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Everything posted by steve_v

  1. While I haven't done this in 1.0.5 (yet) I generally find the best procedure goes something like this: Mock up the whole station in the VAB, with radial girders to hold things where you want them. Take special care to ensure the angle on the docking ports align precisely, as this is what will make or break the mission. Break it into subassemblies and launch them to orbit, along with a claw-equipped tug. Grab each module in the centre and dock such that both ports touch at the same time - this is tricky and may take a couple of attempts. I generally find the launch vehicle design easier if only one port on each segment (the top one when launching) is angled.
  2. Oh yes, so very much yes. This looks awesome, and an excellent excuse to play with planes - not that I really needed one.
  3. Offtopic: Dunno 'bout Windows, but on GNU/Linux (assuming some flavour of synaptics trackpad) something like 'syndaemon -i 2 -t -k ' started at login will fix this. Ontopic: AFAICT my cursor jumping issues are caused by the editor waiting until the next [space] to parse bbcode, and moving the cursor there when it does.
  4. Erm, I'll enter my own linebreaks, just like I do and always have everywhere else. Thanks but no thanks helpy-helper editor thing. Line-wrap / word-wrap in any editor drives me nuts. But once again, solved with a simple "WYSI(SIYLAHTOP)WYG off" switch.
  5. My thoughts exactly. This is really what's bugging me, the WYSIWYG editor is fine for some but I find it pretty bizarre that there's no way to switch to plain-text... surely that's just an option somewhere that is, presumably, turned off? I've been having issues with this too - it's fine if you want multiple quotes in a new post, but if I edit an existing post to include another quote, the "quote this" button starts a new post. Now I have two editor windows, and I can't seem to move the quote from the new post to the one I want to edit, I don't think it's the browser either, I'm using Iceweasel/Firefox on GNU/Linux here. I guess I'll try cut/paste... but last time I tried that it did something truly funky to the formatting and made everything typed after the quote bold. I'm still not convinced this is less hassle than BBCode quote blocks.
  6. Not entirely true, some stuff is parsed as soon as you hit [space], which for me at any rate, causes unexpected cursor-jumping while typing As for hosting images on the forum server... bandwidth and storage space allowing, it would be nice.
  7. Or, we can play "gets the last word in" all day, as I already said that. I have the time. I am not suggesting anyone take away your shiny new toy, I'm asking for my well-loved old one back. What precisely is your problem with that?
  8. Er, a little time, endorsement acknowledgement of it's existence, and perhaps some monetary contribution to getting decent hosting, from the folks whose game this exists to enhance? Considering that it works as well as it does now, I dare say it wouldn't take much. Or perhaps "thou shalt mention no other site but ours" is the only thing Squad contributes to this "partnership with curse"? I do realise that this will likely never change, so consider this nothing more than a protest at the complete lack of acknowledgement on Squads part of the time and effort that goes into KS.
  9. If you're referring to the thread title, fair enough, it's probably not going to happen. If you're referring to my comment on restoring subscription data... not so much. I'll vote for almost any colour scheme that a: doesn't look like a cheap faceborg copy, and b: doesn't make my eyes hurt because everything is almost-white on white. Can we please get some contrast over here?
  10. LOL, yeah, I had noticed something a bit off. I was just about to come let you know, honest. I just, ya know, hadn't quite gotten around to it yet, since it didn't immediately eat my cat.
  11. I know, I was on IRC when he discovered the cause of those 502s. Does not excuse the fact that it should have been caught before the new forum went public. Now it needs to be fixed properly, and the missing data recovered.
  12. Not sure if I'd say favourite, but those are a lot of fun to drive.
  13. Eh, if you're too slack to ask google, I don't think I'd trust your review anyway. Enough with the Squad-hugging, I see we're not going to agree on this, so how about: You can have the easy mode editor you like, and I'll keep asking to have the knows-how-to-work-bbcode one I like back. Again, no problem with lazy tools, big problem with only lazy tools. Also, I'm still trying to figure out how to do basic things with this new editor, why is it a bad thing that you have to ask / search / think, but not me? Ed. Rotary hoe, I have now figured out what's going on with the random-cursor-jumping BS I am experiencing in this unmentionable editor: Type a line of text, end with an emoticon in bbcode (with no trailing characters), then move the cursor back in the line (with the mouse) and start typing. Hit space and the emoticon suddenly gets parsed, moving the cursor back to the end of the line mid-keystroke. How is that not annoying?
  14. Not knowing how to use something is not a problem with said thing, it's a problem with your lack of knowledge. I have no issues with providing a lazy tool, I do have issues with providing only a lazy tool, and one that doesn't do what I tell it to at that.
