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Everything posted by Odo

  1. I found this earlier. KerbalXX is probably a spoof of the falcon XX
  2. Thanks I quite like it as well. It's got just enough fuel to land and then dock, not much fuel for anything else though. Although I'm making a new version at the moment that carries a small rover on the side with a solarpanel array on the other side to balance it out.
  3. Okay, got the album working, sorry for that.
  4. That link did not work. Can anyone tell me how to attach an album from IMGUR? Thanks!
  5. As the title suggests this is a mission report of my most recent Munar mission, using the newly designed Rogue rocket. This rocket is a Apollo Style lifer that transports a 2 section lander to the Mun. Its the first time Ive ever done a lander that needs to do dock with a command module and Im pretty proud of my efficient and clean design so I figured Id share it I've also never docked above anything then Kerbin and I'm also notoriously bad with docking so I was pretty proud I got this first try
  6. When I hit resume game and load it up it will be named what I named it (eg. E.S.X) but it will load the SFS. However, the technique you suggested above DID work, thank you! Caution to anyone else using SFS files, they'll delete your save!
  7. You dont? 0_0 I dont have any mods installed
  8. If a screenshot helps, here: This screen comesup when I tap F9. I loaded one of the SFS files out of curiosity and it deleted my save.
  9. Ive gotten 1500 on an accelerometor on Duna I think it was. Might have been Eve.
  10. If you hold down F9 it opens a menu with some scenarios you can load. They are called SFS files. If you click one it will load you into a scenario eg. About to hit the mun better save yourself. I loaded one cause Ive never seen these before and it deleted the save I was on.
  11. Anyone? Also can a mod please move this to the support subforum I accidently posted it here.
  12. ... I was hitting F9 to load a previous save and then noticed these SFS files came up, so I clicked on one of the scenarios had some fun then wanted to go back to my world but.. Its been replaced with the stupid SFS file! Can anyone help me?
  13. I think I might just start another Career world :3 Except play with some restricting rules. Like, no reverting flights, play for keeps Anything else you guys can think of?
  14. I have to get on this with my Rampart Rover. I wanna jump those hills man!
  15. I like to keep my game stock :/
  16. I got a duna lander and lifter that can get a kerbal to duna and actually return Beats everything I've made before ;3
  17. I TRIED to land on gilly but I wasnt ever able to get an intersect from the eleptical orbit I ended up in around Eve. THe mission was declared a failure and the crew brought home.
  18. Im really surprised that the majority of my designs in my career save are better then my Sandbox ones. Ive gained a lot of sweet craft files from this
  19. As far as I know the reason the N1 was stomped into the dust was because the vibrations from those 30 engines shook and brutally ripped apart all of the piping inside the N1. It used a lot of piping. Which led to engineering disasters when the thing started moving.
  20. I've finished my tech tree! So here is my thoughts on career mode: I was a bit skeptical at first of career mode, there were a lot of negative things going on about it, but as soon as I started playing it all of those things were abolished. It was amazing! With limited parts I was thinking outside the box as to how to create my rockets. But for my first mission I ended up making a very simple rocket, and managed to kill Jeb. First mission first death! Anyway, the 2nd mission was a similar one, but it had multiple stages and its job was to get a kerbal to space and come back. Somehow I ended up getting into orbit around the sun, where I was able to collect invaluable science with bill right off the bat, I then was able to make a manuever to get a intersect with kerbin, and came back recovering all science with only 4 liquid fuel units left. This kind of sparked a lore in my save, about Bill who was accidently flung into interstellar space only to return with vast tales of other planets and such. He tried to tell all the other kerbals that we orbitted the sun instead of the sun orbitting us, but no one would listen. But anyway enough of that ^ My thoughts on career mode are that it is basically just all around a great idea. I was really pushed to do more exploration, I achieved more in a few days of career mode then I did in my entire time playing sandbox. I managed to do a manned duna landing and return, something I was never capable of until now, AND with limited parts! I felt pretty high on the sky that day! Then I managed to get a probe to land on ike, take off, land on duna, and do science on both, without parachutes to assist landing. I was also very proud of that! My one complaint is that I was able to finish career mode very quickly. The combination of multiple munar biome missions, minmus, duna, and eve, was enough to fill it completely, and now I feel kind of sad that I've beaten it. I have no more enthusiasm to push forward towards the other planets for there will be no reward. I think that it should definitely be more difficult to unlock the whole thing, maybe make science not as farmable. (Eg. transmitting the same thing over and over) Anyway, those are my thoughts, so here are some highlights of my career mode space missions: First Kerbal to space: Bill coming back from interplanetary space: First satellite: First munar probe: Charlie becomes the first to walk on the Mun: First Mun Rover: (it sucked) First Minmus probe: 2nd Mun Rover (It was amazing, capable of driving over 30m/s without crashing, it travelled over 100km) First manned Minmus landing (Jeb's face in this picture is priceless) Ike Probe: Duna Probe: (actually the same probe) Manned Duna Landing: (wahoo!) And my last mission, I finished it not 30 minutes ago, an Eve probe. It gathered enough science to allow me to finish my tech tree.
  21. Oh... What am I missing here?
  22. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you spelt alligator wrong in your logo.
  23. Because several smaller engines is more efficient and just as powerful as one big engine. I almost always do clusters instead of mainsails, the performance of said clusters is fantastic.
  24. Odo


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