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Everything posted by vetrox

  1. I find far is good for rockets but i find it makes planes too twitchy. The sas doesnt cope very well and it really isnt geared for keyboard use. Now if I had a joystick FAR might make sense to me.
  2. Ahhh ye olde date layout discussion. Its a regional thing. There isnt really a right or wrong its jsut whatever you were brought up with. Its not hard to convert U.S date format to UK. Its similar with time. UK people say "half past one" (ok we normally shorten it to "half one" which seems really wierd) or a "quarter to two". But U.S peeps say one thirty or one fourty five Its like those crazy french people. They dont say "Green car" they say "Car green" MADNESS!!!
  3. I dont really like arts mods (i must be one of the only people who dislikes b9) But this...this looks good...I might have to get it!
  4. They can still go missing, get sat on, get stolen go missing. Flash drives can still corrupt by unplugging at the wrong time (i have had this happen once) I love cloud computing. Dont remember the last time I needed a disk. I even had games on my 360 that were bought on market so no need for disc. Cant wait for steambox IT WILL BE THE FUTURE!!! I accept that people dislike steam but for me its the perfect solution. All my games in one place. They dont take up room on my hard drive if i dont want to play them. Plus steam shows me all my purchased games. So sometimes i get bored and think, "huh, i really fancy playing bioshock" all i do is hit download and 10 minutes later its done. I dont have to find the disc or anything god bless the future...i mean...uhh the present Note: I wouldnt know about ksp if it wasnt for steam! Note 2: If you dont like the idea of being forced to have an internet connection theres a button on steam called "offline mode" this allows you to use steam without the internet. EDIT: I have alot less problems with steam than i do with Origin!
  5. You might not always get the let go option because sometimes you get thrown out of the ship for some reason. To move around with an EVA press "R" then try moving around
  6. I've got a save that i forbid myself to use any from of quickload or revert to launchpad. Escape systems are a must on some of my craft. Even my Mun space station has escape pods incase i break it and my guys need to get home.
  7. The problem with this whole metric vs imperial debate is simple human nature. You stick with what you know. If you are brought up from the age of 0 with something in a certain way then its hard to do it any other way Im in the uk. I was brought up to read my weight in stone and pounds. Therefore if someone said they weighed 10 stone I would know how much they weighed just from instinct and being used to that unit of measure. (i have since forced myself to use kg for weight) My parents still cook with fluid ounces and whatever but I have always used metric measurements (ml and litres etc) so when my mum tells me that i should put a couple of ounces of something in...i am completley confused because thats not the unit of measure i was bought up with. The biggest problem (especially in the uk) is the mixture of imperial and metric in everyday use. I drive my car in miles yet i dont know how many yards that uses. My fuel efficiency is measured in miles per (british) gallon but I buy my fuel in litres... In the winter the weather reports give temperatures in degrees C and in the summer its degrees F. My parents measure heat in farrenheit but i use celcius. People describe a persons height by feet and inches yet I have always had my height measured in centimeters. I give my baby 7 teaspoons of formula in 210ml of water...I put a cup of [insert spice here] into my bread of which i used x amount of grams of flour and so on Until a few decades ago we still used an imperial currency system (before my time) half pennies...what a crazy concept. Another really problematic thing with imperial measurements (and probably the reason science and engineering is done in metric) is the difference in measurements between countries. I used to think american cxars were really innefficient and used heaps of fuel until I found out that the american gallon is different to a british gallon. I prefer the metric system (i know dont know how much 10 stone is any more but i know i weigh 72 kg) but some imperial stuff is so imprinted on my brain i cant get rid of it. I know the size of my engines bore and stroke in milimeters yet I cant get used to the concept of kilometers per hour which is what the rest of europe use -.- All my socket sets are in mm but when i see American books or videos on car mechanics and engineering they all use imperial sockets. I know my cars torque in Newton meters but everyone else says it in foot-pounds
  8. A way thats similar to steam workshop seems to me the way to go. If KSP ever utilizes a "launcher" then you should be able to just subscribe to the mods you like on the spaceport and the launcher will check that mod for any updates before running the game. I dont know if thats how the nexus does it as any mods i get for my games are usually from steam workshop EZ (well its probably not)
  9. Better launch a fresh rescue mission from kerbin. Strand more kerbals Send even bigger rescue fleet. strand even more kerbals. Leave them there to freeze. The above pretty much sums up my first 15 hours or so in ksp
  10. Have they added they ability to invert mouse controls yet?
  11. Built a Station at 1000km. Built an ssto with the new rapier engines. Turns out that 1000km is too high to be usefull as a refueling dock so i had to move it to the mun and build a new station closer to kerbin. Moving the station was fun though. I had a 1 man shuttle that has a docking port at both ends already docked with the station so i had to use that shuttle to take one of my modules to the mun (otherwise the station was too unblanced for the tug to fly reliably). It was fun as the shuttle was a very early design and had little fuel and no solar panels and the lv909 dont produce electricity. Managed it though
  12. Not all engineers know the ins and outs of a modern combustion engine And really, the CEO is in the car with the 2 grunts? Sounds like someone isnt getting paid enough!
