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Everything posted by steve_v

  1. Is this a support request or a rant? it sure sounds like a rant to me. I'm not a "computer programmer" and if I was I would likely find this comment even more offensive than I already do. That's nice, I'm an electrician. What's your point? Been there, done that. Again, while you may be frustrated, this comment is rather pointless unless you intend to offend to those you are asking for assistance... I doubt it. I also doubt that insulting peoples intelligence is going to get you much support. Why is there no button on my car dash that says "fix radiator", and does it all for me? In the case of KSP, there is something much like what you ask for, and you clearly didn't look very hard for it. However, as you are fairly new here, I'll drop you a link to CKAN, it's probably what you're after. Installing mods manually is not difficult either, and instructions are on the wiki. 90% of the time it's literally: Unpack the downloaded archive, and put the contents into the GameData directory inside your KSP root directory. If there's a GameData directory in the archive, put the contents of that in your KSP GameData directory. i.e. you want a '<KSP root>\GameData\mod_name' structure, not '<KSP root>\GameData\GameData\mod_name'. Steam has nothing to do with it, and swearing about it won't change that. Steam does not host KSP mods, nor should it. Also, not all KSP players use Steam, myself included.
  2. Egads, I give up. You clearly still haven't read the "How To Get Support (READ FIRST)" thread I linked to. If you had, you wouldn't be asking where to find logs. Why is it, that when I try to assist someone and ask for debugging information, the best I ever get is around 30% of that requested?
  3. How is reporting upstream bugs in Squads chosen game engine in any way the end-users responsibility? We bought Kerbal Space Program, not Unity3D. Deflecting blame upstream does not solve anything, if your product is unstable, it's your problem. Ours is not to ask why, we are but humble (if noisy) customers. And I agree it's not a "memory leak" BTW. IME "memory leak" is usually just a pseudo-technical term picked up by those who don't have a clue how things actually work.
  4. Indeed, I'd be very surprised if it did, though it does imply suspending execution momentarily while the OS does the required I/O. Again this shouldn't cause problems. Not here (16GB), and I've never seen KSP cause any paging/swapping at all. This occurs even with no swap space / page file available, and generally with >4GB true free memory (not used by cache/buffers). If it were running out of RAM in this scenario it would cause the OS (GNU/Linux here) to invoke the OOM killer to free memory, and this is pretty obvious when it happens. I'm not sure how Windows would handle such a situation, but I suspect it is similar. I have a bunch of fairly detailed stack traces (though most are from a modded install), however @sal_vager tells me he already has over 100 of these so I haven't really bothered keeping them. I can probably generate some more from the stock game (given time) if that is any use. What I don't have is any reliable reproduction steps: As far as I can tell, these crashes are completely random. Aside from that, here's some system info from a "does crash" position, in case someone can spot a common thread: More extensive details available on request OFC.
  5. As always, the devil is in the details. "even 1kb mod" tells me nothing, as while 1KB isn't much data, 1KB of bad code might well make the game fail to load altogether. Which "1KB mod" are you talking about? How did you install it? is this mod added to a clean, stock install or added to the vast assortment you already have? Have you actually tried any of the suggestions offered, such as disabling network adapters and virus scanners? What were the results? Where are your log files? Have you followed the troubleshooting guidelines in the post I linked? If so, what did you find? Vague loading time comparisons and references to other (incomparable) games may serve to illustrate that something fishy is going on, but it provides no clues as to what that might be. Help us to help you.
  6. I'm having a hard time parsing this TBH, but I think I'm in agreement. (?)
  7. Seriously people: If this character has a valid theory, I'll expect to see some peer-reviewed research in a proper scientific journal real soon. Otherwise it's just one more delusional internet nutter to ignore, or outright trolling... Which is also best ignored. Remember, no training or qualifications are required to post a video on YouTube. Until this guy provides the extraordinary evidence required to back up his extraordinary claims, they are simply noise. Conspiracy nuts are generally not worth arguing with, as they will discard any evidence that does not fit their theories, often with vacuous remarks like "But that's what they want you to think". You cannot fight cognitive bias with logic, most of these people are so entrenched in their anti-establishment position that any attempt to reference verifiable science automatically makes you the enemy. If you do argue with them they will attempt to drag you down to their barely-coherent level of logical reasoning, and bystanders may have difficulty deciding who is more crazy. Something far stronger involved here, methinks. --- Ta for the link, and subsequent link to Dr Stephen Laws “Believing repurposed bovine waste”, an entertaining and educational read.
  8. Well, the things I would most like to see addressed aren't on your list. With the current "release" as a baseline, how about sorting out the instability, performance problems (primarily the infamous stutter), and the bizarre physics and collision glitches that still pervade the game. Yes, these are all game engine limitations. I don't consider that a valid excuse for leaving them unfixed. I'll gladly take zero new content in exchange for stable and reliable core mechanics. No more glitchy wheels, unexpected framerate drops, craft lurching/bouncing on load, skating/sliding while landed, kerbal-ejection ladders, phantom forces, kraken drives, orbit instability, "colliding" with buildings kilometres away, docking/undocking bugs, etc. etc. And no random crashes. I'd also like to see career mode refinements, graphical polish, something engaging to do on all those bland planets and moons, and various other details. But that's all way down my list, behind bugs and performance. Mods fill most of these gaps nicely as it is. No amount of shiny new toys will cover up the glaring problems with the game engine, and no-one is going to enjoy new planets or graphical bling if the game doesn't run properly. Right now, I'm waiting for the crashing and stuttering to be fixed, so I can actually play the game. 1.1.x has, as far as I can see, regressed on both of these issues. Patches and improvements are supposed to improve stability and performance, not the other way around, right? Count me as an example of "most people" then... But probably not for the reasons you expect. I rarely leave the Kerbin system because by the time I have unlocked the technology to do so, my save has grown to the point that the GC stutter makes the game unplayable. Indeed it would, but not when having more than a few of these makes the game engine freeze-frame every 5-10 seconds.
