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Everything posted by Odo

  1. Id much appreciative if anyone could answer this: What is up with the poles of Duna? They are so dang bright and are like a chocolate molt color when it turns dusk and night :/
  2. Ah. I saw all of the views and 0 responses and felt lonely XD
  3. Gonna attempt to make a curiosity replica for fun. If that doesnt work out, Ill make a rover for it. Probably 2 wheeled buggy type thing. Ill leave a seat on it so if a manned lander is ever sent, they'll have a rover.
  4. Funny you should say that Im doing that right now XD
  5. ...Thought people would be more interested in this
  6. Also what mod adds those labels on the Ares rocket?
  7. Howd you make him sit down like that? Slide him backwards with RCS?
  8. After my Minmus landing and Mun landing, I have shed my noobie skin and am now a novice rocketeer! (I think thats how it works :3) And so, I've set my sites out of Kerbin's sphere of influence. Operation Objective: Explore the planet Duna, the first interplanetary destination we have taken, and once we have found out enough about the planet, set up a small colony. Mission 1: Land a probe on Duna to survey the atmosphere, temperature, material, and over all conditions of the planet, and transmit them back to KSC. Mission outcome:Success Mission 2: Establish an orbit around Duna with a mapsat satellite in order to map out the planet and select a landing zone for our future rover. Mission outcome:Success Mission 3: Land the rover "Journey" on the anomaly detected by our orbiting satellite, and investigate. Explore the surface of Duna after priority 1 has been completed. Mission outcome:Success Mission 4: Send the space plane "Hammerhead" to Duna and scout the planet. Mission outcome:Failure Mission 5: Land the manned research lander on Duna and study the planet, along with the face. Journey will regroup with the crew and assist. Mission outcome:Success Target: Duna Ship: Dawn Mk I. Specifically designed to launch a small space probe to Duna. Mission: Land the Dawn Mk I probe on Duna, take readings about the planets temperature, material, and transmit the findings back to the Loki Satellites orbiting Kerbin. Crew: Unmanned And we have Liftoff! Low Kerbin orbit achieved. Decoupled lower stage, activated Nuclear Engine, and burning for Duna. Successful encounter! Burning to Duna orbit. My fuel tank is disturbingly low. The red planet is but a speck from this distance. Fuel isnt looking good. Aaaaaand engines out of fuel. Burning our RCS. RCS is out. opening fairing and deploying the probe. Hopefully we'll be able to make it there using its tiny little engine, and 11 units of fuel. Using Ike as a slingshot into Duna. Otherwise we arent making it to Duna. Nice view of Duna. The slingshot was a success! Looks like we're going to come down on one of Duna's poles. Wonder if thats snow? Chute deployed! The glaring sun on whatever this white material is, is killing my eyes! Chute opened! Rocks are coming into view now. Landing! *Ground Control Applauds* Sadly I forgot to retract the solar panels on entry, so we lost them. Luckily I put an emergency generator on the probe, so its only a minor hinderance. This ground is ridiculously bright white, I have a hunch that its not actually that color, this seems more like a glare from intense sun rays then anything else. Time Warping. Aha! My theory was correct. At dusk the ground is a more brownish red. The bright white is only a glare from the sun. It must be facing directly at the sun for it to be that bright. Midnight has come, and the probe is transmitting its findings into the cosmos, and back to Kerbin. It is officially the first Kerbal made object to land on any other planet then Kerbin! Landing site Mission Outcome: Success. Next Mission: Follow in NASA's foot steps and land an unmanned rover on Duna. Thank you all for reading about my first ever interplanetary mission. This is another huge milestone for me, and I had to share it Mods used in this mission: KW Rocketry for the fairing at the top of the rocket, which is not at all important to this mission. A normal decoupler would have done just as good, but the fairings look so much nicer!
  9. Space Station Columbus. Still a work in progress. Maximum crew is 6 Kerbals, it can hold 4 additional craft at any time, including but not limited to, landers, probes, space bikes, and space planes. This is still a work in progress and I hope to get 2 large orange fuel tanks attached to the sides of it, so it can better serve its purpose as a refueling station.
  10. Odo


    It's made of mint icecream. Everyone knows that.
  11. At 11:00 minutes you could of just transferred fuel from the 2 side tanks into the center tank.. You coulda made it to orbit, and most likely beyond Good work though.
