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Everything posted by steve_v

  1. Or you could, ya know, address all the problems that have been mentioned instead of just poking the easiest thing and hoping. The only person you could or should apologise to is yourself, you're the one suffering the consequences. Again, I suggest you use CKAN, it'll save you pain.
  2. I can't comment on GEA, but scatterer and EVE (depending on configs) are both performance killers (and doubly so under OpenGL, as I must run). There's a reason stuff like that isn't in the stock game. You might be interested in the work blackrack has been doing to improve EVE performance. My moderately modded career install (EVE + Spectra, no scatterer) is getting ~80/110FPS (Kerbin visible/not) at a 105-part station in LKO right now. Quick and lazy performance references, new sandbox save, on the pad @default launch camera angle: Unmodded: 212 parts: 100FPS 553 parts:49FPS Mods as above: 212 parts: 59FPS 553 parts:21FPS GFX settings on default "fantastic" preset, "ultra" terrain shaders, 4xAA. I7-4960X@4.3Ghz all cores. 32GB DDR3-1600/CL9 (Quad channel). GTX1070 8GB (Mild factory OC). Gentoo GNU/Linux amd64 (so slow-ass OpenGL renderer). As you can see mods can make a significant difference, but it varies wildly depending on what you have installed and I have never seen anyone committed enough to make any charts. TBH I only consider my current modded performance acceptable because I'm pretty ruthless in keeping my part-count down, a skill learned back when KSP performance scaling was even worse than it is currently. General considerations: CPU: As much single threaded performance, (raw clock and IPC) as you can get, diminishing returns >4 cores. GPU: Pretty much irrelevant unless you run graphics mods, so long as it's not a main-memory sharing IGPU. RAM: 4GB minimum, 16GB recommended if modding. Recommended system for modded KSP: As long as a piece of string. It really depends on the mods you install and what framerate you will tolerate.
  3. Yeah. IKR. Multiple copies of MM is not the problem it once was, but that kind of ugly is indicative of an install that's been managed manually, and likely through multiple KSP versions. I bet you a cookie he has incompatible and/or broken mods installed too. Thanks, but I'm really not. I'm actually quite short tempered, particularly with people who don't follow instructions and/or put in reasonable effort to solve their own problems. Also people who don't use punctuation. I'm most certainly out on this one, at least until @Not a Spy can finger scatterer for this "bug" in a non-broken install.
  4. Indeed. The new log you linked does not contain that particular problem... The other issues JadeOfMaar pointed out are still present though, including a nested GameData and a bunch of mod directories in the wrong place. Scatterer has even noticed how messed up your install is: [Scatterer][Error] Destroying duplicate instance, check your install for duplicate mod folders Presumably that means there's another copy in GameData/GameData (which shouldn't exist to begin with), along with who knows what else. Chaos ensues. Trying to troubleshoot supposed scatterer bugs in amongst this disaster is pretty pointless. You have errors from several other mods, as well as from stock game code - the latter is almost certainly caused by the former, and either could be breaking scatterer. I recommend a fresh install, with mods managed by CKAN so you don't get into such a mess again. Once you have the rest of your house in order, of if you can reproduce the problem with only scatterer, then we'll talk scatterer bugs.
  5. Your log says otherwise. If you have scatterer installed, where is the scatterer folder? And why is there no mention at all of scatterer.dll in your log? Again, your log says otherwise. In bold for emphasis. Either you are very much mistaken as to what you have installed, or that is the wrong log file you linked.
  6. With history as my guide... I predict not. Just install ShipManifest and forget about about stock fuel transfer for a while, it'll probably stay broken for the next nine months, like all the other bugs.
  7. Some time later... Success! Once again Lisias goes above and beyond to nail the most cornerish of corner-cases. Thanks dude, I'm still not going to use CheatScale TweakScale , but the dedriftification and other miscellaneous anti-aggravation features from KSP-Recall are very welcome indeed.