  9. I'm still pretty dubious of that theory TBH, if KSP were still using png textures, sure... but DDS is natively supported by the GPU - so it doesn't, AFAIK, need decompression/conversion. Either way, no logs == guessing game.
  10. Eh? I've hit that sort of memory usage on many occasions (in 1.0.5). Current 1.1.2 install runs at ~8.5GB and loads just fine. Loading 10GB from disk into RAM should not take anywhere near 20 minutes, even for spinning rust. Given that this is a decent SSD it's certainly not normal, at least IME. @ktmemp: Watching the log file while it loads (On Unix we have 'tail' for this, dunno about Windows) will probably make it obvious what's taking so long. For any real diagnosis beyond guessing: Mod list, logs etc. Do you have any mods installed that do a lot of processing at startup (e.g. Active Texture Management)?
  11. And what, precisely, is a "show us your memory usage" thread supposed to prove? Yes, KSP uses ridiculous amounts of RAM. So what? VMSize is largely irrelevant if you are running 64bit, and VMRSS is only an issue if it exceeds your physical memory and the OS starts swapping. Swapping will likely tank your framerate (though this depends on what gets swapped out), but Neither VMSize nor VMRSS should have any impact on performance whatsoever - any halfway modern PC has more memory bandwidth than KSP will ever need.
  12. Problem does not appear to correlate with virtual address size, ∴ 32bit address space limitations == unrelated issue. I have seen no evidence of the infamous (heating indicator) 1.0.x memory leak either, or anything remotely resembling a new one. While I'm sure everybody loves a vague analogy, AFAICT the issue being discussed here has nothing whatsoever to do with memory pressure. Or balloons for that matter.
  13. Meh, not sure I get why kerbals are gendered at all. It's not like it makes a lick of difference gameplay-wise. They're small green creatures with oversized heads, living mysteriously appearing on an otherwise lifeless miniature planet... no hints are given as to their biology or culture. Why should an obviously alien life-form reflect human dimorphism, let alone human values? Then again, I'm into Kerbal Space Engineering, not Kerbal Space Role-playing, so I don't really care. Most of the time pilots are a nuisance. OTOH, there's no real reason not to add some more orange-suits, it wouldn't be difficult.
  14. If by "patches" you mean you used the updater/patcher in the KSP launcher... don't. It's been broken for ages, and it's currently corrupting installs (at least for me) on the 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2 upgrade. Download a complete 1.1.2 archive from the store / GOG (I assume you purchased from one of those, as no mention of steam). Feel free to whine about this state of affairs though, I have been. Maybe enough noise will spur some action from Squad.
  15. As above. Seeing repeated hard crashes to desktop at random intervals. No pattern, no warning, no (relevant) exceptions in Player.log. This is a modded install, crashes also present in stock game though less frequent. Mod list (from log): STDOUT: *** Error in `/home/steve/Games/KSP_linux/KSP.x86_64': free(): invalid size: 0x00007f19141b0d40 *** Aborted (core dumped) Stacktrace: Full log. I have many of these (with traces), some die with "free(): invalid size", but more commonly "double free or corruption". Not certain they are the same. Reproduction steps: Unknown. Strikes at random, primarily during scene changes but also encuontered during normal play in editor & flight scenes. This is Debian 8.4, kernel 4.5.0-0.bpo.1-amd64, Nvidia 361.42. H/W: I7-3280, 16GB DDR3, Nvidia GTX680. IIRC this was raised during pre-release, any word on progress? This is making the game effectively unplayable as I see a crash every ~1hr.
  16. Suspect simple case of buthurt over rule 2.3f / being told to go fish by mod author. OP looks like a general "mods suck" rant to me, but it might yet be entertaining... pass the popcorn.
  17. Well, AFAICT Unity is querying Udev directly (why?), and as the 'vendor' attribute seems to be read-only (unless you rewrite the device eeprom) there's no easy way to override it. So I guess it's a) AFBW, b) wait for Unity to fix it, or c) patch the kernel (not keen). I'll add this to my ever-growing list of Unity annoyances.
  18. Interesting. Unity does appear to have some issues with locale support. First thought was: override it with Udev rules... but Udev doesn't seem to like me today (the feeling is mutual) so I'll investigate further when I'm at home. In the mean time, have you tried AFBW? IIRC It uses SDL to detect devices, which may sidestep the problem.
  19. CKAN has a nasty habit of leaving junk (e.g. empty directories) lying about in GameData, if you're certain you don't have those installed you might try checking for leftovers, ensuring CKAN is looking at the right KSP install (if you have multiple) then running "ckan.exe scan" to update the installed list. Further than that and you'll have to wait for someone who actually uses this thing... I gave up on CKAN long ago for reasons just like this.
  20. Read "How to get support" the post I linked to, it's all in there.
  21. Youtube, a more wretched hive of nonsense and misinformation you will not find.
  22. You have conflicting mods installed, for some unfathomable reason CKAN barfs on this so you'll have to remove one of them manually. Why this should crash the client is quite mind-boggling.
  23. This post is stickied for a reason you know. As for how to post your log, upload it to dropbox, pastebin, any non-aggravating (read no captcha or other BS) filehost and drop a link here. Or just post it in a spoiler if it's not too large.
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