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Everything posted by Odo

  1. Screw sleep. I couldnt rest my brain as it stirred in a soup of infinite ideas and designs which I thought of whilst I tried to fall asleep. Docking is so amazing. No sleep today! Also I fixed the RCS thing It was binded wrong
  2. I returned from a munar mission with only 4 liquid fuel units I was freaking out. xD
  3. Im goin' to bed now. Hopefully tomorrow I will have the other half of the space station done, so I can move onto Lewis and Clark probes and the big orange fuel tanks. G' night!
  4. This thread went from Mun Success to docking Success. Also Margual you should for sure make a thread for that tutorial. It was the best Ive seen.
  5. LOL it kinda reminded me of a tie fighter but thats better lol
  6. Thanks! Ill check this out in a minute Im attempting a dock and its intense lol
  7. well that doesnt work too well for me since I cant move forward or backward with RCS XD I gotta rotate the whole thing around, use the main engine, then turn back around etc. its really hard :C
  8. Anyone know whats up with not being able to dock back into a clamp a tron once you undocked it..?
  9. Not a pro yet. There used to be 4 solar panels Thanks!
  10. THe Part with solarpanels is the core, and the part on the left is one of the 2 life support systems. Once the other one goes on the right, Ill attach some of those very large orange tanks on either side. Also this is the Space Station Columbus. I'm thinking about making some lil crafts that can detach from this station, like little probes or landers. One named Lewis, one named Clark. They could go do recon and exploration and then return back to the station.
  11. Yeah sure Just got the first life support system attached. Theres gonna be 2 for symmetry :3 One thing I noticed though is that if you undock to spin your craft around into a better angle and then try to dock again at the same docking port, it wont work :C no magnetic field or docking capabilities or anything like that. They just touch eachother and then nothing. Getting picture.
  12. Will do. I'm launching the stations life support systems right now (hitchhiker cans and such)
  13. I have of course run into an unexpected problem XD I cant tilt the rocket without it spinning wildly horizontally. So... Ima have to come up with a plan to get this thing in orbit. Its too top heavy.
  14. Haha thanks. Also Margual no mono was being consumed. It just wasnt doing jack diddly squat. Launching the space station now! Hopefully I wont run into any unexpected problems.
  15. nope I was in staging mode. And I never figured out the problem :C I just winged it with the main engine. Docked first try thanks a ton
  16. WOOHOOO! *Hugs Margual* thank you thank you thank you!
  17. This tutorial has worked extremely well all the way up to the RCS part. When I hit H nothing happens! however the other ijkl keys work just fine. Help please! Im scared Ill wreck the target if I use my main engine to move forward
  18. Am I seriously the only one whose gotten Billy-BobDan? Also Ive gotten Adam before. And Bobwise
  19. Hey I'm working on making my own Soyuz (First rocket Im trying to make to look good purely.) and I was wondering if I could use this ones launcher as a base? I really cant get the slanted rockets right on my own If I were to ever upload it Id definitely give you proper credit.
  20. Wow margual. your a saint xD I'm not on my computer yet but this already looks a lot better then other tutorials. can't thank you enough will be replying, hopefully sometime today telling you how it worked
  21. Holy. Moderator comment: Please, please, please! Do not quote that many images...
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