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Everything posted by Odo

  1. Cool I look forward to hopefully finding more of these easter eggs as I progress in my journeys
  2. Can I assume the weird black totem that says SQUAD on it about 5 km from the launching area is also an easteregg>
  3. Theres another one...? Also what happens if you find both of them. And are they dangerous? Are there arches on other planets?
  4. Our 4th landing on the Mun was a success. Everything was going to plan, until I saw it.. A strange.. what only can be described as an anomaly in the usual rock. It twinkled and beckoned, with its all grasping curiosity. I had to investigate. Little did we know how long it would take to get there... how far away it was... It took us hours. (7 IRL hours) of driving a small Mun Rover at the averaged speed of 8 m/s. In total, we drove 86 km, and once we got there, we werent prepared for what we saw... Left by our ancient ancestors we wondered? We had no idea... A sign from some other race perhaps? We have no idea, but we know one thing for sure. After traveling so far, we are lost. Completely and utterly lost. We were entangled by its beckoning like a moth to flame, and now.. we were paying for our curiosity. Alright! All dramatized situations aside, Ive got no idea what this was. As the above story says, I saw a weird twinkle and went investigated it, and it actually did take 7 IRL hours to get there. Good thing its the weekend. Anyway, since I dont look anything up about KSP, I like to experience it myself after all, I dont have a clue what this is. I can only explain it as a Rock Anomaly or Arch or something, can any of you explain this thing? Thanks Im just worried its some horrible portal and some demonic aliens are going to come out and slaughter my Mun crew
  5. Mind linking the craft file of the rocket you used? I wanna see this bad boy
  6. Will do. I'm exploring on the Mun in a new rover design of mine Idk what I hope to findbut its relaxing cruising along the Mun at 10 m/s (21 mph)
  7. try 2 parachutes on each pod this time. I would do it myself but Ive only ever landed on the Mun
  8. My first landing on the Mun was about a week ago I remember I was sitting on the edge of my seat, talking to myself as though I was mission control XD When we finally touched down I yelled a cry of victory and everyone in my house was like "Dafug?" My first lander is still on the moon withits flag. never to return to kerbal I designed the lander to look like a research facility cause I knew theres no way I was getting back afterwards XD It was a textbook landing, no cheats, no saves, and it took 13 tries and 2 different types of rockets! XD Since then Ive gotten 4 more landings (only been playing 2 weeks)
  9. so last night I awoke in the morning, from a dream, about Kerbal Space Program! I'll give you guys the plot, and at the end, theres an interesting idea that could be replicated in KSP. So basically there I was, running my space program, when the kerbal government told us that we were causing too many explosions, and that we were going to blow a hole in Kerbans ozone layer or something, so we had to leave before the government killed us (yes they were trying to kill us because of this) So we made a massive rocket, and flew to Duna, where there, we activated the final stage, where the rocket opened up and about 20 capsules/buildings flew out with parachutes on them, which then all safely drifted down to Duna, creating our own lil colony down there. It was like a self making tent. Could this be replicated in the real game? The design would be something like, you start entering the atmosphere in one of the final stages, and when you go to the next stage, you separate with a bunch of decouplers, and it activates many parachutes as well, all on the separated stages. There would also be the uncrewed pods on the buildings and such so it acted as a probe. The buildings wouldnt be much, a hitch hikers can, with some solarpanels, each with a bit of uniqueness, Also some actual pods as homes. You get the idea, is this possible?
  10. My Mun Buggy, I named it the Flea It has surprisingly good handling, can go 9.5 m/s on only its engine power, not including downward slopes increasing your speed, and its entirely electric, relying on some solar panels and nuclear generators when it turns night It also has an esthetic rollcage, which doubles as a support beam for when you flip. You just open the roll cage and it flips you back up It's got 2 lights, and is EXTREMELY light! I mean this thing is ridiculously light. This is also only my second rover, so I'm extremely pleased with the way it turned out, a nice mix of looks and functionality So without further adieu, the pictures of The Flea! Here The Flea is, just off the landing craft which can be seen in the background. Macemome Kerman has stepped up to be our brave driver for today Here Macemome is, pulling away from the lander! Let's get rollin! Here we are reaching the before mentioned max speed of 9.5 m/s (20 mph) and it looks like we are about to hit a bump! Noooooo! Macemome! The Flea flipped over mid air, and he went soaring through the windshield! Right as he was trying to get back up The Flea ran him over! Whatever! This thing has got an unmanned pod in it To Infinity and beyoooond!
