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Everything posted by Odo

  1. Im sending a 2 man research capsule to Duna, they will stay there for a couple of months studying the Face on Duna, and then they will be picked up by another ship Their lander is like a big research facility
  2. Well the plane wasnt manned. Also guys it didnt work at all, just got it launched and sent to Duna. When it got into the atmosphere it was pretty uncontrollable and it just fell like a rock :C So instead of a silly ole umanned plane we're just cutting straight to the chase and sending a one manned rocket to Duna! We've got a satellite orbiting Duna with a ton of extra fuel, so theres a small chance we wont be able to make it back. Wish me luck.
  3. Nice! I've never been in a nasty situation where I need to send a rescue mission before. I hope I get it one eventually, it looks fun and overly complicated
  4. I'd reckon with all that fuel up in orbit, you might be able to make it to eloo if you conserve your fuel well.
  5. Yeah. I say its worth a shot. If I get it there and it doesnt work, Im no less of a kerbal then I was before.
  6. Nah not on its way to DUna yet. Still working out the bugs with its launcher and landing stages
  7. Uh. No :C It's my first space plane ever. Didnt think to do that lol
  8. The hammerhead! Its name comes from the dorsel fin on the top of it, and the 2 prongs out on the front. The fastest Ive gotten this was 300 m/s, and it can glide ridiculously long distances, as long as you keep going up down up down up down. It lands either horizontally using its landing wheels, or it can land using 2 parachutes on the front of the plane, which lowers it onto 4 landing legs which are positioned on the end of the wings.
  9. The plane is still in development, but Id prefer if it was small. HOwever because of the size of nuclear engines it might have to be pretty big. Its still in development but Ill see if I can post a quick pic. Its called the Hammerhead, and for good reason (YOu'll see why once I post the pic) Also its got tilted wings for lift yes.
  10. I know. Who needs em. I think my next mission is going to be sending a probe plane to Duna A glider with a nuclear engine. It'll cover much more ground much faster then Journey. And then after that, maybe, a MANNED MISSION
  11. Turns out the reason Journey went offline was because KSC forgot to pay the power bill. We're back online exploring the surface of Duna! The Dawn Mk II satellite orbiting Duna has gotten a picture of the face from orbit: Our scientists have come to the conclusion its just a lighting effect caused by shadows.. A lovely view of Ike here on a Duna Mountain. The first night on Duna has fallen, and Journey has gone star gazing.
  12. You have to have your graphics on the highest setting to see the face. same goes for the northpole ufo also I wasn't trying to land near the face, I didn't even know where it was, as I've never explored duna till now. so I just got incredibly lucky haha. I was pretty much shouting "NO WAY" When I saw it under me.
  13. Nah you dont have to I really like them but I dislike using other peoples crafts, cause then I cant have pride in them
  14. True, the efficiency is un equalled, but the length of it makes landing and taking off hard :C
  15. It's a glider. Should I replace its basic engine with a 909?
  16. So I have finally made a really good plane design, and figured out how exactly to steer a plane. And I was wondering if I were to get this thing to Duna, would it work? Duna has a very thin atmosphere so Id probably have to use a turbojet, but the low gravity would make up for it. Anyone know the answer?
  17. Why would it be too early? We lost a rover after it went too close to a statue or monument of sorts built on a planet that no Kerbal has ever been to. It had to have been made by other intelligent life!
  18. Nope. (filling 10 character blah blah)
  19. On the date 6/23/2013 Entity Space Exploration successfully landed an unmanned rover named Journey on Duna. Journey transmitted for 8 minutes, and then fell silent. The following images and messages were transmitted back to KSC before we lost contact with Journey: Parachutes deployed... Heatshield holding... Anomaly detected... Heat shield ejected... Successful landing... Decoupled Skycrane... Systems check... Thermometer functional... Barometer functional... Camera functional... Emergency Solarpanel functional... Motor functional... 6 wheels functional... System check complete... All systems ago... Investigating anomaly... Approaching Anomaly... Movement Dete- *static* emergn-*static*-powe- *static* Shutti-*static* dow-*static* After the 4th distorted transmission we lost all contact. Mission outcome: Unknown Mission conclusion: We are not alone.
  20. Decided to name the rover Journey. just an fyi ;3
  21. Great news: I have achieved an orbit around Duna with the rocket carrying the Rover! Now its only a matter of pinpointing our landing site
  22. Cya. Im for some reasonf ailing horribly at getting an encounter with DUna. have been trying for 4 hours.
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