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Everything posted by Odo

  1. Thanks man re installed using your instructions. Works like a charm now
  2. Can someone make me a flag please? I'd be eternally grateful. if your up to it here's my request: a golden compass with a rocket looping around it and flying towards you. (Like you see in a lot of these flags) and maybe a black or white bbackground. all in a simplistic style. if somebody could make this oh my gawd thank you so much
  3. There isn't I installed the game right I'm pretty sure. I'm on a mac if it helps.. everything else works
  4. Ive got an unmanned probe in orbit around Kerbin with all required components I believe. I have the Satellite dish and the GPS on the probe, its got power, has antennas if it matters, but I have no idea how to open the map thingy. Right clicking the Sat dish does nothing. Right clicking the GPS does nothing. Help please?
  5. Awww no more batcaves? Also In the sad event of a weird glitch my whole Mun base was launched into Orbit of the Mun... so now I've got 7 kerbals, 2 rovers, and 4 unique landers all orbiting around the Mun. Time for a new world! Teehee. I never made a new world anyway for the new update, so Im probably missing out on brand new terrain and such. Oh well! Ill just copy all my ships saves. I havent achieved anything but landing on the Mun anyway. So my plans for the new world are: Get the mapsat mod, put a satellite around the Mun and Kerban for communication on my Mun missions, get a lander on the Mun, then get a lander on minimus. Ive never gone anywhere but the Mun so that should be fun
  6. Hooray! I found the Neil Armstrong monument I didnt manage to get any pictures or anything because I actually crash landed onto it XD I ran out of fuel on my exploratory lander and I fell and exploded like 30 feet from it. Im having great luck with these easter eggs Next mission: Actually LAND next to the monument!
  7. WEll Ive got a Mac and they are cruddy for gaming so I dont think Id want that turned on haha. Im considering getting that mapsat mod, it looks really cool and It gives a nice purpose for satellites
  8. Oooh I thought I had an outdated game or something. Even though Ive got the newest version. :3 I assume this will increase lag?
  9. Also, while we are on thhe topic of the moon.. how come my mun has no rocks on it? Its all flat land with textures to simulate rocks. Everyone on youtube and such actually has 3d rocks.
  10. Yeah Ive got a satellite orbiting like you said, Ive found 2 arches but cant find the third :/ However I think I saw something twinkling in a huge crater so that might be the apollo 11 thing. Ill check it out once I get another lander sent there, but for the time being Im working on my mun base
  11. Ooo the Mapsat looks cool, gives a reason for satelites I hope it doesnt actually point out the Anomalies though? Itd be no fun if they were easy to find
  12. Oh. Ive got an unmodded game so I most likely wasnt looking at coords and something entirely different XD facepalm
  13. Still havent found the 3rd arch.
  14. Uh Im not there anymore I left :/ Sorry for late response. Also I suck at coordinates so its very well I did it wrong. Can anyone show me how the coordinates work?
  15. Hello, as the title says, kethane mod doesnt work when I try to launch a space craft with any of the mods parts on it. When I hit launch, I get this screen: Could anyone please tell me whats wrong? I have the newest version of KSP, newest version of the kethane mod, and I'm on a MAC. This is my first time installing a mod, I think I did it right, but I might not have, which is why this might be happening. Please help soon, Im all anxious to get this mod working Thanks.
  16. I went to the coordinates ofApollo 11s landing on the mun and theres nothing there:(
  17. How do I see what my coords are?
  18. Whatcha mean by polar landing?
  19. First thing I did was try to land on it with a jetpack hehe. When I got to the top he slid off and landed on his head but was thankfully OKAY!
  20. Theres 3? 0_0 Also the second one was found by accident, I was orbiting above the Mun getting my lander/small station into a good landing trajectory (under the first arch) and I saw it while floating above. Took a quick screenshot and then went on with my landing business, which was a success I'm pleased to announce the foundations of a Mun Colony under the arch has been established! I plan on making it grand, so Ill most likely have a forum thread for it. So far its got the main research facility, 2 rovers, and 4 kerbals. All things have small beginnings Also this is a milestone for me in landing. Its the first time Ive landed perfectly on a target I wanted to land at xD All my other landings were where ever the wind takes me.. Hopefully I can do it again, cause I have 7 Kerbals that need to be rescued from the Mun. (The other random landings I spoke about. Ive never actually returned from the moon never have delta V)
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