  11. I dragged the file into my ship folder, but it doesnt work is it because I'm on a mac? And if so anyone know how to convert it?
  12. So I've been experimenting with rovers to get a cute little derpy one, and I finally made it. but Ive got the issue of that a kerbal does not spawn in with it, as its an unmanned pod with a chair ontop of it for the base, as any other pods are waaay too big for what I'm doing. There's no way for me to dock it/attach it to any pod either because there are no flat surfaces on it, and I really need to know how to spawn a kerbal in with it. Help please? Also, I see a lot of people in rover threads say they "strap the rover to the side of their lander" how exactly do you do that? decouplers? Thanks
  13. ho hahahaha I was going pretty fast xD
  14. I can land no problems, but getting back? hahaha no way xD (PS. My save got deleted along with all of my ships and designs so I have to restart all over again. Ultimate aggrivation, and Im unable to replicate my best rocket.)
  15. Same. Huge sense of accomplishment
  16. So after succesfully landing on the Mun for the first time 2 days ago, I've gone a bit further and have landed a Mun Rover onto the Mun! This thing is super fun, and Ive spent 2 hours today just burning around on the Mun and jumping over the little hills and getting huge air! So far it hasnt exploded, its extremely durable! The fastest I've gotten with it is 65 m/s, and that was when I just burned down the slope of a massive crater. (the biggest one on the moon I believe) It was so scary, it was wobbling and shaking like mad! It's of my own design, and I'd like to know how I can improve it, so I'd love if you guys would post your own designs in here, and the landers for them (thats the hardest part to me) Also I need some help when landing, how do I control where I land? I want to land on my Mun base, but I've somehow managed to land on the opposite side of the mun base, so the pilot of my rover is most likely never going to see another soul again. Pic of the front of my rover:
  17. Im attempting to land a rover on the moon as we speak
  18. After 6 days of playing, I decided I was ready to land on the Mun. (This was only yesterday lol) And oh how wrong Iwas, after 11 launches, my massive space craft was still unable to enter an orbit around Kerban, as the last fuel tank was so long and unweildy, it kept snapping off but still sticking to the top stage, sending me in an uncontrollable whirl wind of kerban tears and blood. But, finally, on our 12 launch, we got to the moon! *Applauds* I carefully ejected my lander down, and we were going in for a descent. At this point I horribly overestimated the gravity of the Mun, and began burning full throttle before I even got under 60km, which then led to me being bunny hopped all the way onto the dark side of the moon, here I couldnt see anything, but was still determined to land with what little fuel I had left. My 3 brave kerbonauts piloted the lander down, but this time, i horrible underestimated the gravity of the mun! And only began burning at 5km. I hit the ground at 300m/s and everything exploded, except the pod! No, the pod awaited a different fate, the vile moon goddess Serene had a different destiny in store for my kerbonauts. They were flung straight up into the air by the blast of the explosion, and skimmed narrowly along the moons surface for 3 whole years, before they finally touched down. By this point they had been making their own whirl pool of acceleration, and were going at the speed of 6000m/s roughly, and when they hit the ground, I had some hope that maybe theyd just slide. But nope, as soon as it very carefully tapped the Mun's surface, KABAMOOO. And thus was the end of my 12th launch to the moon. If anyone cares to know my 13th launch was a success (humorous because of apollo 13.) and we now have a nice little lander that unfolds into a small mun base sitting on the Mun with its crew of 3 This is my first time landing on the moon so Im still proud of it, as it was only yesterday xD And my next mission is to send them a rover to play with. No rescue for them!
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