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Everything posted by Odo

  1. Can you rephrase the question? Im not entirely sure what you're asking..
  2. This happens to me too. It drives me INSANE. Ive never been able to fix it because all of my readings become false and I dont know what to trust! It eventually drives me to insanity and I restart the mission.
  3. No, I dont have Klf. No mods. Also I can still click on the Load button, it just doesnt do anything.
  4. If I try to load a craft in either the VAB or SPH nothing happens, the "load" button is simply unresponsive. Can someone help please? I dont have any mods or any cheats installed.
  5. ^ I noticed this as well and it threw me for a loop for a few seconds haha
  6. Id love to either see a kittyhawk or a faulker.
  7. Its that time of the year when Mulbin updates his Saturn V again. Time to feel inferior. Seriously though, Wow. Just wow. That lander, those fairings, its all so magnificent! Great job as always Mulbin.
  8. 3 missions? 0-0 It took me a dozen Mun missions, a few Minmus missions, a 3 Duna missions, and one eve missions to fill my techtree. Dafuq? Then again those last 2 parts you havent unlocked are some of the most expensive parts.
  9. That's for launchers, this is for subassemblies.
  10. Completely agree with this entirely.
  11. Oh I didnt notice that 2nd to last picture... Sorry! And yeah thats zoomed out enough thanks
  12. Could you post a screenshot of where it is but zoomed out more so I can go there myself? Ive been searching for days. Pleeeeaaase
  13. Which crater is that at? I've been searching for days to find it on the new Mun terrain ._.
  14. I was hit by an empty tank and a decoupler twice.
  15. This is a really awesome plane and some great 3D modeling skills.. but.. the title of this thread just seems kinda... Arrogant.
  16. I had the same difficulty a week ago. Someone linked me this thread, and since after 30 views and no ones helping you out, Ill share the love http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/36010-Introducing-the-Ability-to-Embed-Imgur-Albums!
  17. Yes, because huge masses of asparagus orange tanks is realistic That's a good idea to slingshot with the Mun. Ill have to try that on my next interplanetary mission!
  18. I finished my tech tree a few weeks ago but still play and gather science.
  19. This isnt new. Ive encountered the hell kraken dozens of times on different versions and all you have to do is restart the game.
  20. Rescued jeb from the mun with an apollo style lunar lander. It landed, picked jeb up, docked at a command module, and brought him home
  21. For plants, itd be like living in a big dome of feces.
  22. Docking. Im good at rendevouz, but the docking part stresses me out so much.
  23. Ive always wondered how people can take off from laythe. Does it have less of a gravity, thinner atmosphere, or both?
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