  8. In 30 years perhaps, but right now the best a robot rover can do is crawl along at ~0.14km/h with every move painstaking planned from mission control and round-trip delays all over the place. Show me an exploration robot that can pick it's own targets, plan it's own route around obstacles, make decisions and react to it's environment in real-time, (without crutches like GPS) and you'll be onto something. Right now computers that can do those things reliably don't exist on earth, let alone in a form that can handle a high rad environment. For every impressive self-driving car or autonomous drone demonstration, there's a whole infrastructure of predictable environments, cloud-compute and global positioning networks going on in the background. There's none of that in space, and none on another planet. How do you train a conventional AI on an environment nobody has seen in detail before? Becoming a multiplanet species is the larger goal. Science for science's sake is all well and good, but it will only take one wayward asteroid... We still know precious little about long-term space habitation, and pretty much nothing about surviving outside LEO. Planting boots is just publicity, but getting people there and back alive is progressing our ability to live and work off-Earth. Sooner or later we'll have to do it anyway, so why not sooner? And why not prove it with well-trained astronauts before you let the lemmings civilians loose?
  9. You get one anyway, since you updated the issue while I was waiting for KSP to load
  10. Nine months have passed since 1.8 release and the bug is still present in 1.10.1... No news, no comment on the (several) bug reports, no action. FWIW, this affects more than just some textures, graphics and UI settings are not being saved/applied properly. As usual, Squad more interested in hype and pointless new features than in fixing the most basic of functionality.
  11. Windows-specific thing is Windows specific. You did see my sig, right? Another windows-specific thing is windows specific.
  12. No rush. Assuming you mean bind mounts, sure, it would solve the problem... But it would also require a bunch of nastiness with polkit to allow me to do it as an unprivileged user. I'll wait, or I'll remove the check myself if you don't get to it, which I'm sure you will. Wheels are always a fight, one that Squad apparently surrendered years ago. Nice to know there's still at least one brave soldier left.
  13. @Lisias, would it be possible to have KSP Recall not throw a "wrong installation path" freak-out when GameData is a symlink? I've been using symlinks for some time to allow fast switching of mod-sets for testing etc, and it doesn't cause any problems, except when a mod goes to special effort to resolve paths. KSP Recall seems to be the only one that does... If it only checked up the tree to GameData, rather than looking at absolute path, that would solve my problem. Aside, kudos on finding the cause of the random rotation of landed craft, that one has been annoying the hell out of me for a while.
  14. For anyone wishing to declutter the part list and not have 2 or more part switching mods installed, I here present a quick and dirty B9PartSwitch patch: Yeah, I know the values are very slightly wonky. It was that or patch each part individually, which I can't be bothered to do. Feel free to improve. Ed. What kind of screwey code box is this? It's completely mangled the formatting, and applied line-wrap . What is the point of a code box that doesn't represent code verbatim? I really hate this forum software. Here's a link to the non-buggered version. Ed. Guess I should actually use the right textures on the hexcans, duh. Updated.
  15. You'd probably be surprised, were you to stop feeding them, just how quickly they'd revert to half-wild killing machines. A cat that "can't hunt" just isn't hungry enough. I've caught and re-domesticated several abandoned felines and their ball-of-fury wild kittens over the years, mostly in the name of the local native birds... The cats themselves sure didn't look like they needed saving. I can probably dig up a few fresh rat recipes if you want them, or you could just rewatch Blackadder goes forth, Baldrick is a master chef in this regard.
  16. When your cat brings you a juicy rat, it's only polite to eat it. How would you feel if you brought me a gift only to watch me put it straight in the trash? Little wonder you find crap in your shoe, damn ungrateful humans.
  17. != 1.10.1, so that would be correct. You need 1.10.1.<build number> Checks downloads section on kerbalspaceprogram.com, sees: Is confused as to the nature of your problem...
  18. 95 "mods" (as defined by CKAN, some are just MM patches), plus ~30 assorted MM patches of my own and 3 horribly out-of-date mods I fixed lightly buggerised myself. A bit of everything.
  19. The last time I had a screensaver was when I still had a CRT. With an LCD monitor they're nothing but a power-wasting device.
