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Everything posted by inigma

  1. I have finished developing the Ion, currently the smallest all-stock cockpit-based VTOL SSTO ever designed in KSP by anyone (thanks Karmacoma for the inspiration as this is a heavily modified Midge variant), and is capable of undocking from 120km, landing on Kerbin, and returning, without refueling. As such, it is called a "Shuttlecraft" in the true sense of Trek lore. Can we say, "practical?" 52 parts. This craft is currently listed in the SSI Development Catalog, but it's undergoing its trials and will be certified soon: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/41898-Shuttlecraft-Systems-Inc-%28SSI%29-NOW-HIRING! If you want the craft file, send your requisition requests via PM and tell me how you plan to use it. Else I'll be posting a main thread soon. Can anyone design anything with a smaller footprint or with less parts that can perform the same or better? If so, Shuttlecraft Systems Inc. is looking for you!
  2. Ok you all have inspired me. I finally built and landed and returned my first one man, cute, minimalistic, Minmus lander. The lander has a TWR greater than 1.0 even on Kerbin! I might even take this to the Mun:
  3. Cruzan, freakin amazing. Awesome job. By far the coolest VTOL SSTO I've ever sen.
  4. 29k eh? This sounds like a reasonable challenge then. Rules: stock parts, no FAR or physics mods. Editing mods are allowed to setup your approach. Orbit not necessary but apoapsis must be above 70k when you exit atmosphere on your way out. Buzzing the tower during daylight nets you extra credit.
  5. I'm looking to see if its feasible to actually buzz Kerbin's atmosphere at a fast enough speed where your periapsis actually goes below 20k or even 10k and you skip back out into space without aid...and if so, find what speed you have to aim for and the lowest altitude you can go. We'll call it the Buzz Kerbin Challenge Thoughts? Anyone want to try this?
  6. any more landers? i want to see if anyone has developed a simple, cute one-kerbal lander that I can take on my first mission to Minmus (I know, ive been too busy developing shuttlecraft sstos to go anywhere but Low Kerbin Orbit and the Mun).
  7. Check this out for views of my station and tugs: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/22251-Showcase-SPACE-STATIONS!-Post-your-pictures-here?p=659303&viewfull=1#post659303 The yellow tugs are docked on the rear of the station in the last pic. The large tug flying into the station in the last pic is my orbital tug for bringing craft such as fuel tanks to the station.
  8. A tug is a fuel tank with an engine or just an rcs fuel tank with rcs thrusters, a computer command module, and a docking port (2 ports for versatility). Add a single solar panel and battery and youve got a tug u can use to connect to other ships or parts with a corresponding port, and then push those ships or parts into position or dock with other craft.
  9. My first space station. 12 launches, 190+ parts not counting tugs and shuttlecraft. 100% stock. Shuttlecraft Systems Inc. Station - HQ: This station is used for testing of shuttlecraft capabilities to launch from the station fully fueled at 120km, land at KSC, and return to the station without refuelling. The docking ports are meant to showcase every single shuttlecraft we put into production. If you want the savegame, just ask.
  10. SSI is thinking about opening up a Station Auxillary Craft Division... this MMU would be a welcome first entry.
  11. A little big, but SSI is interested in seeing this design submitted. See my sig for link. Else we'll just pilfer the idea anyways.
  12. The Cora Class has now been certified by SSI Engineers. Please view the catalog above and check it out. Great job Cruzan!
  13. I drafted the initial series. The campaign instructions on the main campaigns says in rule 2. "...you will need to fly using your onboard command module SAS only" for the K2 mission. SAS modules are invented until later in the campaign series. I didn't expect anyone to fly without onboard SAS in K2.
  14. Antguana, you are correct. I updated the mission with some info based on your feedback. All missions are open for community development, so if you have a better way of presenting the mission, by all means go for it.
  15. I'm working on the following: Name: Eve Aquamax aka "Water World" The Eve Aquamax security detention center is the first off-world Aquamax facility. Aquamax, a leader in under-water based maximum security solutions, has set its sights on such a facility. It will consist of four components: Underwater: 1. Underwater Detention Block (12 modules, each of them separable from the others, each module holding a single self contained inmate) 2. Underwater Security Center (single large module housing 12 duty guards) Eve surface: 3. Security Center (single module housing 3 guards) 4. Submersible Land Transport Vehicle (2 guards from the surface Security Center pilot it)(capable of docking with supply pods, or prisoner pods) Total: 12 inmates, 15 guards Logistics: -Supply pods -Prisoner pods Prisoner and Supply pods are parachuted in from the sky. Guards are rotated two at a time via a single two man shuttle which is capable of docking with a prisoner pod for transport off Eve if needed. New prisoner transported via single man parachuted drop pod. Prisoner has no means to gain control since pod has nothing to maneuver with but a parachute once separated from the Kerbin-Eve Transport Vehicle. SLTV picks up prisoner and supply pods as needed, and transports them directly to the underwater Security Center. KETV resupply vehicle comes once every available Eve transfer window. Security measures: Each prisoner is separated from all others. Each module is self sufficient. Guards enter an underwater detention module four at a time. Four guards are needed to authorize access back to the underwater Security Center, the only building that the Aquamax SLTV docks with. This allows four guards to stay in the Security Center monitoring detached detention pods, and four off-duty guards. Since each prisoner is self-contained, mass breakouts are impossible, or riots are impossible. Since each prisoner is visited by four guards at a time, corruption is highly unlikely to succeed, and overpowering of all four guards nearly impossible. Expandability: The Aquamax could easily expand to include additional underwater detention modules at any time. Dropped in from above, detention modules and additional security centers could be brought in as needed. Since the number of inmates is limited to only the number of inmates able to be visited on a daily basis by a single shift of four guards, Aquamax Inc. believes each shift could conceivably cover 8 detention blocks in a single shift, bringing the total number of inmates capable of being securely serviced to 24 by the 12 guards in the Underwater Security Center.
  16. Thanks ArmchairGravy! I'm learning a lot by putting them up. I've thought about perhaps posting a campaign award for each campaign which can be posted in your sigs if people want.
  17. asmi, Holo said it. The Chinese (Kerbese in the campaigns) built solid rockets first. That's why the whole series starts with them. Also they are the easiest rockets to make in KSP.
  18. Holo, I would love volunteers to write up missions. In fact the whole campaign series exists for anyone to draft missions and create new campaigns as they see fit. I never intended it to be just my thing, but a community thing. Everyone has great ideas! As long as your mission(s) fit the general theme and description format of other missions, and supports the campaign its under, go for it! Keep the format, make your missions unique, and you should be good. If I edit, it will be to keep the presentation to the general format and flow, but that should be it.
  19. Thank you JumpsterG! Age of Satellites was one of my most tough campaigns to put together and get right. I learned the most with that campaign. Everything else has been a cakewalk technically in comparison.
  20. keleige, I'm touched, and very thankful for your feedback! I hope to put out a few more drafts shortly, tweak a few here and there and more. They've been a learning process for me too. I still haven't put my interplanetary probes into space yet. I'm working on that, in addition to completing the Kerbals in Space campaign.
  21. Ok, now I'm looking for feedback. Who here has actually tried playing out these Campaigns? Have you found them challenging? Progressive? Logical? Have you learned anything by doing them that you normally wouldn't have? Would you suggest any changes? I've been reviewing the whole series for .21 and I'm now at the point of a manned Minmus landing. I draft these as I play them knowing that they work. I also developed SSTOs in preparation for the next unwritten campaign: Shuttle Program. SSI was developed as a result below in my sig.
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