  15. Yeah, those few seconds are real precious to me, I restart my desktop about once a month, and servers only when I absolutely have to, total time saved: not worth counting. If it's not Windows being Windows and doing mystery stuff on shutdown, I'd start with finding out (and eliminating one at a time) anything that's running before you restart - my only guess is that some AlienWare bundled er... stuff is doing something on reboot.
  16. My main issues with the way this was handled: Full of bees on launch day, effectively down again hours after it went up. Subsciptions nuked, BBCode trashed, horrible to read. AKA not ready for prime-time on launch day, like everything else Squad has released of late. It seems to be running smoothly now, and the remaining issues for me are: Awful theme that makes my eyes burn, No non-WYSYIWG editor (and stupid double linefeed by default), old subscription lists gone. They're not the only problems, but they're the ones that have no real workaround. Fix these and I'll stop caring (and complaining) right now. Hey, if the editor stops annoying me I might even forgive the subscription thing and start liking the new features.
  17. 10Mbit down, 1Mbit up, on a good day. Slow as... something quite slow. I remember well my old 28.8k, but somehow data grows to consume all available bandwidth. Ed. no, I take that back... slower than usual right now 8.8Mbit down, 900Kbit up. Time to repeatedly robocall my ISP until I get a pickup - generally ~45min+6 attempts.
  18. Can't say I ever took the "petition" part seriously, going back was never going to happen. It does provide another place to collect opinion on the new forum though - IMO it's not without it's faults and there are quite a few things I think were a step in the wrong direction. Fix those, and I'm sure it'll be just fine.
  19. Seen this too, I gave up at the time as it provided no clues as to what it required. ^ So very much this. It's possible, it's been implemented elsewhere, and there's plenty of indication people want it here... So why do we not have this simple and obvious feature?
  20. I'd sure be willing to chip-in for a server/hosting upgrade, if that's what's needed.
  21. @Red Iron Crown Can't say I've ever had any issues with KS, thought as it is indeed one guy in his free time and it gets no official love, I would expect it to have some bandwidth/uptime issues. There's a simple solution to this: give it some official support, so it's no longer one guy on an effective budget of near-zero. I did suspect it was intended as a "thumb in the eye" to curse (something I personally don't mind at all) but I'd sure love to see those logs, as I'm not sure how disliking curse equates to not caring about the community. There are far more KSP mods on KerbalStuff than on Curse, that alone suggests that even if KS doesn't like the community, the community likes KS. As for the cleaner link to curse, thanks, but no thanks - the fact that it has ads and download timers at all made it an instant addition to my "will not visit" list and that's unlikely to change.
  22. I was going to reply to this in a non farcical manner, but I honestly can't think of a logical reply to such illogical reasoning... ^Pretty much sums it up.
  23. Agreed, Curse annoys me enough that I operate on: Only download is on Curse? Oh well, no download for me. Fortunately KerbalStuff has way more content anyway.
  24. I'd explain, but several others already have. I never even realised there was a WYSIWYG mode on the old forum, and I would not have used it if I did. Care to explain what's so annoying about BBCode? How the hell do I edit this to add another quote? In BBCode this was easy... I guess I'll just copy-paste, but then it does some crazy BS and makes it all bold, WTF? Witness the awesomeness: 3 hours ago, Harry Rhodan said: I loved the search in vBulletin. The new advanced search seems borked to me. The option to search for content of specific users or tags does nothing and you can't specify forums to search in. Like the editor it simply lacks the granularity and fine control of the older stuff. ---- Ooh look, everything is bold now, is the "B" button still down? no it's not. Can I see any way of un-boldifying this text? No I can't. <LET ME SEE THE CODE SO I CAN FIX THIS> ----- Anyway: Yeah, I had no problem with the old search either, but I can't find diddly with the new one.
  25. a: It's not an opinion here, it's called the result of testing. b: It's not, nothing has changed here and other sites worked fine in this period. c: It's not, for the same reasons, also I don't have "programs interfering" - that's called "malware" or "CKAN". d: Maybe, but highly unlikely - if something were mangling my traffic it's pretty far fetched that it would be so specific as to affect only one website, and only one feature within that site. e: The likelihood of it being server-side is far higher than any of the other explanations, as again it's very specific and server side is where this such actions are differentiated. It's also the most complex part of the system as a whole. Not only that, but it's reliability in general has been somewhat questionable of late. "It's probably your PC" is the number one excuse spouted by those who have no idea what they're talking about. Anyway, it's working again... And I haven't changed anything - once more pointing to server-side issues. I'll just log it as another example of over-complicated SNS not working as expected. On another note, I would have cut the quote up and replied in-line, but it's such a bear to do with this WYSIWYG thing it's not worth the time.
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