  13. Room Booking Request Name Piran Telephone Number 3266 Department Planning Date Tuesday 14th Jan Time 14.00 Duration (hrs) 3 Meeting Name SA Places and Policies Local Plan Number of Attendees 6 Room Preference Middelburg room Parking arrangements advised to external visitors Road side parking External Attendees yes Greeter Name Piran Tel No 3266 Recurring Meeting Details Room Setup Required Details Equipment Required Laptop no Special Requests Projector no Screen no Large Screen TV no Flip Chart no Smart Board no
  14. Ha! Surgeon simulator. Much merryment was had with that. Not very replayable though
  15. Now i dont want to sound to condesending but have you tried turning it off and on? Your ksp that is. Every now and then i will have a problem that causes me some map issues. Its very rare but it does happen. I just restart ksp.
  16. Better get dat faster ram for that 1 extra fps
  17. I love the shuttle as a feat of engineering. (i also like the soyuz for pretty much the same reason) As has already been said. The soyuz is really just a crew ferry. The shuttle was a jack of all trades and had to be able to acomplish so much more and personally i feel it did an admirable job. To be able to go up and just spend a week in orbit looking at the universe above and the earth below? sounds like heaven to me. But am i right in saying the soyuz crafts are the only ships going to and from orbit on a regular basis? so i would hardly call it underapreciated. When i was in school i wasnt taught about either. Its only through my own interest in space flight that i know of them.
  18. You need alot of other stuff to become an astronaut as well I looked into it and my lack of education alone rules me out for space work (im not uneducated. I just dont have the stuff they are looking for and I'm not going back to university!) They also need you to be a specific height and age. Physically and mentally capable. (i expect the mental assessments are harder than the physical ones!) Also. This is a bit of an odd first post. Your best bet is to look at your regions space program (for me its ESA) website. It should tell you what you need to be and have
  19. People are worried because people dont know. nhnifongs picture pretty much sums it up for me. I havent looked at the sources but will assume they are legit (this is the internet after all so i shouldnt assume) Its my new desktop background for the week EDIT: Personally I feel regular x rays are pretty ****ing dangerous. Saw an experiment on human cells (cant remember what type of cells now) with 1 sample put under x ray and the other something else (might have been left alone) and the damage the x ray caused was very interesting. I cant rmember if it was damage or it just harmed how they regenerated. Nothing life threatening ,well it could potentially be but the chance is so silly small. Something about rebuilding wrong. It was some years ago now that i watched it. We never think twice about getting an x ray. But even that small but very quick dose does some harm
  20. A while ago there was a thread on changing some of the settings in cfg(?) file to tweak some of the graphics. I must just suck at searching because i cant seem to find it. More antialiasing and a few other bits were in there. (i prefer not to use the gpu to override the games settings) Does anyone know the thread or know where i would change some of these?
  21. I dont know. I just thought it sounded kerbally I only thought the idea after playing some fallout the other day. It tells you how many monsters you've killed, places you have visited. I think it would be a nice touch. Maybe a new building in the space center (well maybe not a building) but a hall of fame or monument of some sorts that has all the firsts listed on it. IE the monument has a standard texture but you can read it like you would a flag and a plaque dialog box comes up showing the various kerbal achievements
  22. Personally I love the current aerodynamics because its nice and simple. If i want to slap a plane together I can. I can also make the most unrealistic rocket known to man. I also love FAR (to a degree as I feel you really need a joystick to "enjoy" FAR) because of that extra challenge it gives. Wehn they do develope it I hope its part of a difficulty system so you can decide weather or not you want real aerodynamics or not.
  23. Ok so just a little something that would make kerbals a bit less "expendable" It would be pretty nifty if you could keep track of some of the kerbals stats and be able to view them in the astronought complex. It would add a nice touch and maybe even make some of us grow fond out some of the other kerbals (not just bob, bill and jeb) Stats like. Hours in Space Number of launches Times fallen over Number of EVA's EVA propellant used Distance walked Unplanned dissasemblies survived And so on. It might add a nice feel that you are in charge of a space program and being able to keep track of your little green dudes. Its probably just me but its little things like this that make a game that little bit more immersive. You could even do one for the whole space program. Total flights launched, total landed, total exploded etc. Maybe a mod could be made? Although this seems simple to implement i personally have no idea. I wouldnt want this to take priority over some of the other more game changing things that are being worked on
  24. Count me in. I cant stand alienfx on fast pace competetive games but i think it would be fun in ksp
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