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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. Yes, the root part resizing/onload bug and other size issues are all sorted in the repository version of the VA config
  2. It was an issue with the way I calculated size values for the VA capsule config, turns out the size of the models need to be set such that rescaleFactor is always 1 otherwise you get this bug when reverting or reloading. Especially if the part is the root part of the vessel.
  3. I have a rather large and expensive white elephant station which will eventually slam into Minmus after its transfer engines stopped working en-route, or maybe it'll pick up a random assist somewhere and be flung off into the void. It was on it's way to become an orbiting science base when the engines stopped working in transit, I mean, they're still there but I can't activate them, still on the staging list, still attached, plenty of fuel (fuel isn't locked) etc just... unresponsive? (the ship is otherwise fine). At least it was unmanned, to bad the crew transfer vehicle was already on the way so they're going to have a pretty boring two week wait in Minmus orbit while a replacement is sent out.
  4. Hi CodeFantastic, please fill in the following bug report (shamelessly stolen from FlexGunship) The details will help in solving any problems you may be experiencing ----- BUG REPORT Bug Title - one line DATE SEEN date the bug was found goes here include the time, if you are submitting more than one bug VERSIONS Operating System and version KSP version Mod version other installed mods, if applicable hardware information, if applicable BUG DESCRIPTION A concise description of what the problem is. Pure description, no narrative or conversational language. SEVERITY: Trivial, Minor, Major, or Catastrophic STEPS TO REPRODUCE: Step by step instructions on how to reproduce this bug. Do not assume anything, the more detailed your list of instructions, the easier it is for the developer to track down the problem! Test these steps as you have them written. If they don't work then the bug is unreproducible and should not be reported yet. ACTUAL BEHAVIOR: Type what happens when you follow the instructions. This is the manifestation of the bug. EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: Type what you expected to happen when you followed the instructions. This is important, because you may have misunderstood something or missed a step, and knowing what you expected to see will help the developer recognize that. TROUBLESHOOTING/TESTING STEPS TRIED: Describe anything you did to try to fix it on your own. WORKAROUND: If you found a way to make the mod work in spite of the bug, describe how you did it here. ATTACHMENT: output_log.txt or player.log
  5. Sorry about that, needed some away from everything time, just got back in today Oop that sounds nasty, I hate those little buggers that just dig in everywhere and pulling them out ends up killing everything they touched. I can post the fix for this when I get home if you're comfortable manually editing the .cfg file to apply it Are there any other outstanding issues which have cropped up?
  6. This was a problem with the way the MODEL{scale} was set and is fixed for the next release
  7. How to assemble the VA and TKS systems Please bare in mind that this was off the cuff with no planning, I can make one with corrections which also covers different configurations later
  8. The major spam there seems to be ModuleLandingLeg.DynamicAnimation, which, to the best of my knowledge, KOSMOS doesn't use?
  9. All the issues that have been brought up (excluding TGA textures) seem to be fixed If there's nothing further by tomorrow I'll roll up some new packages Issues so far can be fixed locally via config editing, if you would like instructions for applying a specific fix to your own install please let me know
  10. They're exactly the models & textures I used to make the pictures. Admittedly they were made at 2560x1440 with everything turned to max (plus KSPRC v1.9 on top) and then downsampled to 720P for making the OP images That's my bad, I forget to set category = -1 on those so they are still 'available' (doesn't break saves) but not visible in the VAB. While this is fixed for the next release, you can either delete the Legacy folder out of the URM directory (if you have no flights in progress using them) or set set category = -1 in those configs in the meantime Also now fixed for the next release
  11. Yeah coming up, the hope was to have them ready at release time but it didn't quite work out. They were good enough to take some glamour shots for the launch but not quite right just yet.
  12. Unfortunately these got changed a while ago when it was a better option, something to investigate now that the release is actually wrapped up. I'll have a look at the DDS loader too. Oh nuts I thought I'd ironed that one out, I remember it happening with TweakScale installed? Yep, there is a lower fairing made from the black parabolic and the upper made from the white parabolic meeting at two back-to-back fairing rings in the middle
  13. There are other items pending which will also use Firespitter capabilities The move to .tga was made when it was the best option, with the intention of allowing people to resize the textures etc to their content, unfortunately they now have some issues. I can have a look at the DDS loader now but actually getting a release was a priority. The KOSMOS SSPP package took on Kerbalstuff, Curseforge won't accept the SSPP archive for some reason
  14. Dangit I know I fixed that after the folder names got changed. [Edit] You can manually fix the broken MODEL{} call in the RD-58SS config by removing the _Angara from the location if you're happy doing this manually [Edit2] There should be an updated URM release with this fix rolled in available now
  15. Soonâ„¢ Outstanding issues list now very small
  16. I saw the huge flood of Unity 5 tutorials on my subscriptions list when I got back, awesome. Choo choooooo
  17. This thread is so old someone commanded it to rise from the grave to rescue their daughter.
  18. Opps, sorry I missed that, I could include that in the pack if desired, and with A__Gun's permission (I am aware the license would allow it, but I'd rather have explicit permission if available) Yep, one of the 0.25 fixes addressed bugs in the way things were scaled, unfortunately since just about everything took these bugs into account to kludge the models to the intended size, it has produced some oddities johnwayne1930 made a MM config which fixed the scale, and I did a small repack with fixes either of which might address your issue (probably not a good idea to use both)
  19. Are the players who are going to be able to accrue these bonuses on their intrepid Kerbinauts the kind of players who would even need the bonuses? I get the feeling the players who can get the bonuses don't (or won't) need the bonuses, while the people who could (probably) use the bonuses can't get (or won't be able to get) the bonuses because they can't pull off the missions with which to gain the XP for the bonuses in the first place. Which leaves me wondering what purpose these bonus serve in terms of advancing the game? I look forward to Kerbals benefiting from their experiences (and training) though, I'm just not sure about the system as described thus far
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