related problems?
  12. Try to update to 0.4.20. This is some kind of bug in Unity/KSP. It happens on right clicks in the space center. Trust me. the folder does exists. "C:\Program Files (x86)\KSP\GameData" and "C:/Program Files (x86)/KSP" are exactly the same folders. This is a bug in 0.4.16 (or 0.4.17? dont know anymore). It has happened because I have recreated my C#-Project from scratch to integrate NanoGauges. Unfortunately Microsoft Express chooses Net 4.5 by default and I didn't noticed this. It should be fixed in 0.4.20. But it doesn't do any harm anyway. It just could cause problems but it won't.
  13. NanoGauges 0.5.2 is online By holding RIGHT-CTRL clustered gauges can be dragged together Tooltips for gauges New camera mode gauge Gauges can be disabled in EVA, IVA, Map or Flight.
  14. You mean for the next/current manouver node? I will have to check this.
  15. NanoGauges 0.4.13 is online new velocity to target gauge (V TGT)
  16. Final Frontier 0.4.20 is online Changes: Ribbon graphics for Dres fixed. Download FinalFrontier
  17. Maybe someone should write a mod that disables ModStatistic by default until the user decides against it.
  18. As Piper already told you: Just click on the name of the kerbal to open the Decoration Board. In this window you can "revoke" specific ribbons, too. But you will have to enable this feature in the config window first ("revocation enabled" or something like that).
  19. Well. No. I have just forgotten to activate it for the SPH. And I never noticed it, because until now I don't use the SPH very often. It's fixed in 0.4.19. if this is true, we will have a 0.4.20 this evening.... EDIT: FF won't do specific coded celestial body checks. FF does all checks by subclasses of the Achievement class. One subclass is CelestialBodyAchievement which is a superclass for all achievements for celestial bodies. So a programatically bug that cause a ribbon to function for all but one planet is hard to imagine. BTW: FF don't do specific checks at specific situations, too. If a situation is detected that can cause any ribbon award ALL possible achievements were checked. Most situations were detected by game events, some by a frequently called Update() method. EDIT2: checked. It's true. the program that generate all ribbons for me has an incorrect color configuration for Dres. That's easy to fix. Asteroids: I will see, what I can do about that. Base/Colony: Hard to detect. What makes a colony a colony and not a lander? Own Custom Ribbon Designs: Well, you can alter the existing ribbon graphics of course.
  20. Final Frontier 0.4.19 is online Changes: First Kerbin in Space ribbon fixed; was not awarded in every situation before. Fixed detection of max sustained gee force. Fixed a very nasty bug, that causes windows to disappear forever, if they were right-clicked at Space Center. ALL windows should reappear in 0.4.19! Download FinalFrontier
  21. Confirmed. I'm investigating this, too. EDIT: Yes. Leaving the atmosphere wasn't correctly detected in all versions prior to 0.4.19. So awarding the first-in-space ribbons was pure random until 0.4.19. Often they were awarded, because the check for all preliminaries were just done at the right moment. But if they were not, then no first-in-space ribbon. Now the detection should work. The max-gee-force ribbon had suffered from the same bug. Fixed, too.
  22. Unfortunately it's not that easy to detect a left mouse button for a drag in a window. Well, not the detection is the problem, but to do the drag in a correct manner. I'm still experimenting; if nothing will work, I will release it just with the check for the window positions. That will still behave weird but leaves the windows on screen. EDIT: I just see the toolbar does it right. So I will investigate the code there... EDIT2: Well, the toolbar does nothing special. But its not affected by this bug. So there are some other yet unknown dependencies. FF and some other mods are affected. Maybe some GUILayout call cause this. I still don't know. But it's very easy to reproduce in FF: just a right mouse click at SC in a window will move the window thousands of pixel. EDIT3: It's very strange. The position of a right clicked window is still correct directly after DragWindow(). But in the next frame (just before DragWindow()) the window is way out of the screen. This behavior is completely gone, if DragWindow() is not called - all is fine then. So DragWindow() is causing this but not directly. And even when nothing is drawn in the window it will do the same strange things on a right mouse click...
  23. Ok, I have found the "bug" that causes the strange right-mouse-click-kills-window behavior. It's quite simple indeed and do happen in my real game, too. It just happens at space center only. And this may of importance for all modders, so I will describe the problem in detail: Even in vanilla KSP at a right mouse click anywhere at space center the mouse pointer centers. Ok, nothing special. But Most of us call GUI.DragWindow(); without any further checks in their window drawing method. And it seem that a right mouse click drags the window instantly over a wide area (about 10000 pixel and more). So the window is dragged way out of the screen (not possible with a real drag) and never comes back. To reset all mistakenly dragged window I will add a CheckBounds method that move such windows back to screen. Secondly I will check for a left button press to accept drags only. Until a new version is released: DON'T right click any FF or NanoGauge window on space center!
  24. Both. Full medal... well, I dunno, perhaps we can gather some ideas here.
  25. If anybody shows interest, I can send them a Java program that I have created for my personal use to create ribbons. But Its not very flexible. It can only choose some predefined ribbon styles, place decorations, and colors on the ribbon. Adding new ribbons have to be done manually in a propertery-file.
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