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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Use any mod that will deepen your experience, make the game more fun for you, take away problems that might else turn you away from KSP.
  2. Kerbal Isp Difficulty Scaler Instead of making the engines use more fuel in atmosphere - like the stock game does and which is unrealistic - KIDS adjusts the thrust of the engines accordingly while fuel usage is constant. And yes, it can be set to adjust ISP to zero if the pressure gets high enough.
  3. Better luck with it than with your Duna plane! And yes, 17t sounds little, but someone managed to get it down to 14t. Nothing inside the game for me, but been musing about my Explorer III design and maybe adding a smaller lander for the more difficult moons on my anomaly tour. Also I fear for my first try to return from Eve that is due for monts now - but while FAR will reduce the drag a bit, KIDS will kill my engine power ... maybe I will go stock for Eve?
  4. What is heavier? A certain amount of Kethane or the LF/OX that can be generated with it?
  5. I think the OP ask for the specific use of the decouplers that separate on both ends?
  6. Which is why I brought up speciesism/culturism - and I even fell prown to it myself in a way. The same happens in discussions dealing with what is morally right, good cooking, cheating ... Problem is: We only have ourselves to compare other civilizations to really.
  7. First Knight in your pants.
  8. With HAL's android avatar - or with his representation in cyberspace? Regarding the accuracy of 2001, wikipedia has a nice writeup: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technologies_in_2001:_A_Space_Odyssey
  9. Not without a fuel tank, but often these crafts are to small to hold any significant amount of fuel, let alone to reach orbit.
  10. It is mostly restricted at Kerbin - and maybe Laythe for the uncertainty regarding the existence of life there. Landing with nukes is no problem, as they are mostly rubbish in atmosphere anyway (esp. when using KIDS).
  11. My rules: No nukes in atmosphere, no reentering/aerobreaking/firing/...! No nuke-ships are to get closer then 200km of Kerbin for prolonged periods! Decommissioned nuke-ships are to be landed intact on Minmus!
  12. It took quite some time for this thread to arrive at this question: Define advanced civilization. I would need a new word to describe (more in a friendly mocking and definitely not in an aggressive way!) most of the posts in here, something along racism, sexism, speciesism ... culturism, civilizatism? A lot of posters define an advanced civilization by it possessing/using: combustion engines, mobile phones, spacefaring technology, gold reserves, plastic and other artificial materials, electronics, and even the need for a command structure. Does this really constitute an advanced civilization? And would it really take millions of individuals to arrive at a higher stage of development? What about knowledge (by observation and reasoning, omitting any form of superstition) of biology, agriculture, medicine, physics ... a society dedicated to cooperation and the well-being of everyone ... a culture not based on possession and hierarchy? If they would have used wood/stone/bone tools like their neighbours, could we distinguish between tools used to work food or trinkets from those used for surgery? If their intelligence did not express in art but in technology alone, how could we find any paintings or sculptures? Would it not be possible for a mutated human off-shoot (human Vulcan-Elves), missing the aggressive tendencies of our species, to develop in a secluded area, thrive and grow - until their neighbours come to visit and devastate the whole clan? (No need for a volcano or something similar to lay waste to a small yet otherwise succesful population.)
  13. SSTO vehicles are quite common in sci-fi movies - and they are usually rather small, so one has to ask: "Where is all the fuel that creates that big flame under it?" In other movies you can see a relatively large craft hovering by relatively small thrusters. How do I get so much more ooomph/mileage from my bucket of fuel? How do I hover my space fighter with three fist sized thrusters?
