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Everything posted by Odo

  1. I found you on youtube 0_0 I was watching a kerbal space program video (Journey to Duna) and I looked in the comments and you had a comment that says: "You just got a new sub" By: Ampsterman. Same profile pic and erything. Small world
  2. The first picture has a Ti-84 calculator on it 0_0
  3. I dont see them.. did you clip them through or something? Or am I just missing something really obvious here
  4. When I released the skycrane it just spazzed the crap out, and like spawned in tentacles and lashed around and then imploded my rover. Try number 2! I dont quicksave so this might be a while :3
  5. Im still not seeing a powersource also my Rover got killed by the space kraken. Damnit.
  6. Oh, forgot to ask: Whats powering the Mk Twain rovers?
  7. I really just botched up my fuel. I did a needless 8 minute burn, fell out of atmosphere, had to fix it before we all imploded, and now Ive finally got a perfect node but I might not be able to perform it as ive only got 498 fuel left and its another 8 minute burn. Sigh
  8. Nice dude! I shoulda slanted my wheels! Its too late now though. Its already halfway to Duna. xD .. That sounds like an epic song name. Halfway to Duna.
  9. Ive made some final aesthetic adjustments, and have launched it. In 325 Kerbin days it should be on Duna!
  10. My Rover (which is modeled after the curiosity) investigating a monolith with its camera. Here you can see the eyestock was achieved with some structural beams, a square light and the camera. Cruising along at its top speed of 9.4 m/s (20 mph) It can turn at this speed and not even get one wheel off the ground as Ive weighted it really carefully. Ive tried steering it at 17 m/s and it still was fine, so this is a very stable rig.
  11. Wait a couple minutes for my screenie so I can get it working rofl
  12. aw yeah I got it installed Ill post a screenshot of my rover. Hopefully the next screenshots will be it on mars
  13. Awesome! Installing it now hopefully I can fit it onto my rover.
  14. Hahah already did thanks for the concern though haha
  15. I wasn't able to find the mod you're talking about, but my rover already has 6 small wheels, and its com is low
  16. Rofl. Also I dunno how to rename the thread. When I edit it theres no option to change the name, just the contents.
  17. Game crashed before I could save in the VAB... Had an awesome rover design T_T gotta start over again. *Sigh*
  18. I've polarized Dawn Mk II's orbit and it's finished a complete map of Duna. The landing site for the rover has been selected, and the engineering process has begun.
  19. Ive heard the term Aerobreaking but I've got no idea what it is. I might have done it without knowing, but for all I know I just burned to it with rockets. Ive slingshotted into it using Ike before.
  20. Just got a mapsat satellite orbiting around Duna at 500 km by 500 km on a diagonal slope. A pretty good angle for a mapsat, even though Id have preferred a polar orbit better. This Satellite will provide communications for us on further Duna missions, and will also map out the planet to find easter eggs and a good landing spot to send down the rover (Next mission) Target: Duna Ship: Dawn Mk II Mission: Launch the Dawn Mk II Satellite around Duna to provide communication and map out the planet Crew: Unmanned Lift off! Burning for Duna. Orbit has been established. Leaving the Atomic engine and fuel tank attached to the satellite as it still has about 100 units of fuel left, which can get me far if I ever need it. Dawn Mk II has begun mapping out Duna and transmitting the information back to Kerbin. Mission outcome: Success So some things about the Dawn Mk II vs the Dawn Mk I. The launcher of the Dawn Mk II has 4x symmetry on the liquid fuel boosters, while the Dawn Mk I had 3x. The Dawn Mk II has 3 extra tanks of fuel on the atomic stage, and the satellite stage has a functioning mapsat dish as opposed to the aesthetic one on the Mk I.
  21. Funny thing just happened. While attempting to get an orbit around Duna my orbit somehow got messed up so bad that Ive ended up in a 2 million km orbit around Jool. 0_)
  22. Oh, I thought the ground there wasnt white, I thought it was a redish brown. My assumption was that the only reason it was white was because of the blaring sun right ontop of it, didnt realize it was actually white. The red atmosphere thing makes sense.
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