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Everything posted by inigma

  1. I haven't played the Kerbollo 13 mission yet. I was thinking the best way to kill the CM fuel without burning it is to ..um.. have the Service Module "accidentally" eject from the Command Module while the Command Module is docked to the LEM. So essentially the only vehicle left is the LEM docked to the Mark 2 Command Pod. That or design a means for the Command Pod to eject one of its fuel tanks...
  2. Here's the direct link. I'm still drafting the latest one: Mun Race and Kerbollo 13. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Campaigns
  3. Finished up Kerbollo 7. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Campaign:_Mun_Race Now I'm ready for my first official manned mission to the mun. Kerbollo 8 stands ready at the Pad.
  4. From: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Campaigns Space Race http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Campaign:_Space_Race Age of Satellites http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Campaign:_Age_of_Satellites Kerbinai Program http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Campaign:_Kerbinai_Program Probes & Rovers http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Campaign:_Probes_and_Rovers
  5. First I built a replica of the Lunokhod lander, called Munokhod 1 which can return a sample of soil back to Kerbin: Second I built a more efficient sample return lander. And finally my first ever lander which I also took the time to make it look nice for this lander series thread. Crew returned successfully. This is a great game! Album: Here is the craft file of Kerbollo 6 Kerbollo 6.craft I designed above which I then have "simulated" the landing on the Mun above. I haven't done the Kerbollo 11 mission yet, but it's coming soon.
  6. I would love it if someone were to do a youtube series on the campaigns I helped draft here: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Campaigns
  7. I run a quad core i72700K 16GB RAM and SSD drive. I also have a 3GB 5700 NVIDIA card. ...and I still get lag when approaching 969 parts (mulbin's munbug 8). But its not terrible...about 8 frames a sec on launch.
  8. Do you have a pic of your Kerbal Space Center ground or support vehicle? Moving Kerbals, ships, fuel, and more around your space center is itself a challenge in logistics. Designing KSC based support vehicles becomes a necessity at some point. What are your solutions? Im looking to see your KSC: Trucks Vans Ladders Cranes Tankers Vessel Retrievers Habitats/Offices Reusable support vehicles Bikes, Buggies, Scooters Balloon Lifters Helicopters Trains Platforms Ships ...basically any KSC based vehicle you use to support your space center operations.
  9. I finished the rough draft of the Campaign: Mun Race on the wiki. Check it out! Now it's time for me to play it and work out the bugs. Campain: Mun Race http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Campaign:_Mun_Race Let me know what you think. Edit the campaigns missions as you see fit!
  10. Can I get a PM too? I also want sub assembly solutions.
  11. People playing the KSP Campaigns on the wiki are limited to SAS until the Mun Race during the Kerbollo Program when ASAS is developed: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Campaigns
  12. champion to go to the one who can video tape from a Kerbal on top of a mountain as you speed over head quickly.
  13. Kerbal Space Program's Rocket Scientist Cheat Sheet Delta V Maps and Equations for Your Reference So You Can Get From Here to There and Back Again. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Cheat_Sheet
  14. chris, i just now added credit where due. thanks good buddy. everyone, feel free to update the cheat sheet with your own contributions/corrections. that's why i wikified the info so it can be corrected. i have no feelings over how much of the sheet gets edited, so edit away.
  15. ok, so the cheat sheet puts all of this in one place. why do I get the feeling by you that it's not a needed page then?
  16. the cheat sheet is for those who want to master the basic math before relying on mechjeb and for those who don't want to over-engineer their builds. Currently mechjeb and engineer redux don't calculate true dV taking into account atmospheric transitions, so those mods give you info which basically way overshoot your dV target in the design stage.
  17. 'Bout time all this info got in one place on the wiki. Kerbal Space Program's Rocket Scientist Cheat Sheet Delta V Maps and Equations for Your Reference So You Can Get From Here to There and Back Again. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Cheat_Sheet I think many of you might find it useful. Feel free to modify.
  18. Essentially: Transitional AtmVac dV = [(dVatm-1000)/dVatm]×dVvac+1000 Very useful.
  19. Thank you. You sir are awesome. At least my head wont explode now.
  20. Add kudos to any brave Kerbal able to EVA on the surface and videotape the speeding orbital object as it zooms overhead.
  21. You said 500 m/s atm is equivalent to 666 m/s in vac. How did you arrive at that? I like the subtracting about 1000 dV bit, its what to do with the remainder that has me wondering the best guesstimate method. What would you calculate a 5000 dV atm 7000 dV vac rocket's actual dV?
  22. Ok so after proving to myself that I can do the math for TWR and Isp and dV, I installed engineer redux. I planned a Munar mission but realized my third stage would still be burning through from atm to vacuum. Redux doesn't appear to calculate for this transition. How can I? I designed the third stage to boost me to almost LKO, but find that my total actual dV used for my entire mission is 300 more than I need. The culprit is that third stage and I hate over building my rockets, but I don't know how to calculate the atm to vac dV transition. I have a bad feeling it will not be a simple exercise.
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