  14. I can concur with both sides for each of the two main points in this discussion. 1. Kubrick created art, and you can like it or not, muster the nerve to try and understand it or not. 2. I dislike movies spelling everything out for the audience, I like to be taken serious as a viewer and not treated like a child (depending on the main target audience of course), I love to be surprised (as with the end of Odd Thomas where the realisation swam up my tear ducts or Sixth Sense that baffled me for the span of three hours after watching it). But: He could have been a bit more clear with some of it. 2010 is basically a movie explaining what happened in 2001 mostly. I remember reading somewhere that Kubrick did this intentionally to contrast the cold behaviour of the humans to the confused emotional reactions of HAL. The AI has as much of a dilemma inflicted on it by the humans as they are affected by its reactions to this dilemma. The movie might even be seen not as a story of humans having trouble with a computer, but a computer struggling to fulfill its orders. I think I already mentioned The Godfather as the mother of all gangster movie cliches - so, yes, this. If they remake 2001 it will most likely be changed like this: - no apes, but pre-humans with a primitve language, so they can explain (to the audience) what is happening to them or dreams/visions depicting the "education" process of the monolith - shortened space travel scene - scene showing some command staff programming HAL to keep the real mission a secret even from the crew - Terminator/Robocop-vision for HAL "explaining" his dilemma and decision to kill the crew to keep them from disclosing the secret mission
  15. Recovered from the crash last time (that of the game during touch down back on Kerbin ... ), the last quicksave put me right before reentry of the crew pod/cockpit of my decommissioned Explorer II. Eager to get the Explorer III ready, I went straight to the VAB after recovering the pod - designing an all-round lander for all Joolian moons is difficult though. I may need to design extra modules for the lander to carry it to and from the more difficult ones. Also refueling might require a dedicated vessel and should only be done on the moon with the lowest gravity to maximise the possible payload. (Also, my next save will scrap my changes to the nukes, them using only Kethane adds a bit of extra challenge, but also gets on my nerves by now. ) Next up: Putting the remaining modules of the Explorer II to rest on Minmus Redock the Kethane Transport One to the KSS and decide its fate Prepare for a Dres window Orbital operations of the double-probe at Moho Getting the Jool Probe on its way (pref. just before launching the manned mission with the as of now unbuilt Explorer III) Either building a working plane of find another way to visit the anomalies on Kerbin
  16. This goes into a .cfg file in your mod folder - together with the ModuleManager mod it will simply add your MODULE to all parts that are either a crew pod or a probe body. That way you do not need an extra part to add Proximity to crafts.
  17. With these settings you would be hearing the alarm for exactly one second only though. I will be adding the MODULE to my command parts, too. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]] { //enables Proximity on all pods and probes// MODULE { name = Proximity } } There was a way to enable a MODULE depending on a technology being researched, but I forgot how to do this, so it will be available from the start this way. I always love to put others to work be an inspiration. From the video it seems that you set the interval of the beep depending on altitude steps instead of making it a function of altitude?
  18. The Explorer II (Ex-II) finished its test mission of visiting all anomalies on Mun via suborbital hops and marking them with flags (of course!). It was then determined to decommission the prototype, as it was deemed not viable for missions far away from Kerbin. During the trips it was necessary to refuel the ship twice, both as a test of the mining equipment and as an excercise for a new pilot, so the old Kethane tanker was sent over to Mun - after a small craft carrying a pilot up from KSC, as well as a portable converter to refuel the tankers LF/OX reserves from the Kethane in its cargo tanks. After the decision to scrap the Ex-II, the tanker docked once more - fuel lines were not capable of using the converter, so the tanker would have to hitch a ride. Luckily it was designed to take of vertically (for show mostly) so it was perfectly balanced and could be pushed around at full throttle docked to the Ex-II's nose! After aiming at a PE of 200km at Kerbin and getting the lab crew into the passenger seats of the tanker, the ship split for a last time: The tanker would make one full orbit (due to scheduling issues ) before aerobreaking into LKO; the control module of the Ex-II would RCS-thrust its PE down to 38km (would take one pass through the atmosphere to slow down first, as no heat shield was implemented); the remaining two modules of the Ex-II burned a bit inefficiently before reaching PE (so I could follow the lander down), but got a lucky encounter with Minmus (where all nuke ships have to be sent to rest for security reasons [in my universe ]), hopefully fuel reserves will suffice for a soft landing. [Also in my universe: The first try get all three vessels timed in a way I could steer them failed, so I had to reload and do some things again - after the lander touched down, the game started puking and crashed - do not yet know how much I will have to repeat once more. Should I restart my PC more often after prolonged playing of different games?] ----- While the basic concept of the Explorer II worked out, it has some minor and some more aggravating flaws. The ship was designed to split in three modules: mission module carrying a lab, a fuel reserve, the ships computer core, long range communications, orbital scanning equipment and a Kethane converter; control module with cockpit, thrusters and some of the smaller science gizzmos; drive stage with the engines, main fuel tanks and two Kethane drills. By rearranging the ship it would not have to carry a dedicated lander module. Problems that showed up in the field test: ladder leading up to one or the radial tanks does not allow kerbonauts to get of the ladder and step on the tank to walk up to the crew pod; monoprop on lander is a bit low and the only tank for the whole ship, while the latter is fine, there is not much margin for error during docking; lander, esp. when refueled, is quite heavy and therefore hard to control and has a lower TWR than I would like; redocking has to be quite precise, the crew pod has to be oriented towards the ladder and docking struts relative to the engines; refueling would have been a bit painful in some situations, as the lander cannot take of from every location when fully fuel-mined on the surface. ----- My personal goal to visit all anomalies before switching to .24 is complete for Minmus (from an earlier expedition in the same save) and Mun now. A Moho probe will tell me how good I am doing in regards to arriving at Moho instead of passing it ... and a Jool probe will map the moons over there to find any anomalies. What is still hampering with my efforts is my inability to design a simple atmospheric plane to get to the anomalies on Kerbin ... ----- Mission log, B. Kerman - after many weeks of testing the Ex-II it became clear we could not sent anyone away from Kerbin with it, its flaws might endanger the crew - and the mission. Yet the trip to Mun was still a success! We discovered three more of these strange monoliths, as well as three stone archs and a crashed vessel of very strange design! We could not gain access to it, no visible points of entry and the hull proved impervious to our tools. Control issued the order to revisit some locations on Kerbin for closer study - also some new signals were picked up by our satellites around the time Jeb started banging on the crashed vessel! Interesting times lie before us - and for the two rookies that manned the Ex-II's lab, they have been chosen for the next manned mission to leave Kerbin.
  19. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kosmos-tks-spacecraft/ Somewhere in this pack is a docking node with "guiding petals". !!! Put this into the "Things you figured out by yourself thread" !!!
  20. Two days no sifting through the mods section to hopefully catch all updates, two days immedeately playing instead of copying files ... if youtube takes a break for two days, too ... how much productivity can I handle, I ask?! Good night!
  21. Sure, and no save games anymore. I generally dislike measures that demand the player to play a game a certain way. You always have the option to leave from flight mode to the space center and scrap the rocket, IF you so desire. Especially because you cannot (easily) climb up a tower to place some part you forgot in VAB, cannot switch crew on the launch pad, change the amount of fuel afterwards ... Note: The game has to work without mods, so no "but you can use KAS, TACFB ... for this and that" please.
  22. I do not know how much FPS I have, and I do not really care - I am just curious why 1 Kerbal second takes 2-5 seconds in game if graphics are a matter of GPU and not CPU ... it is usually better at Mun than in LKO, same ship so same part count.
  23. The Explorer II made a 10 min burn ... to Mun ... 0.2 TWR really isnt much ... Reconfiguring the ship in orbit - separating the mission module with lab and big tank, docking cockpit with the drive stage for landing - was managable, but something induced a bit of tumbling during undocking. ScanSat maps are handy to get into the general area of an anomaly, but landmarks like flags from former missions make it easier to plot nodes in map mode. Precision landing - hovering on closer for the instruments to take a reading of the Munar Arch - eats into the fuel reserves, and no Kethane at this location, but there is plenty left. Design works but is kinda suboptimal. Testing will continue - hopefully without the decision to scrap and rebuilt. One more reason for me to find a "sonar mod".
  24. Translation: "Report, Sub-blob!" "Chief-blob, first planet is a hot barren rock, the second has a highly toxic atmosphere, third is a fractured metal ball, fourth one a dry dusty rock ... there are no organic materials, sensors do not detect water in usable amounts - nothing to hunt, nothing to refuel, suggest we pass on this system!" ... "Well done, Lieutenant. Now bring this transcript to the President and advise him to maintain the order for radio silence. We might just be able to sit this one out - again."
  25. His signature tells me he is just full of cultural references though. And this is also one of these threads I would like to see the age of everyone next to there username, if only to underline mine prejudices.
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