  12. Brother showed me it when it first came out. Wasnt too interested as he was in a bad mood and wasnt really open to explaining what the game was. About 3-4 months later (when I was into EVE Online) I was watching some of Scott Manley's EVE videos and saw in the suggested bar a Kerbal Space program video by him. Remembering my brother was playing it, I clicked on it and watched. Have been hooked on it ever since
  13. Thanks! I've actually just got a rover on Duna miraculously. An unmanned one thank goodness, because otherwise theyd be stranded (used every drop of fuel) More interestingly, I got to it using the exact same rocket I used to get to Minmus and Mun. Perhaps its more advanced then I had thought. Ill probably have a thread about the Rover tomorrow. Im trying to find the face on Duna
  14. Thought I'd drop this here for anyone one whose interested: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/36817-First-mission-to-Minmus%21-%28Picture-heavy%21%29?p=465301#post465301
  15. As the title states, I've just completed my first successful landing on the Kerbin moon, Minmus! Below is the documented journey of Bill and Jeb, as told in Bill's journal. Enjoy Day 4: We've finally landed! With a whole extra tank of fuel as well, it was quite a balancing act to land like this, but it was worth the extra fuel. I was getting sick of listening to Jeb rant about how he thinks Minmus is made of Mint Icecream. Now I can finally prove him wrong. It's obviously salt! Day 4: I got the honors of being the first one on Minmus. Jeb got to be the first on the Mun, so its only fair. Planting flag. Upon further inspection it seems that this planet actually IS made of Mint Icecream. Perhaps Jeb isnt as insane as we all thought he was. Day 4: The gravity here is exceptionally low! It's as though theres no gravity at all! I can hear Jeb calling. I'll give him the O.K. to come out now. Day 4: Jeb's come out to join the party! Day 4: Jeb's immediately buried his face into the Mint Icecream. I told him hed get an icecream head ache if he continued to eat like that, but I dont think he cared. Day 4: Time to go to bed. We'll sleep through the night, and in the morning we'll get busy on research this moon. I've released that extra fuel tank and am now positioning the lander on its legs, extending solarpanels, and undocking our Rover. Itll all be ready when morning comes. Jeb hasnt come inside yet. Still eating icecream I presume. Day 5: Jeb has volunteered to stay behind and keep watch at the lander. For obvious reasons. Im the only one with any serious attitude here. I've gotten in the rover and am heading for a large hill just south of our lander. Will be taking samples of the icecream there and comparing it with the icecream on this flat ground we've landed on. Day 5: Note to self: Due to extremely low gravity, the Rover is having issues getting any traction. Day 5: Uh oh. Looks like that tumble has given the Rover a flat. Good thing we've got a spare in the trunk. Day 5: Taking "samples" of the icecream up on this hill. No wonder Jeb cant keep his mouth off it. It's delicious! Night is falling. I've parked the Rover back at the landing site, and Jeb and I have retired to the ole' bunks. I think Jeb has hidden some icecream in the lander somewhere. I can smell it. Day 6: Once again, Jeb has volunteered to stay behind and watch the lander while I go and do research. He has assured me that one of us standing guard is necessary, as their might be icecream monsters on this planet. Im setting off on foot this time, as the Rover proved to be a bad idea in such low gravity. Our standard RCS packs are making it easy for me to cover ground very quickly. Will be on the top of the Mountain in no time. Day 6: I'm on top of the world! Day 6: Extreme base jumping! Hey! I can see Kerbin from here! Day 6: Bill iz stoopid. Day 7: I slept well last night. Today is our last day on Minmus. Jeb is getting one last bite of icecream and then we're heading back to Kerbin. Day 7: Ground control has sent us a radio transmission saying we should leave the Gas tank behind, as a memorial of sorts. We've also installed a probe body on the Rover so it can be used unmanned once we get back for further exploration. We have Lift off! Good bye Rover! Day 7: Good bye Minmus! Day 7: Ahh.. Space sure is beautiful. Day 7: We've successfully preformed the escape burn, and have fallen back into Kerbin's sphere of influence. In 9 days and 13 hours we will be burning to get into Kerbin's atmosphere. This will most likely be my last log until then. Day 9: I'm sure of it. Jeb's hidden some icecream somewhere on board. This morning when I woke up his helmet was smeared with the stuff, laying on the ground. He's passed out on his bunk with icecream on his mouth. I'll find his stash yet! Day 12: I found Jeb's icecream! He hid it inside the spare space suit hanging near the airlock. I've taken half and hidden it under my pillow. Serves him right for not sharing! Day 13: Soe thaz wher you hid my icekreem. Day 14: My icecream is gone! That thieving Jeb must of found it somehow! Curses! He's got a new hiding spot too. Hopefully Ill be able to find it before the journeys end. Day 16: I never found the icecream again. Perhaps Jeb isnt as stupid as he looks. We're entering the Kerbin atmosphere. Chutes deployed, and burning retrograde! Day 16: Touch down! We've landed in what appears to be an ocean. Mission control says they've got a pinpoint on our location, and are sending rescue boats. We've still got quite a bit of fuel, a stark contrast to our Mun mission. Day 16: In the mean time, me and Jeb are going swimming. It's good to be back on Kerbin! Day 16: Mission success! Thanks for reading about my next major milestone in Kerbal space program! This mission was extremely fun and a test of my skill I couldnt of made it without docking and refueling at my first space station: Space Station Columbus: Crew Capacity: 6 Kerbals Docking Capacity: 4 ships, and 2 space bikes, landers, or probes. Orbit: 100km by 100km around Kerbin Liquid Fuel capacity: 1500 I'd also like to thank Margaul for his excellent docking tutorial. Without that, my station wouldnt be possible, and neither would this mission If youd like to read about my Mun Mission, the link is hidden somewhere in the text above, see if you can find it! Happy rocketeering!
  16. I got the majority of my space station done Working on making space bikes and little probes for it. Holds a maximum capacity of 6 kerbals, and can have 2 ships docked at it, at a time Ill post pics soon!
  17. This is probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen in KSP. Since I dislike using other peoples craft files ima try to make my own version of this for my space station :3 Might post pics.
  18. Dunno what's wrong with your rover, but I've driven one of my favorite rover designs completely around the mun with no difficulty. :/
  19. Oh my gosh that stations epic. also is that a space plane docked to your station? it looks super cool. good luck on your mission!
  20. I'm seetheing in anger though. I've been trying for 4 hours to dock the second half of the station and I just can't get it T_T Its so aggravating!
  21. Granted, but the Snickers expired 3 years ago. I wish I had a cup of coffee, as I pulled an all nighter and I am hideously tired.
  22. True, I have 56, majority are junk I never end. Like probes that crash onto Kerbin. User below me is going to be the next user in the chain response of this thread.
  23. Granted, but suddenly the person comforting you turns into Doctor Onagonapus BWAAAAH. I wish I could get the 3rd part of my space station docked.
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