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Everything posted by Odo

  1. Pol has long been my favorite celestial body. Ive just never landed on it or flewby it our anything with it really because Ive never done anything past Duna...
  2. I feel your pain. About 40 minutes ago I was docking a huge module to my interplanetary ship (im assembling it in orbit) It takes ages to get things into a rendevouz when the parts are so big, so I was relieved that I was finally crawling my way to the ship. At about 60 meters away, I ran out of electricity, but I didnt revert the flight, instead I docked to the module with the rest of the ship XD Which was not easy, considering its massive and when things are as massive as it is RCS doesnt help! This is the first time I ran out of electricity in a loooong time because I always put those little nuclear generators on pretty much everything. One is all you need for all eternity. Its such a tiny little weightless item and it is so overlooked, its like 0.1 for mass, yet no one ever uses them!
  3. Whats being added in this update? Im not very good at keeping track..
  4. How come you had inifnite fuel on as well? Yusocheaty?
  5. Hmph. I started playing the game when I was 13-14, Im 15, now, Ive never had the thought track to just troll, I like to actually play games with complexity that require thought and effort such as KSP. I know a few other people here who are of the same age and mind. I dont see why youd stereotype a troll as a 14 year old when in reality they are generally any age. In my own experience trolls on every game have usually been older then me 17-20. None the less I see your point, just dont stereotype please.
  6. What is wrong with this thread.... Nothing! thats what! Absolutely nothing!
  7. Scott Manley thinks its salt.
  8. Cool! just finished watching it How come you;re using an old version of the game?
  9. Your station is coming along very nicely! Maybe add a communication module? Antennaes and satellite dishes. Incase it might give you any inspiration, heres my first space station assembled in orbit, Space Station Horizon. This isnt a very updated pic, it now has 3 fuel modules instead of the 1 in this picture, but you get the idea
  10. Everytime I stopped it wouldn't float back up unless I moved. so if I cut the engines I'd hover and then if I fidgetted I'd go shooting up. this only worked after I got pretty deep though. at the 100m I just burned lightly into the sloped wall near me to stay in place while I checked instruments.
  11. RCS bikes or VTOLS. Ive gotten an RCS bike on the mun to 60+ m/s. And VTOLS are pretty much reliable anywhere. Minmus Vtols are especially fun. Plus you have the advantage of if you fly high enough you can be assisted by the mun to carry you to whereever your going. A super temporary orbit. like no periapsis :3
  12. 1 and a half hour. Transfer burns to other planets using ion engines. It takes a while.
  13. THe order in which I explored Duna was: First, satellite around Duna and Ike. 2nd, unmanned probe landing. 3rd, unmanned rover. and finally 4th, a manned mission.
  14. Duna! Takes so little fuel to get to and back, with an atmosphere and low gravity, landing is a sinch. Use low powered engines accompanied by parachutes and you'll get your Kerbals out of there alive Duna was my first interplanetary manned landing.
  15. I like Duna alot because its red :3 I also love Eloo, even though Ive never been there. I love snow. Its next on my checklist to land on!
  16. INteresting. When I put altitude control on it goes crazy and flies me back into the sky (even if I have it on descened) I was however able to fix this by manually editing the buoyancy of the balloon. If you right click it, it gives you a ton of options. I have to fine tune it to float just above the surface if I set it to 0.0 So in the end I got it to work, just not quite as planned, Ill post pics today, I named my probe Elie. Its gone 81km so far
  17. Hey Xorth tower, I managed to get the balloon probe to Duna, but it is literally too floaty (Even at 1% boyancy) to decline to the surface of Duna. It cant get any closer then about 3.5km.. Did you have this problem or anything similar??
  18. I knew what that link was going to take me to before I even clicked it, because I DO suffer from trypopphobia, a serious case of it as well, and yes I do get creeped out by the new terrain sometimes. T_T trypopphobia has made me vomit before. Damn lotuspods.
  19. Kerbals are from duna. Theres a giant kerbal face there a pyramid similar to the pyramids found on kerbin. Kerbin's might be the aliens. Itd explain why they are green. Maybe Duna become unhospitable so they came to Kerbin and destroyed all the humans/first kerbals. THats why theres a curiosity rover stuck in the sand on Duna, yet no one launched it. It was the previous race living on Kerbin. Would also explain why theres not many structures or anything, only a few were able to make it to kerbin, and havent begun civilizing the place. Theories theories lol
  20. You dont know how happy this makes me. I must make my own I just downloaded the mod lol wish me luck :3
  21. I love Minmus as well. Ive only ever been to Eve, Duna, Minmus, and Mun. I have to say Duna was eerie, and Eve was just kinda weird. Minmus is pretty fun and goofy, but the mun is just too much for me. Such bland and silent landscape lets the imagination paint the colors.
  22. I brought the ship to a full stop before taking any scientific measurements... Also this is stock if it matters, so there are no mods in play to give ballast tanks or anything.
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