  20. That's not as excessive as I expected TBH, but I can't really comment on expected performance in 1.0 any more, it's been too long. I'd expect considerably more than the ~8FPS you claim with the current (1.10.1) game version anyway. KSP is a notorious CPU (and RAM) hog, but sub-10FPS is pretty miserable on a machine like yours. Personally, I wouldn't bother looking at performance problems until you've sorted out the obvious - 1.0 being a 5 year old release for a start. As for mods, anything that's "not working properly" is a prime suspect, and as well as looking through (and/or linking here) the log file for errors (a plugin spamming null reference exceptions every frame will murder performance) I'd also suggest making comparisons to an unmodded setup before coming to any conclusions. Some mods are pretty hard on framerate even when they are working properly. If you're going to mod KSP, finding and becoming passingly familiar with that log file will also go a long way to not needing to ask technical questions here... and be needed when you inevitably run into the bugs
  21. Don't we all. Welcome to KSP. How many parts is "high part count" anyway?
  22. Perhaps those "mods" are scatterer then? It's the thing I've encountered that would even come close to explaining that performance gap (AVP + EVE + KS3P still yields decent perf on OpenGL here). But the reporter doesn't say, and gives very little detail... In fact it's really quite useless as far as performance information goes, beyond "I clearly have mod issues". It does. The reason everyone raves about proton is DXVK + esync. DX11 in vanilla WINE is extremely slow (when you can get it to work at all), and KSP/OpenGL in WINE runs noticeably slower than the native build even unmodded. IME, KSP in WINE+DXVK / Proton runs better when GPU limited and worse when CPU limited WRT the native build, but benching it properly is far too time consuming for my liking.
  23. Way ahead of you on Spectra. EVE 1.8.0 appears to run well enough on KSP 1.10.1, but I'll give that patched build a poke in a minute and see if I can spot the difference. It's not every scene change, and it's not a 5FPS penalty either... it's a drop to 5FPS, sustained, and a 5FPS desktop if I tab out of the game as well. Like something has the GPU's panties in a tangle. IIRC pretty consistently if I launch to pad -> return to space centre -> switch back to craft == solid 5FPS in flight scene until I change AA setting to something else, with other scenes (VAB etc.) still running fine. I didn't see anything interesting in the log myself (i.e no errors, nothing different in output from scatterer), and I wasn't real inclined to report anything at the time either given the reception my OpenGL related query got, so I didn't persist in trying to narrow down exact repro steps. I can likely try it again as I still have the WINE install I was testing, but it'll have to be tomorrow at this point, if I CBF at all that is. Given the lack of interesting logs or corroborating reports I'd say it's likely WINE/DXVK related, and frankly I'm not all that interested in running my native game in WINE just for scatterer.
  24. I know, right? AMD's GNU/Linux driver went from garbage fire to head of the pack within months of open sourcing it. At this rate my next GPU purchase will probably be AMD, and that's something I haven't even considered for decades. Bring on big navi, and we'll see. All good, and thanks for trying. It sure beats the dismissive and antagonistic attitude to OpenGL and GNU/Linux I got last time. Maybe we should have, ya know, some kind of warning in the OP? Like maybe "This mod runs like utter garbage on OpenGL, don't try it, don't mention it, OpenGL is a dirty word here"?
  25. That it does. I run a bunch of stuff with DXVK (and vkbasalt, and TK-Glitch's patched wine ). However: * I get intermittent drops to ~5FPS on scene change (particularly switching between craft), which peg the GPU and bring the rest of the system down to ~5FPS with it. This is fixed by changing scenes again or changing AA setting (in any direction). No other games seem to exhibit this behaviour in DXVK, nor does KSP without scatterer. * CPU-bound performance (and loading times) appear to be impacted by WINE overhead, which in a game like KSP is not at all good. * Scatterer still massively nerfs performance, though nowhere near as badly as on OpenGL. Indeed. The GNU/Linux and MacOS builds appear to be neglected in general. I don't know what AMD is doing differently then, but I can say that Nvidia's OpenGL stack performs just fine for everything else... Given that the only application I have that performs this poorly on OpenGL is KSP, you can probably guess who I'm going to blame. For now I'm just going to not use scatterer. What it brings isn't worth the additional hassle and CPU overhead of running KSP in WINE, and even there it's still a performance hog. Stock game performance, while far from ideal, is still pretty acceptable on OpenGL. A 60+FPS hit for atmospheric scattering and fancy water just isn't.
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